As they reach higher levels, Magic-Users become extremely powerful characters — but this advance is a difficult task. Their few weapons and spells (at low levels) balances the power they eventually achieve. Therefore, Magic-Users must be cautious at lower levels, as few will survive long without protection. Magic-Users may add more spells to their spell books through spell research. At 9th level or greater, a Magic-User may create magical items. Both of these activities are explained on the Research page.


Level Hit Points XP 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1d4 0    1 - - - - -
2 2d4 2,500    2 - - - - -
3 3d4 5,000    2 1 - - - -
4 4d4 10,000    2 2 - - - -
5 5d4 20,000    2 2 1 - - -
6 6d4 40,000    2 2 2 - - -
7 7d4 80,000    3 2 2 1 - -
8 8d4 150,000    3 3 2 2 - -
9 9d4 300,000    3 3 3 2 1 -
10 9d4+1* 450,000    3 3 3 3 2 -
11 9d4+2* 600,000    4 3 3 3 2 1
12 9d4+3* 750,000    4 4 4 3 2 1
13 9d4+4* 900,000    4 4 4 3 2 2
14 9d4+5* 1,050,000    4 4 4 4 3 2

*Constitution adjustments no longer apply.

Spells: Each spell has a listed Range, Duration, and Effect.

Range: The character should be sure that the target is within range before casting the spell. If the description says “Range: 0,” the spell may only be used by the magic user, and cannot be cast on others. If “Range: Touch” is given, the spell can be placed on any creature the magic user touches - including the magic user themself.

Duration: Duration is given either in rounds (of 10 seconds each) or turns (of 10 minutes each). If the description says “Duration: Permanent,” then the spell has an instant and permanent effect that does not go away after a given duration.

Effect: The Effect of the spell gives either the number of creatures or objects affected, or an area or volume of space. If an area is given, it is measured in square feet (a flat area). If a 3-dimensional volume is affected, it is either a round “ball” with a given diameter, or a square or rectangular “box” of a given size; both are measured in feet.

  1. Charm Person
  2. Detect Magic
  3. Floating Disc
  4. Hold Portal
  5. Light*
  6. Magic Missile
  7. Protection from Evil
  8. Read Languages
  9. Read Magic
  10. Shield
  11. Sleep
  12. Ventriloquism
  1. Continual Light*
  2. Detect Evil
  3. Detect Invisible
  4. ESP*
  5. Invisibility
  6. Knock
  7. Levitate
  8. Locate Object
  9. Mirror Image
  10. Phantasmal Force
  11. Web
  12. Wizard Lock
  1. Clairvoyance
  2. Dispel Magic
  3. Fireball
  4. Fly
  5. Haste*
  6. Hold Person*
  7. Infravision
  8. Invisibility 10' radius
  9. Lightning Bolt
  10. Protection from Evil 10' radius
  11. Protection from Normal Missiles
  12. Water Breathing
  1. Charm Monster
  2. Confusion
  3. Dimension Door
  4. Growth of Plants*
  5. Hallucinatory Terrain
  6. Ice Storm/Wall
  7. Massmorph
  8. Polymorph Others
  9. Polymorph Self
  10. Remove Curse*
  11. Wall of Fire
  12. Wizard Eye
  1. Animate Dead
  2. Cloudkill
  3. Conjure Elemental
  4. Hold Monster*
  5. Magic Jar
  6. Pass-Wall
  7. Teleport
  8. Wall of Stone
  1. Anti-Magic Shell
  2. Death Spell
  3. Disintegrate
  4. Geas*
  5. Invisible Stalker
  6. Lower Water
  7. Projected Image
  8. Stone to Flesh*

*Spell may be cast with reverse effects.


(1) Charm Person

Range: 120'
Duration: See Below
Effect: One living “person” (see below)

This spell will only affect humans, demihumans, and certain other creatures. The victim is allowed a Saving Throw vs Spells. If the Saving Throw is successful, the spell has no effect. If it is failed, the victim will believe that the magic-user is its “best friend,” and will try to defend the magic-user against any threat, whether real or imagined. The victim is “Charmed.”
As a general rule, the “persons” affected by this spell are all creatures which look similar to humans in various ways. It will not affect animals, magical creatures (such as living statues), or human-like creatures larger than ogres. You will learn, through trial and error, which monsters can be charmed.
If the magic-user can speak a language that the Charmed victim understands, the magic-user may give orders to the victim. These orders should sound like suggestions, as if ”just between friends.” These orders will usually be obeyed, but orders that are contrary to the victim’s nature (alignment and habits) may be resisted. A victim will refuse to obey if ordered to kill itself.
A Charm may last for months. The victim may make another Saving Throw every day, week, or month, depending on its Intelligence. If you are Charmed, your DM will tell you when to make the new Saving Throw.
The Charm is automatically broken if the magic-user attacks the victim, whether by spell or by weapon. The victim will fight normally if attacked by the magic-user’s allies.

(1) Detect Magic

Range: 0
Duration: 2 turns
Effect: Everything within 60‘

When this spell is cast, the magic-user will see magical objects, creatures, and places within range glow. It will not last very long, and should be saved until the magic-user wants to see if something found during an adventure is, in fact, magical. For example, a door may be held shut magically, or a treasure found might be enchanted; in either case, the magic item, creature, or effect will glow when it is within the effect.

(1) Floating Disc

Range: 0
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: Disc remains within 6'

This spell creates an invisible magical horizontal platform about the size and shape of a small round shield. It can carry up to 5000 cn (500 pounds). It cannot be created in a place occupied by a creature or object. The floating disc is created at the height of the magic-user’s waist, and will always remain at that height. It will automatically follow the magic-user, remaining within 6’ at all times. It can never be used as a weapon, because it has no solid existence and moves slowly. When the duration ends, the floating disc will disappear, suddenly dropping anything upon it.

(1) Hold Portal

Range: 10'
Duration: 2d6 turns
Effect: One door, gate or similar portal

This spell will magically hold shut any “portal” - for example, a door or gate. A Knock spell will open the Hold Portal. Any creature 3 or more hit dice greater than the caster (including characters) may break open a held portal in one round’s time, but the portal will relock if allowed to close within the duration of the spell.

(1) Light*

Range: 120’
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn per Level of the Magic User
Effect: Volume of 30' diameter

This spell creates a large ball of light, as if a bright torch were lit. If the spell is cast on an object (such as a coin), the light will move with the object. If cast at a creature’s eyes, the creature must make a Saving Throw. If the Saving Throw is failed, the victim will be blinded by the light until the duration ends. A blinded creature may not attack. If the Saving Throw is successful, the Light appears in the air behind the intended victim.

When reversed, this spell, Darkness, creates a circle of darkness 30‘ in diameter. It will block all sight except infravision. Darkness will cancel a light spell if cast upon it (but may itself be cancelled by another light spell). If cast at an opponent’s eyes, it will cause blindness until cancelled, or until the duration ends.

(1) Magic Missile

Range: 150'
Duration: 1 round
Effect: Creates 1 or more arrows

A Magic Missile is a glowing arrow, created and shot by magic, which inflicts 2-7 (1d6 + 1) points of damage to any creature it strikes. After the spell is cast, the arrow appears next to the magicuser and hovers there until the magicuser causes it to shoot. When shot, it will automatically hit any visible target. It will move with the magic-user until shot or until the duration ends. The Magic Missile actually has no solid form, and cannot be touched. A Magic Missile never misses its target and the target is not allowed a Saving Throw.
For every 5 levels of experience of the caster, two more missiles are created by the same spell. Thus a 6th Level Magic-User may create three missiles. The missiles may be shot at different targets.

(1) Protection from Evil

Range: 0
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: The Magic-User only

This spell creates an invisible magical barrier all around the magic-user’s body (less than an inch away). All attacks against the magic-user are penalized by -1 to their Hit rolls, and the magic-user gains a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws, while the spell lasts.
In addition, “enchanted” creatures cannot even touch the magic-user! If a magic weapon is needed to hit a creature, that creature is called “enchanted.” However, a creature that can be hit by a silver weapon - a lycanthrope (werecreature), for example - is not an “enchanted” creature. The barrier thus completely prevents all from attacks from those creatures unless they use missile weapons.
This spell will not affect a Magic Missile spell. If the Magic-user attacks anything during the spell’s duration, the effect changes slightly. “Enchanted” creatures are then able to touch the magic-user, but the Hit roll and Saving Throw adjustments still apply until the spell duration ends.

(1) Read Languages

Range: 0
Duration: 2 turns
Effect: The Magic-User only

This spell will allow the magic-user to read, not speak, any unknown languages or codes, including treasure maps, secret symbols, and so forth, until the duration ends.

(1) Read Magic

Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn
Effect: The Magic-User only

This spell will allow the magic-user to read, not speak, any magical words or runes, such as those found on magic scrolls and other items. Unfamiliar magic writings cannot be understood without using this spell. However, once a magic-user reads a scroll or runes with this spell, that magic can be read or spoken later (without) using a spell. All spell books are written in magical words, and only their owners may read them without using this spell.

(1) Shield

Range: 0
Duration: 2 turns
Effect: The Magic-User only

This spell creates a magical barrier all around the magic-user (less than an inch away). It moves with the magic-user. While the duration lasts, the magic-user becomes Armor Class 2 against missiles, and AC 4 against all other attacks.
If a Magic.Missile is shot at a magic-user protected by this spell, the magic-user may make a Saving Throw VS. Spells (one Saving Throw per missile). If successful, the Magic Missile will have no effect.

(1) Sleep

Range: 240'
Duration: 4d4 turns
Effect: 2d8 Hit Dice of living creatures within a 40’ square area

This spell will put creatures to sleep for up to 16 turns. It will only affect creatures with 4 + 1 Hit Dice or less - generally, small or man-sized creatures. All the creatures to be affected must be within a 40’ x 40’ area. The spell will not work against Undead or very large creatures, such as dragons. Any sleeping creature can be awakened by force (such as a slap or kick). A sleeping creature may be killed with a single blow of any edged weapon, regardless of its hit points. The victims get no Saving Throw.

(1) Ventriloquism

Range: 60'
Duration: 2 turns
Effect: One item or location

This spell will allow the magic-user to make the sound of his or her voice to come from somewhere else, such as a statue, animal, dark corner, and so forth.