Equipment Lists

Item  Cost in gp Encumbrance

AxesBattle Axe (2-handed) 7 60
 Hand Axe 4 30
BowsLight Crossbow 30 50
 30 Quarrels + Case 10 10
 Long Bow 40 30
 Short Bow 25 20
 20 Arrows + Quiver 5 10
 Silver Tipped Arrow 5 1
DaggersNormal 3 10
 Silver 30 10
SwordsShort 7 30
 Normal 10 60
 Two-Handed 15 100
OtherMace* 5 30
 Club* 3 50
 Javelin 1 20
 Lance 10 180
 Pole Arm (2-Handed) 7 150
 Sling + 30 stones* 2 20
 Spear 3 30
 Staff (2-Handed)* 2 20
 War Hammer* 5 50

* This weapon is permitted for clerics.

Item AC Cost in gp Encumbrance
 Barding (for horses)5 150 600
 Leather Armour7 20 200
 Chain Mail5 40 400
 Plate Mail Armour3 60 500
 Shield(-1) 10 100

Item  Cost in gp Encumbrance

 Backpack (400cn capacity) 5 20
 Garlic 5 1
 Grappling Hook 25 80
 Hammer 2 10
 Holy Symbol 25 1
 Holy Water (1 vial) 25 1
 Iron Spikes (12) 1 60
 Lantern 10 30
 Mirror, hand-sized 5 5
 Oil (1 flask) 2 10
 Pole (10' long) 1 100
 Rations, Iron 15 70
 Rations, Standard 5 200
 Rope (50' length) 1 50
 Sack, small (200cn capacity) 1 1
 Sack, large (600cn capacity) 2 5
 Stakes (3) and Mallet 3 10
 Thieves' Tools 25 10
 Tinderbox 3 5
 Torches (6) 1 120
 Waterskin (1 quart) 1 30
 Wine (1 quart) 1 30
 Wolfsbane (1 bunch) 10 1

Backpack: Used to carry equipment on back. The shoulder straps leave the character’s hands free for other actions.

Barding: Armor for horses, made of leather and metal plates giving an Armor Class of 5.

Cart: Pulled by 1-2 draft horses or by mules (2 mules = 1 horse). Movement rate 60‘ per turn. Capacity 4,000 cn with a single horse, 8,000 cn with two. Cannot travel through desert, forest, mountain, or swamp except by road.

Grappling Hook: A large 3- or 4-pronged hook, made of specially hardened iron, used to anchor a rope.

Hammer: Needed for pounding iron spikes into a wall or floor.

Holy Symbol: A sign or symbol of a cleric’s beliefs. Used in Turning undead.

Holy Water: Water made holy by a high level cleric (NPC). It will cause damage to undead monsters.

Iron Spikes: Used to wedge doors open or shut, or to anchor a rope.

Lantern: Casts light in a 30’ radius, burning 1 flask of oil in four hours (24 turns). May be shuttered against wind.

Mirror: Used to look around corners safely, or to defend against a “gaze” attack. When a character uses a mirror to watch an opponent, a -2 penalty to the Hit roll applies, and the character cannot use a shield. The area must be lit for the mirror to be effective.

Oil flask: Burned, in a lantern, for light. It also may be thrown as a missile weapon, or poured out and ignited to delay pursuit.

Pole, wooden: 10’ long. A 2” thick pole, useful for poking piles of rags, pools, etc.

Rations, Iron: Preserved food for one person for one week.

Rations, Standard: Unpreserved food for one person for one week. Sometimes thrown to monsters to delay pursuit.

Rope (50’ length): A heavy climbing rope that can support 3 fully loaded humans.

Sack, Large: A burlap, leather, or cloth bag, usually 2’ x 4’.

Sack, Small: Similar to large sack, 1’ x 2’.

Stakes and Mallet: Three large (18”) wood stakes plus a wooden mallet. Useful for destroying vampires.

Thieves’ Tools: Required for picking locks.

Tinderbox: Flint, steel, and tinder (wood shavings). Needed to start fires (torches, lanterns, etc.). To use, roll ld6; succeeds on a result of 1-2. May be tried once per round.

Torch: Casts light in 30’ radius. Burns for 1 hour (six turns).

Wagon: Pulled by 2 or 4 draft horses (or mules; 2 mules = 1 horse). Movement rate 60‘ per turn. Capacity 15,000 cn with two horses, 25,000 with four. Cannot travel through desert, forest, mountain, or swamp except by road.

Waterskin/wineskin: Leather or preserved animal bladder. Capacity: 1 quart. Encumbrance is when filled; 5 cn otherwise.

Wolvesbane: An herb; dried and used to drive off lycanthropes.