For the first three Levels of experience, a cleric’s power is very limited. But as they advance, clerics obtain more spells of greater power, due both to practice and the strengthening of their beliefs. It is very important for clerics to be faithful to their beliefs.
If a cleric behaves in a manner that does not fit the character’s Alignment or beliefs, the cleric may be punished by the church - or even greater powers. This punishment could, for example, be a penalty on Hit rolls, a dangerous quest that must be completed, or even a lack of spells. Your DM will tell you what the character must do to recover good standing.


Level Hit Points XP 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1d6 0    - - - - - -
2 2d6 1,500    1 - - - - -
3 3d6 3,000    2 - - - - -
4 4d6 6,000    2 1 - - - -
5 5d6 12,000    2 2 - - - -
6 6d6 25,000    2 2 1 - - -
7 7d6 50,000    3 2 2 - - -
8 8d6 100,000    3 3 2 1 - -
9 9d6 200,000    3 3 3 2 - -
10 9d6+1* 300,000    4 4 3 2 1 -
11 9d6+2* 400,000    4 4 3 3 2 -
12 9d6+3* 500,000    4 4 4 3 2 1
13 9d6+4* 600,000    5 5 4 3 2 2
14 9d6+5* 700,000    5 5 5 3 3 2

*Constitution adjustments no longer apply.

Turning Undead: Roll 2d6 and consult the table below.

A number is the roll needed to Turn a number of undead; a T means the undead are automatically Turned and a D means that a number of undead are destroyed; up to 12 Hit Dice of undead are affected, as determined by the DM rolling 2d6. Each successful attempt will Turn at least one undead monster.
If your cleric is successful at Turning undead, but some of the undead still remain (due to the 12 Hit Dice maximum per try), the cleric may make another attempt if desired. Only one attempt can be made each combat round, and no other actions are possible while Turning undead. However, if any attempt fails, no further attempts at Turning that group of undead will succeed for that cleric.
A D+ means that the power of the cleric is so great that 3-18 Hit Dice of undead are destroyed (3d6 instead of 2d6). Again, the DM will determine the exact amount.


 Clerics' Level
Undead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11-12 13-14

Skeleton 7 T T D D D D D D D+ D+
Zombie 9 7 T T D D D D D D D+
Ghoul 11 9 7 T T D D D D D D
Wight - 11 9 7 T T D D D D D
Wraith - - 11 9 7 T T D D D D
Mummy - - - 11 9 7 T T D D D
Spectre - - - - 11 9 7 T T D D
Vampire - - - - - 11 9 7 T T D

Spells: Each spell has a listed Range, Duration, and Effect.

Range: The character should be sure that the target is within range before casting the spell. If the description says “Range: 0,” the spell may only be used by the cleric, and cannot be cast on others. If “Range: Touch” is given, the spell can be placed on any creature the cleric touches - including the cleric themself.

Duration: Duration is given either in rounds (of 10 seconds each) or turns (of 10 minutes each). If the description says “Duration: Permanent,” then the spell has an instant and permanent effect that does not go away after a given duration.

Effect: The Effect of the spell gives either the number of creatures or objects affected, or an area or volume of space. If an area is given, it is measured in square feet (a flat area). If a 3-dimensional volume is affected, it is either a round “ball” with a given diameter, or a square or rectangular “box” of a given size; both are measured in feet.

  1. Cure Light Wounds*
  2. Detect Evil
  3. Detect Magic
  4. Light*
  5. Protection from Evil
  6. Purify Food and Water
  7. Remove Fear*
  8. Resist Cold
  1. Bless*
  2. Find Traps
  3. Hold Person*
  4. Know Alignment*
  5. Resist Fire
  6. Silence 15’ radius
  7. Snake Charm
  8. Speak with Animals
  1. Continual Light*
  2. Cure Blindness
  3. Cure Disease*
  4. Growth of Animals
  5. Locate Object
  6. Remove Curse*
  7. Speak with the Dead
  8. Striking
  1. Animate Dead
  2. Create Water
  3. Cure Serious Wounds*
  4. Dispel Magic
  5. Neutralize Poison*
  6. Protection from Evil 10’ radius
  7. Speak with Plants
  8. Sticks to Snakes
  1. Commune
  2. Create Food
  3. Dispel Evil
  4. Insect Plague
  5. Quest*
  6. Raise Dead*
  1. Animate Objects
  2. Find the Path
  3. Speak with Monsters*
  4. Word of Recall

*Spell may be cast with reverse effects.


(1) Cure Light Wounds*

Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Any one living creature

This spell will either heal damage or remove paralysis. If used to heal, it will cure 2-7 (ld6+1) points of damage. It will not heal any damage if used to cure paralysis. The cleric may cast it on themself if desired. This spell will never increase a creature’s total hit points above the original amount.

When reversed, this spell, Cause Light Wounds, causes 2-7 points of damage to any creature or character touched (no Saving Throw). The cleric must make a normal Hit roll.

(1) Detect Evil

Range: 120’
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: Everything within 120’

When this spell is cast, the cleric will see evilly enchanted objects within 120’ glow. It will also cause creatures that want to harm the cleric to glow when they are within range. The actual thoughts of the creatures cannot be heard. Remember that “Chaotic” does not automatically mean Evil, although many Chaotic monsters have evil intentions. Traps and poison are neither good nor evil, merely dangerous.

(1) Detect Magic

Range: 0
Duration: 2 turns
Effect: Everything within 60‘

When this spell is cast, the cleric will see magical objects, creatures, and places within range glow. It will not last very long, and should be saved until the cleric wants to see if something found during an adventure is, in fact, magical. For example, a door may be held shut magically, or a treasure found might be enchanted; in either case, the magic item, creature, or effect will glow when it is within the effect.

(1) Light*

Range: 120’
Duration: 12 turns
Effect: Volume of 30‘ diameter

This spell creates a large ball of light, as if a bright torch were lit. If the spell is cast on an object (such as the cleric’s weapon), the light will move with the object. If cast at a creature’s eyes, the creature must make a Saving Throw. If the Saving Throw is failed, the victim will be blinded by the light until the duration ends. A blinded creature may not attack.

When reversed, this spell, Darkness, creates a circle of darkness 30‘ in diameter. It will block all sight except infravision. Darkness will cancel a Light spell if cast upon it, but may itself be cancelled by another Light spell. If cast at an opponent’s eyes, it will cause blindness until cancelled, or until the duration ends. The target is allowed a Saving Throw and if he succeeds, the spell misses.

(1) Protection from Evil

Range: 0
Duration: 12 turns
Effect: The cleric only

This spell creates an invisible magical barrier all around the cleric’s body (less than an inch away). All attacks against the cleric are penalized by -1 to their Hit rolls, and the cleric gains a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws, while the spell lasts.
In addition, “enchanted” creatures cannot even touch the cleric! If a magic weapon is needed to hit a creature, that creature is called “enchanted.” However, a creature that can be hit by a silver weapon - a lycanthrope (were-creature), for example - is not an “enchanted” creature. Any creature which is magically summoned or controlled (such as a Charmed character) is also considered to be an “enchanted” creature. The barrier thus completely prevents all attacks from those creatures unless they use missile weapons.
This spell will not affect a Magic Missile (magic-user’s) spell. If the cleric attacks anything during the spell’s duration, the effect changes slightly. “Enchanted” creatures are then able to touch the magic-user, but the Hit roll and Saving Throw adjustments still apply until the spell duration ends.

(1) Purify Food and Water

Range: 10’
Duration: Permanent
Effect: See below

This spell will make spoiled or poisoned food and water safe and usable. It will purify one ration of food (either Iron or Standard rations), or 6 waterskins of water, or enough normal food to feed a dozen people. If cast at mud, the spell will cause the dirt to settle, leaving a pool of pure, clear water. The spell will not affect any living creature.

(1) Remove Fear*

Range: Touch
Duration: 2 turns
Effect: Any one living creature

When the cleric casts this spell and then touches any living creature, the spell will calm the creature and remove any fear. If the creature is running away due to magically created fear, the creature may make another Saving Throw vs. spells, adding a bonus to the roll equal to the cleric’s Level of Experience, up to a maximum bonus of +6. If the Saving Throw is successful, the creature may stop running. A roll of 1 will always fail. This Saving Throw, with bonus, may be made even if the fear was so powerful as to allow no Saving Throw at first!

When reversed, this spell, Cause Fear, will make any one creature flee for two turns. The victim may make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to avoid the effect. This reversed spell has a range of 120’.

(1) Resist Cold

Range: 0
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: All creatures within 30’

When this spell is cast, all creatures within 30’ of the cleric can withstand freezing temperatures without harm. In addition, those affected gain a bonus of +2 to all Saving Throws against cold attacks. Furthermore, any damage from cold is reduced by - 1 per die of damage (but with a minimum of 1 point of damage per die). The effect will move with the cleric.