The Haunted Ship

[2024/06/09 14:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... I guess we're all here...
[2024/06/09 14:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: Guess we'll start :) Flux is a magic user, and Kai is an elf
[2024/06/09 14:04] Mecha: Cool deal, welcome to the table :)
[2024/06/09 14:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: Music as always at
[2024/06/09 14:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: it may even be in theme :)
[2024/06/09 14:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: So, a little recap from last time, the party was asked to investigate a haunted ship.
[2024/06/09 14:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: The haunting turned out to be a VERY angry dryad, annoyed that hobgoblins chopped down her tree and the townsfolk bought the wood to complete the ship with
[2024/06/09 14:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Luckily, if you bump off the head hobgoblin... she'll call off her vendetta against the ship and the town.
[2024/06/09 14:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: And as I recall it, we ended last time with getting off the ship and onto the docks to pass on this good news.
[2024/06/09 14:08] Flux: I havent selected spells,but I assume it's pretty much chosen already isn't it
[2024/06/09 14:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: And with that recap complete, time to say GGGGGGRRRRREEEEETTTINGS, Adventurers, other players get well thought out campaigns, you get... whatever the frick this is!
[2024/06/09 14:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: Flux: Spell is on your sheet
[2024/06/09 14:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... start with Mecha or Kylie first, what's the plan now?
[2024/06/09 14:11] Mecha: Load up and go hobgoblin hunting
[2024/06/09 14:11] Kylie: I'm not sure what is happening to choose from
[2024/06/09 14:11] Mecha: I fill everyone in on what is going on
[2024/06/09 14:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: at the moment, Mecha, the townspeople want to know what's going on with the "haunting"
[2024/06/09 14:12] Flux: Do we know where these hobgoblins live or work?
[2024/06/09 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: I don't think that part was explained, no
[2024/06/09 14:13] Kai: Are Flux and I part of the "townspeople?"
[2024/06/09 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: You're part of the party.
[2024/06/09 14:13] Kylie: Okay well I tell the townspeople a made up story 20 times worse than the truth so we look better if we pull this off
[2024/06/09 14:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: lol
[2024/06/09 14:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: ...why am I laughing
[2024/06/09 14:14] Mecha: Okay okay, here's the situation. *Stops to listen to Kylies story*
[2024/06/09 14:14] Flux: Someone with more tact than myself should speak to a town official about where they bought the ship lumber from
[2024/06/09 14:15] Mecha: Tried that the guy who got it bought it from a middleman, we should find the middleman and go from there."
[2024/06/09 14:16] Flux: Do we have a heading?
[2024/06/09 14:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: You can ask the carpenters and merchants, certainly, or, ask the dryad
[2024/06/09 14:17] Mecha: that is a good question. *Were we told who the middleman is?*
[2024/06/09 14:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: No, lots of merchants are involved in ship construction
[2024/06/09 14:18] Flux: I'll look at some of the key beams and see if there is a mark of any kind on the lumber
[2024/06/09 14:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: You're on the docks by the ship at the moment.
[2024/06/09 14:19] Flux: I'd like to look at the hull beams of the ship
[2024/06/09 14:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... going on the ship?
[2024/06/09 14:19] Flux: i was going to look at the exterior
[2024/06/09 14:19] Flux: but either way
[2024/06/09 14:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... you can look at the ship from the dockside, but, don't think you'll see anything of note, other than planks, portholes, and ropes
[2024/06/09 14:20] Mecha: I talk to the mast head."He's just checking things so we can get this taken care of."
[2024/06/09 14:20] Flux: I assume the dryad is hidden below decks?
[2024/06/09 14:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha: Are you shouting? Because... you're on the dockside.
[2024/06/09 14:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: The dryad is within the wood of the ship. That can be quite annoying, if she takes exception to you being on the ship.
[2024/06/09 14:22] Kai: Are there people around?
[2024/06/09 14:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kai: Lots of sailors, mainly, and, you're the only one who can actually talk Dryad
[2024/06/09 14:23] Flux: I suppose I could throw my voice and not go on the ship, and then I'd go to the tavern and take a long rest lol
[2024/06/09 14:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: and there goes Kylie :/
[2024/06/09 14:25] Kai: I don't go on the ship. I just touch the wood, as close to the prow as possible, and murmur it Sylvan that Dryads whatever language seems most appropriate, "Lady, we seek the villain who did this to you. Can you guide us to him?"
[2024/06/09 14:26] Mecha: Wb Kylie
[2024/06/09 14:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dryad (in Sylvan): "I can take you to him, if you bring this figurehead with you. Then I can see you hack his head off."
[2024/06/09 14:27] Kai nods, and says, voice still quiet, "Can someone help me remove this figurehead without damaging the ship?"
[2024/06/09 14:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: You'll probably want some carpenters, and maybe ask the townspeople before you hack bits off the ship
[2024/06/09 14:28] Flux: I could be wrong, but I'd wager I'm the last person that should be talking to people
[2024/06/09 14:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: why?
[2024/06/09 14:29] Flux: charisma of 6
[2024/06/09 14:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: good point...
[2024/06/09 14:29] Kai stammers, "Mmmm...maybe someone could talk to the...the head carpenter? About getting the figurehead, I mean. Or...or the village head man or...or someone?"
[2024/06/09 14:30] Kai: ((I'm shy and stammer--charisma 9))
[2024/06/09 14:30] Flux: ((I think I'm just off-putting with a resting bitch face)
[2024/06/09 14:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: Party: seems Kai is giving you all a good plan of action
[2024/06/09 14:31] Kai: ((*snickers*))
[2024/06/09 14:31] Kylie: I think im 6 it is CHA right?
[2024/06/09 14:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: yep
[2024/06/09 14:32] Mecha: Okay I'm going to try it. I look for a carpenter who is associated with this ship.
[2024/06/09 14:32] Kylie: CHA: 6 -1 to reactions
[2024/06/09 14:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: A quick search reveals a guy with a bunch of saws and other carpentry-related tools.
[2024/06/09 14:32] Flux: We might tell them that the figurehead needs taken into the wilderness to be blessed in sacred waters
[2024/06/09 14:32] Kai: ((*Laughs* We're an unsavory bunch, aren't we?!))
[2024/06/09 14:33] Mecha: I nod and proceed to give him the information
[2024/06/09 14:33] Mecha: *I have an 11 charisma*
[2024/06/09 14:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Carpenter: "Arr. Well. Before I start cutting the ship up, you better ask the town council. I doubt they'll object, we want that ship sailing!"
[2024/06/09 14:34] Kai: ((Yay!))
[2024/06/09 14:34] Flux: I use my wisdom to survey the party, and gather what their capabilities most likely are
[2024/06/09 14:34] Mecha: Where would we find the town council?
[2024/06/09 14:35] Mecha: Hi Jassie, welcome :)
[2024/06/09 14:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: Carpenter: "Try the town hall, aye?"
[2024/06/09 14:35] Kai trails after Mecha's character.
[2024/06/09 14:35] Kylie: I start to walk to the town hall
[2024/06/09 14:35] Mecha: Sounds like a plan
[2024/06/09 14:37] Kai trails after Mecha and Kylie, grateful to let someone else do the talking.
[2024/06/09 14:37] Mecha: We are needing to discuss the SHip that is haunted.
[2024/06/09 14:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: clerk: "Ah? The ship? Have you dealt with the haunting?"
[2024/06/09 14:38] Kai shakes their head.
[2024/06/09 14:39] Mecha: Not exactly but we need to ask for the figurehead removed so we can deal with it. It need blessing in a sacred pool."
[2024/06/09 14:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: Clerk: "Are... are you sure? We had priests try that."
[2024/06/09 14:40] Flux: (Ill mutter the equivalent of Star Trek technobabble about the intricacies of combing arcane and divine elemental paradigms, etc)
[2024/06/09 14:40] Flux: (just muttering to myself)
[2024/06/09 14:40] Mecha: It's one in the middle of the woords. It essentially a Dryad doing the haunting and she wont go unless she is blessed in a pond near where her tree used to be.
[2024/06/09 14:40] Kai cuts an impressed look to Flux.
[2024/06/09 14:40] Kylie: "The priests you had didnt know the truth, we do so we will have better shot at it"
[2024/06/09 14:41] Jassie: agreed, at least at this point, the dryad definitely doesnt seem too hostile as long as we're willing to help
[2024/06/09 14:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: Clerk: "A dryad? Oh... let me see..." he goes away, time passes, he returns with two large parchments. "Here, an order to remove the figurehead, we'll want it returned or replaced, mind, and here, a requisition for a cart and horse to transport it."
[2024/06/09 14:43] Mecha: thank you very much. Where do we go to turn in the cart requisition form?
[2024/06/09 14:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Clerk: "Take it to the foreman at the docks, he'll sort it all out."
[2024/06/09 14:43] Mecha: okay thank you
[2024/06/09 14:44] Jassie: how big will the cart be anyways?
[2024/06/09 14:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: A couple of hours sawing and after setting up a block and tackle and other hard working stuff, and you get the figurehead loaded on the cart.
[2024/06/09 14:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: big enough for the figurehead :)
[2024/06/09 14:45] Jassie: (lol ah ok))
[2024/06/09 14:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: The open road beckons! Are you venturing forth?
[2024/06/09 14:46] Flux: I'd like to sit on the tailgate and watch our flank during the trip
[2024/06/09 14:46] Flux: and sometimes watch the sky
[2024/06/09 14:46] Kai hops up on the cart, but doesn't take the reigns.
[2024/06/09 14:47] Kai: reins.
[2024/06/09 14:47] Flux: while resting my eyes
[2024/06/09 14:47] Jassie: gets into the front to help with the reins for now, who wants to get into the front with me?
[2024/06/09 14:48] Kai: ((I think I'm already there?))
[2024/06/09 14:48] Mecha: You got Kai with you. I will walk along side
[2024/06/09 14:48] Flux: nobody wants to straddle the figurehead?
[2024/06/09 14:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... it's a few hours as the dryad directs down various tracks and trails, before finally, in a dense forest, calling a halt. The trail continues to what looks like a bridge over a small river; a bridge which someone has helpfully blocked with an over turned cart. Beyond that, a small logging camp, complete with a very crude central fortification.
[2024/06/09 14:49] Flux: are we noticed?
[2024/06/09 14:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: by what?
[2024/06/09 14:49] Flux: anyone we can see in the camp
[2024/06/09 14:50] Jassie: can I do a perception check to see if anything is in the camps so far?
[2024/06/09 14:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: Looks abandoned. Or everyone is asleep. Or maybe they're invisible.
[2024/06/09 14:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jassie: d20, must roll under 15
[2024/06/09 14:51] D20: Jassie rolls 11
[2024/06/09 14:51] Flux: I'll try mine
[2024/06/09 14:51] Kai strings their bow, then shoots Flux a dirty look before scanning the road ahead. When we stop, I look over the situation, and sigh before murmuring, "Who wants to try to pull the cart out of the way?"
[2024/06/09 14:52] Flux: oh I misread that lol
[2024/06/09 14:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: It looks like there are two buildings used for whatever happens at a logging camp. The central fortification is both new and crude, and appears to have a cart as a crude gate. Smoke rises lazily into the sky, from some central cooking fire.
[2024/06/09 14:52] Mecha: I got the cart.
[2024/06/09 14:53] Mecha: *I;mg going to try and push the cart out of the way.*
[2024/06/09 14:53] Flux: Perhaps we could say we need this figurehead replaced when we approach
[2024/06/09 14:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, what's everyone else doing?
[2024/06/09 14:53] Flux: and bring them out in the open, off their guard
[2024/06/09 14:54] Kai covers Mecha, ready to fire their bow at anything that looks threatening.
[2024/06/09 14:54] Jassie: I will try to appear holy lol
[2024/06/09 14:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie? Flux? What are you doing?
[2024/06/09 14:54] Flux: I'm off the cart, standing stealthily behind it, not hiding, but being inobtrusive
[2024/06/09 14:55] Kylie: I'm collecting fire wood incase we need to burn this thing
[2024/06/09 14:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... everyone roll initiative. d20, highest roller goes first
[2024/06/09 14:55] D20: Kylie rolls 13
[2024/06/09 14:55] D20: Flux rolls 7
[2024/06/09 14:55] D20: Kai rolls 7
[2024/06/09 14:55] D20: Jassie rolls 16
[2024/06/09 14:55] D20: Mecha rolls 14
[2024/06/09 14:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: Three rather triumphant looking hobgoblins leap up from behind the cart, bows held and pointed at Mecha, and start to draw back on their drawstrings.
[2024/06/09 14:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jassie, you're first.
[2024/06/09 14:58] Jassie: how far away are they?
[2024/06/09 14:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: You can run and be there next round, or, if it absolutely has to be there this round, you got first go with missile fire or a spell
[2024/06/09 14:59] Jassie: i'm going to duck down behind as I pull out my shield, charge forward to them and try to get their attention somewhat
[2024/06/09 15:00] Jassie: if I can, then I'll smack them with my warhammer
[2024/06/09 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... that'll be next round
[2024/06/09 15:00] Jassie: ok got it
[2024/06/09 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha is next
[2024/06/09 15:00] Mecha: Am I next to the downed cart already?*
[2024/06/09 15:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: You said you'd go push the cart, so, yes, very close to it.
[2024/06/09 15:01] Flux: do we care or know what is in the cart
[2024/06/09 15:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: It looks like an empty cart.
[2024/06/09 15:02] Flux: maybe jump inside that sucker
[2024/06/09 15:02] Mecha: Then I am going to change my plan and try to flip the cart on the hobgoblins. At the very least try to pin them down.
[2024/06/09 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: are you sure about that?
[2024/06/09 15:03] Mecha: Yes
[2024/06/09 15:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, d20, must roll under 18
[2024/06/09 15:04] D20: Mecha rolls 17
[2024/06/09 15:04] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 20
[2024/06/09 15:04] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 15
[2024/06/09 15:04] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 10 of two hobgoblins. One jumps free.
[2024/06/09 15:05] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 1
[2024/06/09 15:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: Two goblins are now somewhat injured, the other is staggering back, cursing as he aims his bow.
[2024/06/09 15:05] Kai fires an arrow at the hobgoblin who jumped free, then hops over the cart seat to use it as cover from the arrows of the hobgoblins. I'll murmur to the figurehead, "Can you help us draw out the enemy?!"
[2024/06/09 15:06] D20: Kai rolls 7
[2024/06/09 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: well.... you shot the fortification.
[2024/06/09 15:06] Kai: I think that's a total of 9.
[2024/06/09 15:06] Kai: *nods*
[2024/06/09 15:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Flux, what about you?
[2024/06/09 15:07] Kai: What's the fortification made of?
[2024/06/09 15:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Logs, mostly
[2024/06/09 15:07] Flux: do we have flanking available?
[2024/06/09 15:07] Flux: if he was to turn his back
[2024/06/09 15:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Only if you are in the river.
[2024/06/09 15:08] Flux: I'll sling my shot :)
[2024/06/09 15:08] D20: Flux rolls 11
[2024/06/09 15:08] Flux: 12 I believe
[2024/06/09 15:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: The slingstone whizzes through the air and vanishes.
[2024/06/09 15:08] Flux: or that would be 10 right?
[2024/06/09 15:08] Flux: it's negative not positive?
[2024/06/09 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: 12. But missed
[2024/06/09 15:09] Flux: kk
[2024/06/09 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie
[2024/06/09 15:12] Kylie: I take my bow and aim it at the goblins
[2024/06/09 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/09 15:12] D20: Kylie rolls 14
[2024/06/09 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: finally, a hit! d6 for damage
[2024/06/09 15:13] D6: Kylie rolls 4
[2024/06/09 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: The hobgoblin screams in agony. I'm not sure he's very happy.
[2024/06/09 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hobgoblin looses his arrow at Kylie
[2024/06/09 15:14] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 18
[2024/06/09 15:14] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 2
[2024/06/09 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie is hit and slightly injured.
[2024/06/09 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: The other two clamber out from under the cart, cursing foully. They're in the fight next round.
[2024/06/09 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: back to Jassie!
[2024/06/09 15:16] Flux: they can attack this round I assume
[2024/06/09 15:16] Jassie: ok, i'm going to charge up to the closest one and do an overhead strike before backing up a little
[2024/06/09 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: yep. OK, d20.
[2024/06/09 15:16] D20: Jassie rolls 20
[2024/06/09 15:16] Jassie: WOO
[2024/06/09 15:17] Jassie: there it is!
[2024/06/09 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: A good hit! d6 for damage
[2024/06/09 15:17] Flux: okay maybe you didn't back up quite so much
[2024/06/09 15:17] D6: Jassie rolls 5
[2024/06/09 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: The war hammer swings round in a wild arc and cracks loudly against a hobgoblins' head. He's pitched into the water, and floats face down, in a growing pool of red.
[2024/06/09 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha
[2024/06/09 15:18] Mecha: I'm going to try and punch one of the hobs that crawled out from under the cart
[2024/06/09 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: why punch?
[2024/06/09 15:19] Mecha: havent drawn the hammer plus already injured so hammer might be overkill if it hits.
[2024/06/09 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: you can draw the hammer as easy as a punch, and, it's more likely to have an effect
[2024/06/09 15:20] Mecha: All right drawing the hammer and swinging for the hobgoblin
[2024/06/09 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/09 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: are you praying to the dice gods, Mecha?
[2024/06/09 15:22] Mecha: No i've tried to roll 4 times now
[2024/06/09 15:22] D20: Mecha rolls 2
[2024/06/09 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: Oh.
[2024/06/09 15:22] Mecha: Maybe I should have prayed
[2024/06/09 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: Tough break.
[2024/06/09 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kai :)
[2024/06/09 15:23] Kai fires another arrow at the hobgoblin frowning...perhaps because Kylie hit it so easily, and she's not an elf! They're still calling out to the dryad in sylvan, "Lady, even if you choose not to help us, at least reply that I might know you are well."
[2024/06/09 15:23] D20: Kai rolls 18
[2024/06/09 15:23] D6: Kai rolls 1
[2024/06/09 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: Another hobgoblin is down.
[2024/06/09 15:23] Kai: \o/
[2024/06/09 15:24] Flux: Is the last one on the run?
[2024/06/09 15:24] Kai: Do bow attacks get a bonus to damage from strength or dexterity?
[2024/06/09 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: DEX
[2024/06/09 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: and no, not running yet
[2024/06/09 15:25] Flux: I'll shoot my sling and yell "I'M HELPING!"
[2024/06/09 15:25] D20: Flux rolls 8
[2024/06/09 15:25] Flux: "NEVERMIND"
[2024/06/09 15:25] Jassie: hey every little elps
[2024/06/09 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie is offline...
[2024/06/09 15:26] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/06/09 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hobgoblin is almost terminally brave. He decides to stay and fight, and takes a swing at Mecha.
[2024/06/09 15:27] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 14
[2024/06/09 15:27] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 3
[2024/06/09 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now Mecha is slightly injured!
[2024/06/09 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: Back to Jassie
[2024/06/09 15:29] Jassie: ok, can i try to get the attention away from mecha by smashing it in the face as well, or at least trying
[2024/06/09 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/09 15:29] D20: Jassie rolls 15
[2024/06/09 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hit, d6!
[2024/06/09 15:29] D6: Jassie rolls 4
[2024/06/09 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: The hobgoblin is smacked down, and doesn't get up again.
[2024/06/09 15:30] Jassie: (there's just 1 more left right?)
[2024/06/09 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: All hobgoblins are down.... and.... you have won this fight.
[2024/06/09 15:30] Jassie: oh thought there was one more haha
[2024/06/09 15:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... I think it's getting a bit late to start anything else, so, we might just leave it there for next week
[2024/06/09 15:31] Jassie: stands up straight, putting her warhammer to her side and wiping the sweat off her brow.
[2024/06/09 15:32] Mecha: You have a warhammer too? Awesome :)
[2024/06/09 15:32] Jassie: yes Mecha :)
[2024/06/09 15:32] Kai: Are all three dead? Or are they just badly injured?
[2024/06/09 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: They're definitely dead, as far as you can tell
[2024/06/09 15:33] Kai: Also, can the arrows be recovered?
[2024/06/09 15:33] Flux: Woooo you know he dead!
[2024/06/09 15:33] Jassie: I'm in full plate with a shield and a warhammer Mecha :)
[2024/06/09 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: Missiles are expended, but after the battle you recover half of them.
[2024/06/09 15:34] Kai: Kk.
[2024/06/09 15:34] Mecha: I'm playing a redhead muscle mommy with minimal armor and a sledgehammer
[2024/06/09 15:35] Jassie: hehe yes I remember Mecha
[2024/06/09 15:35] Mecha: Who is... too young to be a mommy
[2024/06/09 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: Until you wind up in a desert, lost at sea, or in the Underdark, no on rations
[2024/06/09 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, if you got comments/criticisms please feel free to make them, and, see you next Sunday, same time :)
[2024/06/09 15:36] Jassie: thanks for the sessions again Sonja!
[2024/06/09 15:36] Flux: Well this was fun yall, it's been a long time since I've been able to play lol
[2024/06/09 15:36] Jassie: and sorry i couldnt get back in time
[2024/06/09 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: Very welcome :)
[2024/06/09 15:36] Mecha: No worries Jassie :)
[2024/06/09 15:37] Kai: Thank you! this was fun!