The Goblin Cave

[2024/06/02 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: who remembers where we got to
[2024/06/02 14:13] Diane: not me i believe i missed last week
[2024/06/02 14:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: luckily the logs are online for you to follow
[2024/06/02 14:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: some suitable music at or near:
[2024/06/02 14:16] Mecha: We had entered a goblin cave and if it is remembered correctly we just rolled a rock out of the way leading to a dark tunnel
[2024/06/02 14:16] Diane: ok caught up i think i was here
[2024/06/02 14:16] Diane: yes entrance to the tunnel
[2024/06/02 14:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: and as I got it, you'd just made it to the very first cave in a complex that had been taken over by alleged goblins
[2024/06/02 14:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: and yes, just moved a rock allowing access further in
[2024/06/02 14:17] Diane: and i lit my lantern
[2024/06/02 14:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: and with that reminder done.. GGGGGGGgggggggggrrrreeetings, Adventurers! Other parties get big boss fights and tales of daring, you get laughed at by the BBEG.
[2024/06/02 14:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... passage way leads in... you can't see -very- far in, but it looks quite large and easy to follow. There's no other sign of where you should go from here.
[2024/06/02 14:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Who's going to do what?
[2024/06/02 14:21] Diane: slowly moving in
[2024/06/02 14:21] Diane: sword drawn
[2024/06/02 14:21] Mecha: There is a lantern lit. I'm gonna follow it since I don't have darkvision
[2024/06/02 14:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: do you have a quill and parchment?
[2024/06/02 14:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: You don't go -very- far in before you come to a junction, of sorts; the passage leads on, but there's a side tunnel.
[2024/06/02 14:22] Diane: left or right?
[2024/06/02 14:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: who wants to make an intelligence check?
[2024/06/02 14:23] Diane: i'm not smart enough for that
[2024/06/02 14:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me diplomatically makes no comment...
[2024/06/02 14:23] Mecha: I'll make the roll
[2024/06/02 14:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: roll under 14
[2024/06/02 14:23] D20: Mecha rolls 15
[2024/06/02 14:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: >.<
[2024/06/02 14:24] Diane: (just out of curiousity, whats everyone got for int? i'm 10)
[2024/06/02 14:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina, maybe you can save the day here... you'd need to roll under 16
[2024/06/02 14:24] Diane: she can do it! i have faith
[2024/06/02 14:24] Mecha: *I have 15.. it says 14 +1*
[2024/06/02 14:26] D20: Dina rolls 12
[2024/06/02 14:26] Diane: told ya!
[2024/06/02 14:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina done it! There's something painted on the wall. Dina can translate it.
[2024/06/02 14:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Painted on a wall, in a goblinoid language: "FEED THE MUSHROOMS DAILY BUT DON'T LINGER! THEY DON'T LIKE THAT!" and a crude arrow pointing to the side passage. There’s also childish looking paintings on the wall of angry looking mushrooms chasing after a long eared creature, while two other long-eared things are standing nearby, snickering.
[2024/06/02 14:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: anyone got any plans on what to do?
[2024/06/02 14:32] Diane: well i think they feed mushrooms bull shit, which i am totally excellent at feeding bullshit. and we can't hang around, so maybe we just pass though quickly....or we go strait
[2024/06/02 14:32] Mecha: I say go forward. we are mostly in the dark veering off would cause trouble, but I will go with majority vote
[2024/06/02 14:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/06/02 14:33] Dina: thinks going forward might work well, but will go with what the party decides of course
[2024/06/02 14:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: sounds like going forwards?
[2024/06/02 14:34] Diane: sure that was what i suggested ~ Grins~
[2024/06/02 14:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: you follow the corridor, reeking of wet fur. Large stone slabs cover the floor. The walls look cut from the rock. An old temple? "As you venture deeper into the ancient structure, the air thick with the scent of wet fur, you notice the floor is dominated by large, weathered stone slabs that appear to have been carefully placed and arranged. The walls, hewn from the living rock itself, seem to bear the scars of countless centuries, their rough surfaces bearing testament to the passage of time. Ahead of you, a narrow corridor leads to a small, open communal area, where the air is thick with the scent of age and decay."
[2024/06/02 14:35] D4: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 4
[2024/06/02 14:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: From the chamber ahead, you can see the glimmer of a fire, some muttered voices, the bubbling of a pot, and what smells like something cooking.
[2024/06/02 14:37] Diane: is that...~sniffs the air~ Goblin's stew?
[2024/06/02 14:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: Probably, or someones' old boots being boiled
[2024/06/02 14:38] Diane: that would be Goblin's stew
[2024/06/02 14:39] Diane: ~turns out her lantern when close enough to be guilded by the fire light~
[2024/06/02 14:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: Who's planning what?
[2024/06/02 14:40] Mecha: I'm going to move carefully trying to sneak a view inside the room
[2024/06/02 14:40] Diane: follows Mecha
[2024/06/02 14:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: You see a small communal area, where 3 hobgoblins are lounging about, Cooking a bubbling stew of rats over an open fire
[2024/06/02 14:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: Since they haven't noticed you (yet), you can get surprise if you attack. Or... you might have other plans?
[2024/06/02 14:42] Mecha: I'm good with attacking
[2024/06/02 14:43] Diane: sure why not, good a day as any to die
[2024/06/02 14:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: roll initiative - d20 all
[2024/06/02 14:43] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 1
[2024/06/02 14:43] D20: Diane rolls 16
[2024/06/02 14:43] D20: Dina rolls 11
[2024/06/02 14:43] D20: Mecha rolls 8
[2024/06/02 14:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: you take them by surprise. Diane first, what do you do?
[2024/06/02 14:44] Diane: sword out, stabbing closest
[2024/06/02 14:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 14:44] D20: Diane rolls 10
[2024/06/02 14:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss. Bad luck.
[2024/06/02 14:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina, what you doing?
[2024/06/02 14:46] Dina: using crossbow
[2024/06/02 14:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 14:46] D20: Dina rolls 15
[2024/06/02 14:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: That's a hit! d6 for damage
[2024/06/02 14:46] D6: Dina rolls 5
[2024/06/02 14:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: A hobgoblin gets the arrow in the throat and sprawls out dead, while the other two sit in shock
[2024/06/02 14:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha
[2024/06/02 14:47] Mecha: I'm gonna use the surpise and shock and go after one with her hammer
[2024/06/02 14:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 14:48] D20: Mecha rolls 6
[2024/06/02 14:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me facepalms
[2024/06/02 14:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay.
[2024/06/02 14:49] Diane: told you we should have gone the mushroom way
[2024/06/02 14:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: Luckily you have surprise. The hobgoblins recover their wits and jump up, brandishing clubs and generally expressing a desire to smear your brains over the walls.
[2024/06/02 14:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane, you first, what do you do?
[2024/06/02 14:50] Diane: back away slowly sord out to defend myself
[2024/06/02 14:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: sure?
[2024/06/02 14:51] Diane: not much in the way of options i already swung and missed
[2024/06/02 14:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: it's the next combat round
[2024/06/02 14:52] Diane: swinging!
[2024/06/02 14:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20 then!
[2024/06/02 14:52] D20: Diane rolls 2
[2024/06/02 14:52] Diane: I'm so dead
[2024/06/02 14:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: yah... shoulda retreated...
[2024/06/02 14:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/06/02 14:55] Dina: keeps distance making sure tp stay FAR out of range of melee to use her crossbow effectively....
[2024/06/02 14:56] D20: Dina rolls 10
[2024/06/02 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh dear.
[2024/06/02 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss.
[2024/06/02 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 14:56] Mecha: Already in the thick of it so taking another swing
[2024/06/02 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 14:57] D20: Mecha rolls 5
[2024/06/02 14:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me faceplams
[2024/06/02 14:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, hobgoblins attack, jabbing with their spears. It was nice knowing you guys, by the way.
[2024/06/02 14:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: They attack Diane and Mecha
[2024/06/02 14:57] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 6
[2024/06/02 14:57] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 15
[2024/06/02 14:58] Diane: lord have mercy on us all
[2024/06/02 14:58] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 4
[2024/06/02 14:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: They miss Diane, but stab Mecha badly. She's now injured.
[2024/06/02 14:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/06/02 14:59] Diane: we gotta get her out but these guys will cut us to pieces if we turn
[2024/06/02 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: They're certainly likely to give chase, at the very least.
[2024/06/02 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: but, you still outnumber them...
[2024/06/02 15:01] Diane: this round
[2024/06/02 15:01] Mecha: I'm injured but not stopping gonna take another swing on my turn
[2024/06/02 15:01] Diane: kill it is then
[2024/06/02 15:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20 Diane
[2024/06/02 15:01] D20: Diane rolls 17
[2024/06/02 15:02] Diane: `signs a cross~
[2024/06/02 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: Finally! d8
[2024/06/02 15:02] D8: Diane rolls 3
[2024/06/02 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: You smack one of the hobgoblins and badly injure it.
[2024/06/02 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/06/02 15:04] D20: Dina rolls 12
[2024/06/02 15:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: Ooooh. Just hit! d6 for damage
[2024/06/02 15:06] D6: Dina rolls 3
[2024/06/02 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina is on a roll! She shoots the hit hobgoblin in the stomach, and he dies in a fit of agony.
[2024/06/02 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 15:07] Mecha: I'm injured but not stopping gonna take another swing on my turn
[2024/06/02 15:07] D20: Mecha rolls 11
[2024/06/02 15:07] Mecha: 11 with the plus 3 bonus :)
[2024/06/02 15:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: hit! d6 for damage
[2024/06/02 15:07] D6: Mecha rolls 2
[2024/06/02 15:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: The hammer swings round into the side of the hobgoblins head, There's a loud CRACK and the hobgoblin tumbles aside, dead before he hits the ground.
[2024/06/02 15:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: That was a bonnie fight!
[2024/06/02 15:08] Diane: and the dice gods finally smile
[2024/06/02 15:09] Mecha: I grumble a bit at the wound
[2024/06/02 15:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: Looks like two exits from this place; a crude door bars one passageway, the other is quite open but twists a bit.
[2024/06/02 15:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: unless you fancy some half cooked rat stew first
[2024/06/02 15:10] Diane: is the barred way locked?
[2024/06/02 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: are you trying the door to see?
[2024/06/02 15:11] Diane: ~looks to the others~ Am I ?
[2024/06/02 15:11] Mecha: give it a shot
[2024/06/02 15:12] Diane: giving it a shot
[2024/06/02 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: The door swings open easily. Beyond, a Ruined Chamber/Storeroom. Piles of rock on the ground. Roof half collapsed. Various crates and barrels about and two rather drunken goblins taking turns to slurp from the contents of a barrel.
[2024/06/02 15:12] Diane: and
[2024/06/02 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/06/02 15:13] Diane: sword play!
[2024/06/02 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20, +2 to hit
[2024/06/02 15:14] Diane: counting on them being drunk and element of surprise
[2024/06/02 15:14] D20: Diane rolls 9
[2024/06/02 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: yeah... your plan needs work....
[2024/06/02 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina? :)
[2024/06/02 15:14] Diane: ( new shirt! Chaotic stupid!)
[2024/06/02 15:15] Dina: (trying to figure how many left )
[2024/06/02 15:16] Diane: (2)
[2024/06/02 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: (two drunk goblins)
[2024/06/02 15:16] Dina: keeps the distance staying far and firing
[2024/06/02 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 15:17] D20: Dina rolls 14
[2024/06/02 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: that's a hit... d6
[2024/06/02 15:17] D6: Dina rolls 1
[2024/06/02 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: The arrow smacks into a goblin, who screams out in pain. The other goblin doesn't notice.
[2024/06/02 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 15:18] Diane: lol bet that stings
[2024/06/02 15:19] Mecha: Gonna try something, walking up to the second Goblin."Oi Share the booze!"
[2024/06/02 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblin takes a glance and waves a shakey finger to your left, and, addresses the empty space he thinks you're in. "yor.... yur... youre... the wurst... worst... the worst Boss ever, Boss."
[2024/06/02 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: The other goblin meanwhile jumps up and down, swinging his club. "I'm under attack!"
[2024/06/02 15:21] Mecha: Meh, it's why we drink Bosses suck now then. Less talking , more drinking
[2024/06/02 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: "We drinking this barrel! You go away!" He opens the tap and completely misses his mouth, splattering the floor
[2024/06/02 15:22] Mecha: Then I'm gonna punch him and take the booze.
[2024/06/02 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: The drunk one attacks Diane, for no readily apparant reason. Apparantly she's the one attacking him.
[2024/06/02 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20 to punch
[2024/06/02 15:24] Diane: just snap his friggin neck already
[2024/06/02 15:24] D20: Mecha rolls 2
[2024/06/02 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: not with that roll you won't.
[2024/06/02 15:24] Mecha: *Think I've already been drinking*
[2024/06/02 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblin finally starts guzzling ... whatever that liquid is
[2024/06/02 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Meanwhile...
[2024/06/02 15:24] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/06/02 15:24] Diane: should have just cleaved him in two
[2024/06/02 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: The shot goblin punches at Diane and misses wildly
[2024/06/02 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/06/02 15:25] Diane: kill him!
[2024/06/02 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 15:25] D20: Diane rolls 8
[2024/06/02 15:25] Diane: Oi Vay!
[2024/06/02 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: moving on to Dina?
[2024/06/02 15:26] D20: Dina rolls 10
[2024/06/02 15:26] Dina: pouts
[2024/06/02 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'm not sure combat is your thing
[2024/06/02 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 15:26] Mecha: Another hit
[2024/06/02 15:26] Mecha: Or at least another swing
[2024/06/02 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 15:27] D20: Mecha rolls 11
[2024/06/02 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: You punch the goblin. His limp body slides across to a pile of rubble.
[2024/06/02 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Meanwhile, Diane is attacked by the shot goblin
[2024/06/02 15:27] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 13
[2024/06/02 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Narrow miss!
[2024/06/02 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/06/02 15:28] Dina: dice just dont like this kitty but will keep trying
[2024/06/02 15:28] Diane: Faster pussy cat...kill kill kill
[2024/06/02 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 15:28] D20: Diane rolls 12
[2024/06/02 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: d8 for damage
[2024/06/02 15:28] D8: Diane rolls 5
[2024/06/02 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: The poor guy is literally hacked in half.
[2024/06/02 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/06/02 15:29] Mecha: I'm snagging some of that booze
[2024/06/02 15:29] Diane: that all of em?
[2024/06/02 15:29] Diane: if so...looting bodies
[2024/06/02 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: you sure that's a good idea?
[2024/06/02 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: You acquired some copper and silver pieces.
[2024/06/02 15:30] Diane: looting? a bad idea?...never!
[2024/06/02 15:30] Mecha: Didn't say drinking it just grabbing some
[2024/06/02 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: in what?
[2024/06/02 15:30] Diane: and the hobgoblins?
[2024/06/02 15:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: that's where the silver came from
[2024/06/02 15:31] Diane: just checking
[2024/06/02 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 15:32] Mecha: Those guys had a mug or something, gonna use that
[2024/06/02 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: They were literally drinking from the tap
[2024/06/02 15:32] Diane: ewww they slobbered all over it
[2024/06/02 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Any other ideas...? What are you planning on doing with it, anyway?
[2024/06/02 15:34] Mecha: If it wasn't poison drinking it
[2024/06/02 15:35] Diane: OMG! like we aren't handicapped enough already, lol
[2024/06/02 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: I ain't saying it's poison, and I ain't saying it's even drinkable... you sure you want to do that?
[2024/06/02 15:35] Mecha: I'm injured."I deserve this."
[2024/06/02 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 15:35] D20: Mecha rolls 20
[2024/06/02 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh boy
[2024/06/02 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me actually walks away holding her head in her hands
[2024/06/02 15:37] Diane: oh that can't be good
[2024/06/02 15:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: in combat, that'd be great
[2024/06/02 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: as an ability check... kinda less good. Auto fail.
[2024/06/02 15:38] D4: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 2
[2024/06/02 15:38] Mecha: technically still combat.. You know to keep it down
[2024/06/02 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: You swallow a mouthful of what tastes like a mixture of lamp oil, treacle and a hint of old smelly socks. You vomit noisily and copiously... thanks to nausea you now got a -1 penalty to rolls for the next ten minutes.
[2024/06/02 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: anyone want to search anything... ingest anything...?
[2024/06/02 15:40] Dina: searches
[2024/06/02 15:40] Diane: search everything
[2024/06/02 15:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: You find: In a crate: spoiled food, empty bottles of expensive wine, a nest of mice, a golden necklace
[2024/06/02 15:41] Diane: oh gold!
[2024/06/02 15:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: who gets that?
[2024/06/02 15:41] Diane: me of coarse
[2024/06/02 15:41] Diane: just kidding who found it?
[2024/06/02 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina searched first, so, Dina
[2024/06/02 15:43] Diane: she gets cursed then'
[2024/06/02 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Onto the other passageway?
[2024/06/02 15:44] Diane: on ways and...downward?
[2024/06/02 15:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: The other passageway leads to... An empty chamber, the walls adorned with various carvings to a long forgotten deity. "The only sound in the room is the faint echo of dripping water in the distance. The walls, once adorned with vibrant colors and intricate carvings, now stand as a testament to the passage of time, their once-vibrant hues faded to a dull sheen. The carvings themselves depict scenes of a long-forgotten deity, its visage stern and unforgiving, surrounded by scenes of battles, conquests, and rituals. You can't help but feel a sense of unease as they venture deeper into the chamber."
[2024/06/02 15:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: Once again, a choice between two paths, one straight, the other to the side.
[2024/06/02 15:45] Mecha: I just motion to the other two to choose.
[2024/06/02 15:45] Diane: strait?
[2024/06/02 15:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/06/02 15:46] Dina: either path works , both are dangerous and this kitty will follow the party
[2024/06/02 15:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: straight was mentioned, so onwards and inwards?
[2024/06/02 15:48] Diane: strait it is, do i need my lantern?
[2024/06/02 15:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: You don't go far when you see the flickering glow of a fireand hear a voice growling something. You're sure there's a number of creatures ahead, probably all hostile.
[2024/06/02 15:49] Diane: sword out, lantern out
[2024/06/02 15:50] Mecha: Hammer out
[2024/06/02 15:50] D4: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 2
[2024/06/02 15:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: Ahead: A large communal area, where more monsters are: looks like 3 Hobgoblins, plus a leader. "The lair of the hobgoblins is a dimly lit underground chamber, its rough-hewn stone walls adorned with crude symbols and macabre trophies. The floor is a maze of dusty crates and scavenged junk, where the hobgoblins gather to share meager rations and pass on tales of their raids. In the center of the lair, a small fire crackles and spits, casting a warm glow over the gathered hobgoblins as they huddle together, their beady eyes gleaming with malevolent intent."
[2024/06/02 15:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: The leader is apparantly lecturing the others, his back to you, and the others are rolling their eyes and pretending to listen while doing something else.
[2024/06/02 15:52] Diane: ~sighs~ We have surprise!
[2024/06/02 15:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: something else, if you paid attention...
[2024/06/02 15:54] Diane: sneak for a back stab?
[2024/06/02 15:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: she got it in one. Beware, you probably won't kill the guy.
[2024/06/02 15:55] Diane: well you only die....once?
[2024/06/02 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: 'fraid so...
[2024/06/02 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20 to backstab
[2024/06/02 15:55] D20: Diane rolls 5
[2024/06/02 15:55] Diane: Oh Jesus!
[2024/06/02 15:56] Diane: (switching back to my Chaotic Stupid shirt!)
[2024/06/02 15:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: even with the +4 to hit, that's a miss. The leader feels the blow glance off, and he turns round. "Urrrrr???"
[2024/06/02 15:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/06/02 16:00] Diane: ~quketly praying~
[2024/06/02 16:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me nearly joins in... the situation is quite dire
[2024/06/02 16:02] Diane: Dina?
[2024/06/02 16:03] Dina: well seeing him react steps back nice and far to use the crossbow again , very far so shot might actually hit it
[2024/06/02 16:03] D20: Dina rolls 1
[2024/06/02 16:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh no
[2024/06/02 16:04] Dina: and broke a string so sits in the dark to try and fix the bow
[2024/06/02 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: That's... so not good
[2024/06/02 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 16:04] Dina: its fine it hardly ever hits anyway
[2024/06/02 16:04] Mecha: He's turning, I'm gonna go for a hammer swing on the leader
[2024/06/02 16:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 16:05] D20: Mecha rolls 4
[2024/06/02 16:05] Mecha: I'm then gonna flip off the dice gods and throw my hammer at them
[2024/06/02 16:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: well. It's a good job you had surprise, because that meant they just stood there staring dumbly. Now, however, they recover and rally to attack
[2024/06/02 16:06] Diane: been nice knowing you
[2024/06/02 16:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: plans? And your situation isn't the greatest
[2024/06/02 16:07] Diane: faster pussy cat kill kill kill
[2024/06/02 16:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: you planning to attack?
[2024/06/02 16:07] Diane: yes
[2024/06/02 16:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha? What are you planning?
[2024/06/02 16:08] Mecha: In it til the end I guess, so another swing. If I kill boss I become boss.
[2024/06/02 16:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: sure?
[2024/06/02 16:09] Mecha: No but running away on my part means the others are screwed so I can't leave. Also the whole leader thing.. Can't hurt to try
[2024/06/02 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: You can -all- flee, if you think that's best... otherwise... d20 from Diane, I guess!
[2024/06/02 16:10] D20: Diane rolls 2
[2024/06/02 16:10] Diane: OMFG!
[2024/06/02 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: Oh well. I gave you an out.
[2024/06/02 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 16:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: At least it wasn't a 1.
[2024/06/02 16:11] Mecha: Taking another swing at leader boy
[2024/06/02 16:11] D20: Mecha rolls 19
[2024/06/02 16:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: alright... at least you hit!
[2024/06/02 16:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: d6 for damage
[2024/06/02 16:12] D6: Mecha rolls 4
[2024/06/02 16:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: The hammer smacks the guy hard, he howls out in pain and staggers back, clearly very injured.
[2024/06/02 16:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/06/02 16:13] Dina: considering they didnt get hit by my bow and Im not close enough for anyone to take notice of shooting with my wild crazy shots into the open air just going to sit and try to fix the crossbow out of sight still distant so maybe can try to shoot it again sometime soon and help party
[2024/06/02 16:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, the bow is fixed for the next round
[2024/06/02 16:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: The leader stumbles back, holding his side, and snarls "Get 'em, boys!" and he retreats behind his underlings, who charge to attack. Two go for Mecha, for attacking the leader, the other, Diane
[2024/06/02 16:15] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 19
[2024/06/02 16:15] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 4
[2024/06/02 16:15] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 6
[2024/06/02 16:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: ...fuck.... that's a nasty case of being impaled by a spear, Mecha.
[2024/06/02 16:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: Very badly injured now.
[2024/06/02 16:16] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 1
[2024/06/02 16:16] Diane: did he fall on his sword?
[2024/06/02 16:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh, well.. the third hobgoblin rams his spear into the wall, where it gets stuck. He yanks and pulls, trying to free it.
[2024/06/02 16:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: Back to Diane, if you dare, roll the d20 to attack
[2024/06/02 16:17] Diane: kill kill killl!
[2024/06/02 16:17] D20: Diane rolls 12
[2024/06/02 16:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: d8 for damage
[2024/06/02 16:17] D8: Diane rolls 4
[2024/06/02 16:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: One hobgoblin less, probably should've let it go and gone for something else
[2024/06/02 16:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Oh well, you live... and he dies.
[2024/06/02 16:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina? d20 to shoot the crossbow
[2024/06/02 16:19] D20: Dina rolls 9
[2024/06/02 16:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss.... thems the breaks
[2024/06/02 16:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 16:20] Mecha: Exactly how impaled am I ? Like is the spear holder within arm reach?
[2024/06/02 16:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: stabbed and then withdrawn.
[2024/06/02 16:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: You can make a standard attack.
[2024/06/02 16:21] Mecha: Going for that then, then probably collapsing
[2024/06/02 16:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 16:21] D20: Mecha rolls 7
[2024/06/02 16:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: yeah, about that collapse...
[2024/06/02 16:22] Mecha: Tried to collapse and missed the floor
[2024/06/02 16:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: The leader lurks to the rear, as the hobgoblins attack Diane, and Mecha
[2024/06/02 16:22] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/06/02 16:22] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 12
[2024/06/02 16:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: jesus
[2024/06/02 16:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha nearly got turned into a pincushion, luckily that just scraped her
[2024/06/02 16:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: The balance is slowly tipping back in your favour... Diane?
[2024/06/02 16:23] Diane: kill kill kill
[2024/06/02 16:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 16:23] D20: Diane rolls 12
[2024/06/02 16:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: and the d8
[2024/06/02 16:24] D8: Diane rolls 8
[2024/06/02 16:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: maximally efficient strike
[2024/06/02 16:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: you literally behead the hobgoblin and his head flies to the leader, while the body tumbles the other way, spraying blood all over the wall
[2024/06/02 16:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina
[2024/06/02 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: one beligerant hobgoblin facing Mecha, I know Dina can do this
[2024/06/02 16:29] D20: Dina rolls 10
[2024/06/02 16:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina shoots a wall
[2024/06/02 16:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 16:30] Mecha: Moving from the collapse to try an uppercut. Odds are good I dropped the hammer when I went down.
[2024/06/02 16:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: you still got the hammer
[2024/06/02 16:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 16:30] D20: Mecha rolls 1
[2024/06/02 16:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: are you guys cursed or something???
[2024/06/02 16:31] Diane: seems so
[2024/06/02 16:31] Mecha: Looks like it.
[2024/06/02 16:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: The war hammer clatters across the floor... hitting nothing
[2024/06/02 16:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: so.... he's going to attack... Mecha
[2024/06/02 16:32] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 15
[2024/06/02 16:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: -jesus-
[2024/06/02 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: you see your life flash before your eyes, as the spear comes a rats' whisker from sending you into the Afterlife
[2024/06/02 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: One hobgoblin and one skulking leader remain
[2024/06/02 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane?
[2024/06/02 16:33] Diane: lets finish this
[2024/06/02 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 16:34] D20: Diane rolls 19
[2024/06/02 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: decisive action!
[2024/06/02 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: d8
[2024/06/02 16:34] D8: Diane rolls 1
[2024/06/02 16:34] Diane: god damn it!
[2024/06/02 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Barely grazed the bugger.
[2024/06/02 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/06/02 16:37] D20: Dina rolls 1
[2024/06/02 16:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: well, dunno about the party, but, the DM is going home.
[2024/06/02 16:37] Dina: ok this die is a bit sus lol
[2024/06/02 16:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 16:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: fists or grab hammer?
[2024/06/02 16:38] Mecha: Gonna try closed fists
[2024/06/02 16:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 16:38] D20: Mecha rolls 6
[2024/06/02 16:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me holds her head and groans
[2024/06/02 16:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: hobgoblin tries to stab at Mecha
[2024/06/02 16:39] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 16
[2024/06/02 16:39] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 4
[2024/06/02 16:39] Mecha: And that is the end of me
[2024/06/02 16:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: You are now at the point of death. Next hit is mortal.
[2024/06/02 16:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: New combat round! Diane?
[2024/06/02 16:40] Diane: guess it's up to me now, all or die trying
[2024/06/02 16:40] D20: Diane rolls 18
[2024/06/02 16:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: Probably the latter.
[2024/06/02 16:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: d8....
[2024/06/02 16:40] D8: Diane rolls 4
[2024/06/02 16:41] Diane: not dead just yet
[2024/06/02 16:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: Down goes the hobgoblin!
[2024/06/02 16:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: The hobgoblin leader, who is badly wounded, decides that the odds are not in his favour. "No fight! No kill!" he shouts, dropping his spear.
[2024/06/02 16:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: what now?
[2024/06/02 16:42] Diane: i should run you though right now! give me a reason not to!
[2024/06/02 16:42] Dina: fixing the bow again since it broke again
[2024/06/02 16:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Leader: "Me give in! Me live."
[2024/06/02 16:43] Diane: ~blood lust in her eyes~ Better give me a better reason that that!
[2024/06/02 16:43] Diane: then that*
[2024/06/02 16:43] Mecha: NO!
[2024/06/02 16:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Leader, looking at Dina and Mecha. "Urr???"
[2024/06/02 16:44] Mecha: We came here for something. Let's get it and go. I need a fucking healer and I refuse to bleed to death while you get your kicks
[2024/06/02 16:45] Diane: and maybe he knows what we are looking for and where it is ~ She demands~
[2024/06/02 16:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: Leader: "You come for treasure? In throne room, next room!"
[2024/06/02 16:46] Diane: and guarding it?
[2024/06/02 16:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: Leader: "No guards!"
[2024/06/02 16:46] Diane: sounds too easy ~waving her sword~
[2024/06/02 16:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina, Mecha?
[2024/06/02 16:48] Dina: still repairing her broken bow
[2024/06/02 16:49] Mecha: I shake my head and start limping to the treasure room. I'm either gonna find treasure or death and at this point Not sure which and hurting enough not to care
[2024/06/02 16:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: Throne Room A few old crates and some pelts have been placed to form a crude throne. There's three treasure chests. "The throne room of the hobgoblins is a dingy, poorly lit chamber with a crude throne constructed from old crates and pelts. Three treasure chests, with rusty hinges and large locks, sit against the walls, and amidst the chaos, a small pedestal holds a lucky cat figurine, its glassy eyes seeming to stare out into the darkness, as if guarding the treasure within."
[2024/06/02 16:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now who's doing what?
[2024/06/02 16:50] Diane: I fucking knew it! he lied to us! ~turning her blood lust towards the leader~
[2024/06/02 16:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: (lied about what?)
[2024/06/02 16:51] Mecha: there are no guards so I'm headed to the cat statue
[2024/06/02 16:51] Diane: it's a trap! it's guarded
[2024/06/02 16:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: The cat statue sits on the pedastal. It looks light and easy to take up.
[2024/06/02 16:52] Diane: 0nly good hobgoblin is a dead hobgoblin!
[2024/06/02 16:53] Mecha: I'm gonna look for traps and if clear, I am gonna try to pick up the statue
[2024/06/02 16:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: you're not a rogue so... you see no traps. You gain 1 lucky cat figurine.
[2024/06/02 16:54] Diane: ~breathing heavy rage in her eyes~ Faster Pussy Cat...Kill Kill KIll! (gonna finish the leader)
[2024/06/02 16:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20, if you must
[2024/06/02 16:55] D20: Diane rolls 15
[2024/06/02 16:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: that's a hit.... d8
[2024/06/02 16:55] D8: Diane rolls 2
[2024/06/02 16:55] Diane: Grrrrr
[2024/06/02 16:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: You badly injure the leader, who launches himself back at you, fists flailing
[2024/06/02 16:55] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 3
[2024/06/02 16:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: lucky.
[2024/06/02 16:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now who's doing what?
[2024/06/02 16:56] Diane: Kill Kill Kill
[2024/06/02 16:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/06/02 16:56] D20: Diane rolls 5
[2024/06/02 16:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss.
[2024/06/02 16:56] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 19
[2024/06/02 16:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hobgoblin punches back...
[2024/06/02 16:56] D8: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 6
[2024/06/02 16:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: Out like a light.
[2024/06/02 16:57] Mecha: stuff the statue in the backpack and walks away in time to see this.
[2024/06/02 16:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/06/02 16:59] Dina: well if my bow works will use it
[2024/06/02 16:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: to do what?
[2024/06/02 17:00] Dina: the only thing can do shoot whatever is left or if all enemies dead or down , put the fixed bow away
[2024/06/02 17:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, d20
[2024/06/02 17:01] D20: Dina rolls 7
[2024/06/02 17:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: Missed.
[2024/06/02 17:01] Dina: not surprised
[2024/06/02 17:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: shocker, I know
[2024/06/02 17:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: the leader dives behind Mecha. "Said no fight! Said no kill!"
[2024/06/02 17:01] Diane: just kill me now
[2024/06/02 17:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/06/02 17:02] Dina: /me "dont worry your safe , I cant kill things", laughs putting away her bow
[2024/06/02 17:03] Mecha: I look at the Hobgoblin. "Open the treasure chests, we wont take all of it, but we will take some. Dina can you check on Diane?
[2024/06/02 17:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: Looks like 2,000 cp, 1,000 sp, 1,000 sp in the chests.
[2024/06/02 17:06] Dina: any scrolls ?
[2024/06/02 17:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: nope
[2024/06/02 17:06] Mecha: Kinda hoped we would find a healing potion but I load what I can, aiming for half the sp total
[2024/06/02 17:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: gp... there's gp
[2024/06/02 17:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: backpack will carry 400
[2024/06/02 17:07] Mecha: We can split 100 between 3
[2024/06/02 17:07] Mecha: er 1000
[2024/06/02 17:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: how?
[2024/06/02 17:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina has a large sack, can carry 600
[2024/06/02 17:08] Mecha: 333 in each backpack
[2024/06/02 17:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane is out of it so can carry nothing
[2024/06/02 17:08] Diane: right now
[2024/06/02 17:09] Diane: jesus you act like i'm dead
[2024/06/02 17:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: well, you aren't far off...
[2024/06/02 17:09] Mecha: I walk over and try to shake Diana awake
[2024/06/02 17:09] Diane: he punched me out, long way from dead
[2024/06/02 17:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: she's out cold.
[2024/06/02 17:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: you're limp and lifeless... sounds to me like you meet at least half the qualification
[2024/06/02 17:10] Diane: only a flesh wound
[2024/06/02 17:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: meanwhile, those who are concious and upright... what you doing?
[2024/06/02 17:13] Mecha: getting my waterskin and pouring the contents on Diana to try and wake her up. as I say to the chief."No funny business.. I've taken all this damage and can still fight. We can end this peacefully."
[2024/06/02 17:13] Dina: carrying as much as possible for the others and quietly saying a prayer to the elven deities to help find some scrolls so can learn some offensive magic
[2024/06/02 17:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane is now wet (and unconcious).
[2024/06/02 17:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Maximum Dina can carry: 600 coins
[2024/06/02 17:14] Diane: gotta wait till i wake, can't carry me and the loot
[2024/06/02 17:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: if you get a move on... Mecha can carry 400 coins, the leader can carry Diane
[2024/06/02 17:15] Mecha: THen we load Dina with the 600 and I try to carry Diane out of here.
[2024/06/02 17:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: but if you delay, not only is there a chance of hobgoblins, but the leader may realize it's essentially him vs Dina
[2024/06/02 17:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina: large sack now contains 600gp
[2024/06/02 17:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: aaaaaaand.... out we go?
[2024/06/02 17:17] Mecha: /me nods. I meanwhile am listening.. I just know the sound of laughter is gonna be coming
[2024/06/02 17:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: It's an uneventful exit from the caves. Out to the crude log bridge and that little column of rock...
[2024/06/02 17:18] Diane: awake yet?
[2024/06/02 17:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: ...and you know her, you love her, it's Sonja y Ddraig Goch, sitting there waiting. You're suddenly horribly aware of how exposed you are on the rock column, as if you were standing on a small table.
[2024/06/02 17:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Yes, why not, Diane can wake now.
[2024/06/02 17:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch looks from Dina to Mecha to Diane to the leader, and back again. "Would you three just move a few steps to the left, if you wouldn't mind?"
[2024/06/02 17:20] Mecha: /me nods and moves those three steps. at this point, not caring if it puts her in direct line of fire
[2024/06/02 17:21] Diane: umm if i am awake i'll move
[2024/06/02 17:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Draig Goch narrows her eyes at the leader. "You. You're a useless leader." She leans forwards and bites ... well, not so much his head, as his whole upper body right off, and she chews for a few, then spits the bloody mass back out. "And you don't taste very nice, either."
[2024/06/02 17:22] Diane: ummm curious what 3 she means?
[2024/06/02 17:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: (from Dina to Mecha to Diane)
[2024/06/02 17:22] Diane: ~swallows hard and stares~ guess she meant us
[2024/06/02 17:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch says: "Sorry you had to see that. You just can't get the underlings any more." She looks at you three again. "You look like you've been through a meat grinder. One at the point of death, and one out for the count when you came out. How's the adventuring going? Did you find some magic weapon...?"
[2024/06/02 17:25] Diane: weapon? what makes you think we were looking for a weapon?
[2024/06/02 17:25] Mecha: There were weapons?! We're gonna get healed and go back. but for now I refuse to make that place my tomb
[2024/06/02 17:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch: "Do you think I don't know your plans? You went looking for a weapon... and... you found..." ...she sniffs... "... a statue of a cat?"
[2024/06/02 17:27] Diane: we did!? i must have missed that, i saw chests and ...nodda
[2024/06/02 17:27] Mecha: Looks at her."You're shitting me, that's a weapon?"
[2024/06/02 17:27] Diane: whats a weapon?
[2024/06/02 17:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch narrows her eyes as she looks to Dina. "You found gold."
[2024/06/02 17:28] Diane: wait! Gold! ? when did we find gold?
[2024/06/02 17:28] Dina: we have gold , Im carrying it now so you can both spend it
[2024/06/02 17:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch growls. "Hand it over."
[2024/06/02 17:29] Diane: why am i always the last to know these things?
[2024/06/02 17:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: (Well, if you stayed concious...)
[2024/06/02 17:29] Diane: ~turns the dragon~ Hand over what?
[2024/06/02 17:31] Mecha: Can we split it with you. Seriously I gotta pay for healing or I am gonna drop dead real soon.
[2024/06/02 17:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch: "We can split it all for me, none for you. Or, I can incinerate you where you stand, and it'll still be all for me, none for you."
[2024/06/02 17:33] Diane: well i got a few coppers you can have
[2024/06/02 17:33] Mecha: It's either gold or our hides. So either way I'm dead.
[2024/06/02 17:33] Dina: looks at the dragon and sternly speaks, "That would be a no you stupid overgrown scaly excuse for a sentient being, have gone through far too much and could care less at this point what you think or do. I carried this gold for the party not you. I have a bow that cant anything regardless of range Im a mage with no spells an elf with no home , your worst is a joke compared to what Im forced to endure in this existence so either do your stupid lame fire attack and give me a break or just piss off while i carry this heavy sack some more so my party can buy what they need. Dragons always picking on everything except something their own size , pathetic...."
[2024/06/02 17:34] Diane: ~digs deep in her pockets~ Wait! I think i got some dead rats and maybe a rubber band for ya
[2024/06/02 17:34] Mecha: With that I sit down and embrace oblivion
[2024/06/02 17:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: The dragon just looks at Dina, then at Mecha. "Well. If that's the way it is..." she starts to mumble and mutter strange things under her breath.
[2024/06/02 17:35] Dina: Bring it you oversized chameleon with bad breath
[2024/06/02 17:35] Diane: Here it is! Two not one but two rubber bands!
[2024/06/02 17:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha gets a saving throw. Roll d20, must roll over 16
[2024/06/02 17:36] D20: Mecha rolls 1
[2024/06/02 17:36] Diane: and because i'm generous and hate to see you go empty handed you can have both!
[2024/06/02 17:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh boy
[2024/06/02 17:37] Dina: Im waiting ....
[2024/06/02 17:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: For a few moments Mecha feels a bit light-headed, but, it soon passes, and it's all okay, because her very best friend, Sonja y Ddraig Goch is right there.
[2024/06/02 17:37] Diane: for the price of one
[2024/06/02 17:38] Mecha: I look at Sonja and smile
[2024/06/02 17:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: [DM note: Mecha now has the "charmed" condition.]
[2024/06/02 17:38] Dina: oh whats that scared to use your big bad breath attack , a little elf with no combat capability at all quieted the big bad flying flame machine ?
[2024/06/02 17:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch leans a little closer to Mecha. "You okay, old friend? You came over a bit funny just then."
[2024/06/02 17:39] Dina: thats what i thought ... turns and walks away sick of dragons and their bs threats
[2024/06/02 17:39] Diane: ~holds out the rubber bands~ just cost you 1 copper
[2024/06/02 17:39] Mecha: Yeah just you know, blood loss and stuff
[2024/06/02 17:39] Mecha: How are you my friend?
[2024/06/02 17:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: The dragon frowns. "You don't want to go losing blood. You might want to try some bandages. Try these." She passes a small pack to Mecha. "Although, I won't stay to chit chat, I don't think the elf likes me very much. I better go... I'll be in contact later. Stay safe, friend... and watch your back... especially if there's elves about..."
[2024/06/02 17:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: A great WHOOMPH of her wings and she takes to the sky, and flies away quickly.
[2024/06/02 17:42] Mecha: I nod and gratefully takes the pack.."I will keep an eye out for them." Before opening the pack and looking in
[2024/06/02 17:42] Diane: ok, anyone else think that was weird?
[2024/06/02 17:42] Mecha: I yell thank you to her as she disappears into the horizon.
[2024/06/02 17:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: The pack contains a few roots, some strips of bark, a needle and thread, and a long strip of linen.
[2024/06/02 17:45] Mecha: Needle and thread. I'm no doctor but I have an idea of this. However instead of suturing my own wounds I am going to wrap the linen tight."Anyone know what I can do with roots and bark? Also you were being kinda mean to Sonja. She a friend. Really been there for us."
[2024/06/02 17:45] Diane: she has?
[2024/06/02 17:46] Dina: looks to the party and asks, "so where do you want the sack of gold?"
[2024/06/02 17:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: The roots are probably edible. The bark is from a willow tree, known throughout the ages for providing pain relief. The bandages and needle & thread are certainly useful; using the kit restores 3 hp and takes you from deaths' door.
[2024/06/02 17:46] Mecha: Oh yeah. She was there when you got knocked out at that tavern and I had to carry you. She could have killed us then but she didn't. What a pal.
[2024/06/02 17:47] Mecha: I eat the roots.and gnaw on the bark
[2024/06/02 17:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: An it's -way- over time, so... I better slink off... and you can... worry about what happens next time :D
[2024/06/02 17:49] Mecha: Screw it. *Huggles and smooches* Good night Mistress, sleep well.