The Goblin Cave

[2024/05/19 13:59] Mecha: Hi Dina
[2024/05/19 14:00] Dina: Hi :)
[2024/05/19 14:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: just checking cards
[2024/05/19 14:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: we're just waiting on Kylie
[2024/05/19 14:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Meanwhile, everyone starts with full HP etc
[2024/05/19 14:06] Mecha: oh good, because I got beat up
[2024/05/19 14:07] Jassie: and I'm outta spells
[2024/05/19 14:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: All "starting adventures" will effectively be "start afresh".
[2024/05/19 14:07] Jassie: only have 1
[2024/05/19 14:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: 1 is all you can cast (so far)
[2024/05/19 14:07] Jassie: yea
[2024/05/19 14:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... I do have work tomorrow so let's get started, I think
[2024/05/19 14:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: as always, some background music is at or near:
[2024/05/19 14:10] Jassie: ok
[2024/05/19 14:10] D4: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 2
[2024/05/19 14:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: Since you're back in the city and I rolled a 2, you get chatting with the local barkeeper, who gives you this potentially useful advice: "Adventurers, eh? Come here! *Clears throat* Goblins (and it's always goblins!) have been spotted at the cliffs near Hillsbrad. I think they’re holed up inside an old cave or temple or something, up to no good I'm bettin'. I'm guessing it's the same gang of filth that's been ransacking the nearby pig farmers! Yeah, must be! Someone should make ‘em stop with their lootin' and hootin'!"
[2024/05/19 14:12] Jassie: (Hillsbrad lol? is that a WoW reference hehe)
[2024/05/19 14:12] Diane: you guys thinking what i'm thinking?
[2024/05/19 14:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: And with that slick intro out of the way... smooth like sandpaper! it's time to say GGGGGGGGGGgggrrrreetings, Adventurers, some players get original content, you get whatever I can rip from old Blizzard games.
[2024/05/19 14:13] Jassie: more goblins again? these things are just such pests aren't they
[2024/05/19 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: Damn goblins. Someone should do something about them.
[2024/05/19 14:13] Mecha: *Sooo, heroes never die? IF at first you don't succeed blow it up again? etc.*
[2024/05/19 14:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie, we are just starting :)
[2024/05/19 14:14] Kylie: awesome
[2024/05/19 14:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... who's planning on doing what?
[2024/05/19 14:16] Diane: what can i do to up my thieving skills?
[2024/05/19 14:16] Mecha: Nope nope nope. If we are dealing with goblins I require three things. Food, drink, and a night of rest.
[2024/05/19 14:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'd suggest going on an adventure, possibly against goblins, and earn some XP
[2024/05/19 14:17] Kylie: Nights of rest havent worked well for us
[2024/05/19 14:17] Diane: i'm guessing no guild here?
[2024/05/19 14:17] Dina: before going anywhere looks around where we are to see if anyone might be selling any scrolls to possibly learn a spell
[2024/05/19 14:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: None that you've noticed, and, they'll still need XP... Oh, and gold. Lots of gold.
[2024/05/19 14:18] Jassie: I mean if we are going to end up going up against that dragon, then we need to start looking for stuff to fight it too
[2024/05/19 14:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Maybe you could find something in an old abandoned temple
[2024/05/19 14:18] Jassie: and yes I wanna ask around town to see if anyone has potions
[2024/05/19 14:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: with 10gp, Dina....?
[2024/05/19 14:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: with 1gp, Jassie..?
[2024/05/19 14:19] Kylie: Lets go explore the old abandoned temple
[2024/05/19 14:19] Jassie: ah thats all I got? lol
[2024/05/19 14:19] Jassie: nevermind then
[2024/05/19 14:19] Diane: can i al least pickpocket someone?
[2024/05/19 14:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Indeed... for some reason you didn't loot the last bunch of goblins....
[2024/05/19 14:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Oh dear.
[2024/05/19 14:20] Jassie: oh no Diane, not happening again!
[2024/05/19 14:20] Diane: what?
[2024/05/19 14:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: If you want to pickpocket some random stranger... roll d%. Don't blame me for the outcome.
[2024/05/19 14:20] Jassie: have you forgotten what happened last time
[2024/05/19 14:20] Diane: and in my defense i was at 1 HP last goblins
[2024/05/19 14:20] Jassie: well I got you back up
[2024/05/19 14:20] Mecha: Wait before I go anywhere or do anything I approach Dina."If you plan on the same thing as the last in. Do it outside. I am not sleeping in the stables again."
[2024/05/19 14:20] Mecha: Er walking to Diane*
[2024/05/19 14:21] D10: Diane rolls 7
[2024/05/19 14:21] D10: Diane rolls 6
[2024/05/19 14:22] Jassie: 76 lol
[2024/05/19 14:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: 76... needed under 25. Oh well. You sidle up to a guy, who watches in some disbelief as you put your hand in his jacket pocket. He takes hold of your hand and starts shouting "Oi! Thief! Call the City Watch!"
[2024/05/19 14:22] Mecha: Kylie Indeed let's explore the temple. Then food drink etcetera
[2024/05/19 14:23] Diane: Thief! Waht are you Gay?!
[2024/05/19 14:23] Jassie: am i near where this happened?
[2024/05/19 14:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: A couple of guys in chain mail, carrying spears, notice the commotion and come running. "What's going on here?"
[2024/05/19 14:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Yes, you sort of are.
[2024/05/19 14:24] Jassie: ok
[2024/05/19 14:24] Diane: This guy here is resisting my sexual advances! I think he is Gay!
[2024/05/19 14:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Never split the party..
[2024/05/19 14:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Citizen: "Look! Still got her damn hand in my jacket!"
[2024/05/19 14:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Guard: "I think you better come quietly, lady!"
[2024/05/19 14:25] Diane: come on big boy! enjoy the ride!
[2024/05/19 14:26] Diane: well at least the city guard are real men
[2024/05/19 14:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: The guard snaps a manacle on your wrist. The other one waves his spear at the rest of you. "I think you better come along too, you look like you're all together."
[2024/05/19 14:27] Diane: Gang Bang?
[2024/05/19 14:27] Diane: Orgy
[2024/05/19 14:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: If by "Gang Bang" you mean "haulled in front of the captain of the watch, who fines you ten gold pieces", then, yes.
[2024/05/19 14:28] Jassie: I'll walk in, "Please sir as a lady of the church, I can attest my companion here didnt mean any harm."
[2024/05/19 14:28] Kylie: Attacks the guard with my axe to try and free dianne
[2024/05/19 14:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me facepalms
[2024/05/19 14:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: ....are... you... SURE.... you want to do that....
[2024/05/19 14:28] Diane: All i did was try and get a little sexual attention from a gay man, sue me!
[2024/05/19 14:29] Kylie: the dice may be in our favour tonight
[2024/05/19 14:29] Diane: death i see in our future
[2024/05/19 14:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: this may be one time I advise the party to split up.
[2024/05/19 14:29] Jassie: I'm talking to him at the moment though
[2024/05/19 14:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, just to be sure... you're wanting to attack the City Guard?
[2024/05/19 14:30] Mecha: I am turning around and walking away from this. Someone is going to need to bail them out
[2024/05/19 14:30] Kylie: well they may be easier than freeking goblins
[2024/05/19 14:30] Diane: i never assualted anyone chief, and i'm availible later if you get off?
[2024/05/19 14:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: City Guard.... easier than goblins....
[2024/05/19 14:31] Diane: she's drunk
[2024/05/19 14:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: roll a d20, Kylie
[2024/05/19 14:31] D20: Kylie rolls 1
[2024/05/19 14:31] Jassie: sigh... she doesnt mean bad, just look past this for now Sir?
[2024/05/19 14:31] Diane: oh no this is not gonna end well
[2024/05/19 14:32] Jassie: oh boy attacking while I'm talking to them
[2024/05/19 14:32] Jassie: fantastiicc lol
[2024/05/19 14:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: Despite the low WIS score, Kylies' character realizes that the City Guard are NOT weaker than any goblins.
[2024/05/19 14:32] Diane: and with a fumble
[2024/05/19 14:32] Kylie: guess i should have taken Mecha's lead and also left
[2024/05/19 14:32] Diane: for the record, all i did was sexually assault a gay man!
[2024/05/19 14:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: The d20 was a wisdom check
[2024/05/19 14:33] Jassie: LOL
[2024/05/19 14:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: no one has actually attacked anyone (yet)
[2024/05/19 14:34] Diane: and i thought i was the dumb one
[2024/05/19 14:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, Mecha has walked away... Dina, Jassie?
[2024/05/19 14:35] Diane: run dont walk
[2024/05/19 14:35] Kylie: I also walk away
[2024/05/19 14:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: see? that 1 was a GOOD result
[2024/05/19 14:36] Diane: yes , yes it was
[2024/05/19 14:36] Dina: is looking at the scene unfolding with a curious glance trying to figure out just what exactly is going on before stepping away as well
[2024/05/19 14:36] Jassie: sighs, before just slowly walking away to go and get some rest at the inn
[2024/05/19 14:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Diane gets fined 10gp and slung out of the City Guards' barracks.
[2024/05/19 14:38] Diane: Captain ~looking as innocent as possible~ There was a misunderstanding between myself and that guy. ...but what?!
[2024/05/19 14:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, now what?
[2024/05/19 14:38] Diane: i had him right where i wanted him, so not fair
[2024/05/19 14:39] Diane: ~shrugs her shoulders~ Following them, they know so much
[2024/05/19 14:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: well, right now it got you lighter in gold and dumped on your ass in the street
[2024/05/19 14:39] Jassie: (LOL)
[2024/05/19 14:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: Meanwhile! It's an hours' hike out of town... but, you're barely ten minutes out of sight from the city walls when....
[2024/05/19 14:40] Diane: ~looks around at the others~ Oh like ya'll ain't never had a bad sexual experience?
[2024/05/19 14:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: ...going round a hillside and up a slope...
[2024/05/19 14:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: a clearing amongst the trees....
[2024/05/19 14:40] Mecha: I don't have sex, takes away from training... And I guess babysittting.
[2024/05/19 14:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: spot the rather unmistakeable form of a huge red dragon watching you approach.
[2024/05/19 14:42] Diane: ~follows the party and whistling~
[2024/05/19 14:42] Mecha: My shoulders slump a bit
[2024/05/19 14:42] Jassie: Well I'm a woman of the church so no...
[2024/05/19 14:42] Jassie: and looks like we've got company ladies
[2024/05/19 14:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Indeed, Sonja y Ddraig Goch watches you, trying - as best as you can judge - to keep a straight face, her upper body and wings shaking
[2024/05/19 14:43] Kylie: the guards are for sure easier than a dragon
[2024/05/19 14:44] Diane: just say'in?
[2024/05/19 14:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha, Dina, Jassie?
[2024/05/19 14:46] Jassie: I try to just focus on walking out instead of paying attention to it
[2024/05/19 14:46] Mecha: I'm still walking until logic says stop and I do so looking at Sonja."Enjoying yourself there?"
[2024/05/19 14:47] Diane: ~throws her hands up~ Dragons don't have pockets! Ya'll on your own
[2024/05/19 14:47] Dina: just walks no point in bothering with dragons with my lack of skill
[2024/05/19 14:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch stifles a huge snort of flame, and as Mech addresses her, just.... loses it. She bursts out laughing, great loud rumbles that echo far and wide. "Bwah hah ha!!!"
[2024/05/19 14:48] Diane: I see our reputation preceeds us!...again
[2024/05/19 14:49] Mecha: I just stand there waiting for the laughing to stop
[2024/05/19 14:50] Jassie: continues walking while whistling to herself
[2024/05/19 14:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: It takes Sonja y Ddraig Goch a few attempts to get airborne, finally with a great FLAP of her wings and a WOOMPH of air that sends dust flying, the dragon manages to take off, and flies away, somewhat erratically, her loud peals of laughter fading
[2024/05/19 14:51] Jassie: I guess somehow someone finds us really funny
[2024/05/19 14:51] Diane: Someone wanna explain that shit?
[2024/05/19 14:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: well... can you blame her....?
[2024/05/19 14:52] Kylie: We must seem so pathetic
[2024/05/19 14:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hard to say, Diane, ask her next time?
[2024/05/19 14:52] Mecha: Oh I can I most definitely can
[2024/05/19 14:53] Diane: my love life that funny to a red dragon?
[2024/05/19 14:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... ready to press on?
[2024/05/19 14:54] Diane: press press
[2024/05/19 14:54] Kylie: Continueas walking
[2024/05/19 14:54] Mecha: We are supposed to be the ones chosen to defeat her on behalf of Astrid and Smokey the wizard. but the last two places we have been to that wasn't filled with goblins we have either been kicked out of or in one case arrested. She is laughing because for the most part we have been tripping over ourselves. I'm starting to think the only reason we are still alive is entertainment value.
[2024/05/19 14:54] Mecha: *my character is nettled*
[2024/05/19 14:55] Jassie: yup
[2024/05/19 14:55] Kylie: nettled?
[2024/05/19 14:56] Diane: well how we ever expect to get any better if we don't try at every possible time?
[2024/05/19 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... the terrain gets rougher and harder going, the rolling hills giving way to more craggy outcrops of rock, too small to be mountains but still, massive lumps of rock. Finally, you seem to make it to the place - a cliff, with what looks like a cave up high, a natural stone pillar before it, with a rope dangling down, and a rather badly made bridge of sorts leading into the cave itself.
[2024/05/19 14:56] Jassie: Well at least she's letting us live for now I guess, so lets just take that as a blessing
[2024/05/19 14:56] Mecha: Part of that is knowing when to do t and when not to. YOu wanna do it, find a traveller to practice on... Not one of us.
[2024/05/19 14:57] Jassie: ok everyone lets just focus and work together for now. we have an infestation and loot to get! ~smiles at everyone~
[2024/05/19 14:58] Diane: i did a traveler!
[2024/05/19 14:58] Jassie: do you all reckon that bridge is safe to cross? ~she checks it for stability, ((Can I roll something to check it out a little?))
[2024/05/19 14:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: indeed, what are you planning?
[2024/05/19 14:59] Mecha: *Calms down.* Look I know you are trying to get better. That makes perfect sense, but you can't get better if you end up arrested or thrown out of places.
[2024/05/19 14:59] Diane: Oh Just step aside ~walks onto the bridge~
[2024/05/19 14:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: The "bridge" is about twenty feet up above, and, you're some distance away. If you get closer, you might see more.
[2024/05/19 15:00] Diane: ~moving to the bridge~
[2024/05/19 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: anyone else moving up?
[2024/05/19 15:01] Mecha: Yeah, I am
[2024/05/19 15:01] Dina: yes
[2024/05/19 15:01] Kylie: I will go to the brige and shake it to test it
[2024/05/19 15:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: again, it's 20' up above.
[2024/05/19 15:01] Diane: i got rope
[2024/05/19 15:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: But, as you approach, rocks hurtle your way
[2024/05/19 15:01] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/05/19 15:01] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 6
[2024/05/19 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: Luckily for you, whoever threw those, are lousy shots.
[2024/05/19 15:02] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/05/19 15:02] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 11
[2024/05/19 15:02] Jassie: oh well
[2024/05/19 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: "As you look up the precarious pillar and over the creaky log bridge, you hear a chorus of jeers and hurling rocks from the four goblins perched atop the structure. The vile creatures are scattered about, their eyes gleaming with malice as they take aim at any intruders who dare to approach. Their leader, a particularly scrawny goblin with a missing eye, bellows insults at you, daring you to come closer."
[2024/05/19 15:02] Diane: No Human throws that badly aimed...Gobo's!
[2024/05/19 15:03] Mecha: Anyone got a bow and arrow?
[2024/05/19 15:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: indeed! Who's doing what?
[2024/05/19 15:03] Diane: i might
[2024/05/19 15:03] Jassie: hmmm is the stone pillar connected to where the cave is?
[2024/05/19 15:03] Jassie: and nope
[2024/05/19 15:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane: sadly no
[2024/05/19 15:03] Diane: ~yells to the gobo leader ~ " Nice of you to keep an EYE OUT for us!"
[2024/05/19 15:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: Only by the bridge of logs and planks
[2024/05/19 15:04] Kylie: i have a bow
[2024/05/19 15:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: anyone else...?
[2024/05/19 15:04] Diane: no bow
[2024/05/19 15:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/05/19 15:05] Jassie: no..
[2024/05/19 15:05] Kylie: I take it out and shoot it at one of the goblins and closes my eyes as my aim has been terrible while looking
[2024/05/19 15:05] Watt Whitfield: is offline.
[2024/05/19 15:05] Jassie: maybe if we just destroy the bridge then noone has to worry about them next time, but then again, we wont get any loot
[2024/05/19 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: then how you getting into the cave?
[2024/05/19 15:06] Diane: rope?
[2024/05/19 15:06] Mecha: Any rocks on the ground?
[2024/05/19 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: There's the four flung rocks, at the very least
[2024/05/19 15:07] Mecha: I'm gonna pick one up and throw it as hard as possible at one of the goblins
[2024/05/19 15:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: waiting on Dina, think she has a crossbow
[2024/05/19 15:08] Diane: someone did
[2024/05/19 15:08] Dina: yes and will attempt to fire it at a goblin
[2024/05/19 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: alright, d20s from Kyle, Dina, Mecha (penalized by 2 for Mecha)
[2024/05/19 15:09] D20: Dina rolls 12
[2024/05/19 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: so close!
[2024/05/19 15:09] Jassie: I will do so as well with a rock
[2024/05/19 15:09] D20: Mecha rolls 6
[2024/05/19 15:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss.
[2024/05/19 15:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jassie, d20
[2024/05/19 15:10] D20: Jassie rolls 17
[2024/05/19 15:10] Mecha: *Ah well. Give me a moment plese while the others do their thing*
[2024/05/19 15:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: and the d4 - good hit
[2024/05/19 15:10] D4: Jassie rolls 4
[2024/05/19 15:10] Diane: ~picks up a rock~
[2024/05/19 15:10] D20: Kylie rolls 5
[2024/05/19 15:10] Jassie: woo!
[2024/05/19 15:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh my
[2024/05/19 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: you catch a goblin square between the eyes. He cartwheels down, but is clearly dead before hitting the ground with a THUD
[2024/05/19 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss for Kylie... d20 for Diane
[2024/05/19 15:11] D20: Diane rolls 5
[2024/05/19 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: is this roll-a-5 night?
[2024/05/19 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss :P
[2024/05/19 15:12] Diane: ~get back to fields toby before i cut the other foot off!
[2024/05/19 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblins are unamused at his turn of events, and hurl rocks at Jassie
[2024/05/19 15:12] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 1
[2024/05/19 15:12] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 14
[2024/05/19 15:12] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 10
[2024/05/19 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: well one goblin nearly hurls -himself- off, the other comes dangerously close to hitting Jassie but, all miss
[2024/05/19 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/05/19 15:13] Diane: ~wipes up two fingers~ Round two!
[2024/05/19 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: indeed it is
[2024/05/19 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: if you are repeating your action, roll d20, otherwise, what do you do?
[2024/05/19 15:14] Dina: takes a look at her crossbow , sighs loads it again and attempts to shoot a goblin
[2024/05/19 15:14] Diane: ~picks up another rock and hurls it at one eye~
[2024/05/19 15:14] D20: Kylie rolls 19
[2024/05/19 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: wow!
[2024/05/19 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: d6 Kylie
[2024/05/19 15:15] Kylie: yes!
[2024/05/19 15:15] D6: Kylie rolls 3
[2024/05/19 15:15] Jassie: nice
[2024/05/19 15:15] D20: Dina rolls 13
[2024/05/19 15:15] Jassie: I will try to take a step out on the bridge see if its stable enough
[2024/05/19 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: The arrow slams into a goblin, who staggers and collapses, writhes in a fit of agon and falls off the rock pillar
[2024/05/19 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: A miss from Dina
[2024/05/19 15:16] D20: Diane rolls 19
[2024/05/19 15:16] Diane: F'er
[2024/05/19 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane, d20... Jassie: the bridge is at the top of the pillar, you need to climb it first.
[2024/05/19 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: d4 from Diane
[2024/05/19 15:17] D4: Diane rolls 1
[2024/05/19 15:17] Diane: damn it
[2024/05/19 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: A goblin cries out in pain and anger.
[2024/05/19 15:17] Diane: i didn't knock his other eye out?
[2024/05/19 15:17] Mecha: gonna try another rock
[2024/05/19 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: leaves Jassie and Mecha?
[2024/05/19 15:18] Jassie: ahh I see
[2024/05/19 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20 to lob a rock
[2024/05/19 15:18] Jassie: yea think thats the best situation now
[2024/05/19 15:18] Jassie: kicks a rock at the scrawny chief
[2024/05/19 15:18] Jassie: football style lol
[2024/05/19 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20, both of you
[2024/05/19 15:19] D20: Jassie rolls 6
[2024/05/19 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss :(
[2024/05/19 15:19] D20: Mecha rolls 13
[2024/05/19 15:19] Jassie: well evidently I dont play football
[2024/05/19 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Miss.
[2024/05/19 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblins curse and fling rocks at Diane
[2024/05/19 15:19] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 2
[2024/05/19 15:19] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 10
[2024/05/19 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: the dice gods smile on Diane... miss.
[2024/05/19 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/05/19 15:20] Diane: ~picks up another rock~
[2024/05/19 15:20] Mecha: Same here
[2024/05/19 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: roll them d20s!
[2024/05/19 15:20] D20: Mecha rolls 19
[2024/05/19 15:20] Diane: I swear i'm gonna knock that other eye out of that pricks head
[2024/05/19 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh my... d4!
[2024/05/19 15:20] D20: Dina rolls 3
[2024/05/19 15:20] D4: Mecha rolls 4
[2024/05/19 15:20] D20: Diane rolls 7
[2024/05/19 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina misses... Mecha smacks a goblin between the eyes, a loud CRACK and he slumps down, dead
[2024/05/19 15:21] D20: Kylie rolls 19
[2024/05/19 15:21] D20: Jassie rolls 17
[2024/05/19 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: and a d6 from Kylie, who is getting good hits
[2024/05/19 15:21] D6: Kylie rolls 4
[2024/05/19 15:21] Mecha: Not gonna lie, that was a lucky throw
[2024/05/19 15:22] Jassie: finally the football practice is paying off
[2024/05/19 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: And the last goblin is downed!
[2024/05/19 15:22] Diane: headed to loot the bodies
[2024/05/19 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: Time to climb that pillar!
[2024/05/19 15:22] Jassie: lets take it slow first, watch out for any traps and all
[2024/05/19 15:23] Jassie: but lets go
[2024/05/19 15:23] Diane: traps smaps
[2024/05/19 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: Climbing up is at least easy, with the dangling knotted rope
[2024/05/19 15:24] Kylie: smells the rope to see if it was dipped in kerosene as a trap
[2024/05/19 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: No, but thanks for the idea for later ;)
[2024/05/19 15:24] Diane: bit late for that! ~looting bodies
[2024/05/19 15:25] Mecha: I'm gonna hang back and watch
[2024/05/19 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane gains 20 cp, a dead rat, some rocks and a used hankie
[2024/05/19 15:25] Jassie: haha
[2024/05/19 15:25] Diane: raw rat?
[2024/05/19 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Yep.
[2024/05/19 15:25] Diane: ok, i'll eat that later
[2024/05/19 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: your call...
[2024/05/19 15:26] Diane: no time for a fire now
[2024/05/19 15:26] Jassie: does it look spoiled?
[2024/05/19 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now you're atop the stone pillar, you can see across the bridge and the cave looks dark and forboding
[2024/05/19 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: the rat? idk, I don't eat vermin
[2024/05/19 15:26] Jassie: if I have a spell later, I can help to purify it Diane
[2024/05/19 15:27] Jassie: but lets see
[2024/05/19 15:27] Diane: i'm not spoiled! ...I've always smelled this way!
[2024/05/19 15:27] Jassie: not you silly ~giggles~
[2024/05/19 15:28] Diane: ~sparking up a torch and checking the cave entry~
[2024/05/19 15:28] Mecha: I'm gonna head in. Smirking about this whole thing but trying not to let them see.
[2024/05/19 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: You have no torches, Diane.
[2024/05/19 15:28] Diane: oh lantern
[2024/05/19 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: Neither does Mecha
[2024/05/19 15:29] Diane: i have a lantern and oil
[2024/05/19 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, Diane fills the lantern, losing an oil bottle, and now you have light, and, the cave...
[2024/05/19 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: As you enter the dusty, dimly lit chamber, your eyes scan the cracked and worn stone floor, where broken tiles scatter like shattered teeth. The air is thick with the stench of mold and decay. Ahead, a massive, discolored rock formation the way forward, its jagged surface covered in moss and lichen. And standing guard at its base, their cruel eyes gleaming with malice, are two snarling hobgoblins, their twisted faces set in perpetual snarls as they prepare to strike.
[2024/05/19 15:30] Jassie: BIG ONES!
[2024/05/19 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: These are indeed rather bigger... meaner... smarter...
[2024/05/19 15:30] Diane: deader?
[2024/05/19 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: Who's going to do what now?
[2024/05/19 15:31] Jassie: hello there~obi wan style~~
[2024/05/19 15:31] Diane: ~drawing my sword~
[2024/05/19 15:31] Mecha: I'm going to draw the hammer and take a swing at one.
[2024/05/19 15:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/05/19 15:31] Jassie: oh guess we're not trying to talk. ~well Shield and warhammer out then~
[2024/05/19 15:32] Dina: will try to shoot with crossbow again
[2024/05/19 15:32] D20: Dina rolls 8
[2024/05/19 15:32] Kylie: im going to fraw my axe and swing
[2024/05/19 15:32] Diane: hobgoblins , in my experience are not big talkers
[2024/05/19 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, d20s all round
[2024/05/19 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina: miss
[2024/05/19 15:32] D20: Diane rolls 6
[2024/05/19 15:32] D20: Kylie rolls 20
[2024/05/19 15:32] Kylie: yay
[2024/05/19 15:32] Diane: ( That Die Hates me!)
[2024/05/19 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane: miss
[2024/05/19 15:33] D20: Mecha rolls 5
[2024/05/19 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie: miss
[2024/05/19 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: just kidding... HIT! Roll d6
[2024/05/19 15:33] D6: Kylie rolls 4
[2024/05/19 15:33] D20: Jassie rolls 10
[2024/05/19 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: nat 20 doubles that to 8. That's one hobgoblin viciously hacked to deff
[2024/05/19 15:34] Jassie: well that was a bit hit!
[2024/05/19 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha and Jassie... too bad, miss
[2024/05/19 15:34] Jassie: expected lol
[2024/05/19 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hobgoblin snarls and attacks Kylie
[2024/05/19 15:34] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/05/19 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: swing and a miss
[2024/05/19 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/05/19 15:35] Mecha: Missed swinging oine way, not lets see how my backhand swing goes
[2024/05/19 15:35] Diane: well this should be easy" ~takes another swing~ to F up that is
[2024/05/19 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20s again if you're attacking
[2024/05/19 15:35] D20: Diane rolls 6
[2024/05/19 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane: miss
[2024/05/19 15:35] Diane: see
[2024/05/19 15:35] D20: Mecha rolls 13
[2024/05/19 15:35] D20: Kylie rolls 16
[2024/05/19 15:35] D20: Dina rolls 7
[2024/05/19 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha: hit, d6
[2024/05/19 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie: hit, d6
[2024/05/19 15:36] D6: Mecha rolls 2
[2024/05/19 15:36] Jassie: i'm going to do a spin attack with my warhammer at it, now a little pissed
[2024/05/19 15:36] D20: Jassie rolls 7
[2024/05/19 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina.... no cigar
[2024/05/19 15:36] D6: Kylie rolls 1
[2024/05/19 15:36] Jassie: lol spin and a miss
[2024/05/19 15:36] Jassie: spins like a drunkard hehe
[2024/05/19 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: A light graze from Kylie
[2024/05/19 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/05/19 15:36] Diane: hows your leg dina?
[2024/05/19 15:37] D6: Mecha rolls 3
[2024/05/19 15:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: The hobgoblin howls in pain, and looks around, but is clearly trapped in the cave. He charges Mecha!
[2024/05/19 15:37] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 2
[2024/05/19 15:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: -.-
[2024/05/19 15:38] Jassie: is there opputunity attacks in this edition of dnd?
[2024/05/19 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... the hobgoblin is literally at deaths' door... now what?
[2024/05/19 15:38] Mecha: If he's charging I'm just gonna go for a straight punch.
[2024/05/19 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: what what attacks?
[2024/05/19 15:38] D20: Mecha rolls 8
[2024/05/19 15:38] Diane: Finish him!
[2024/05/19 15:38] Jassie: ok nevermind then LOL
[2024/05/19 15:38] Jassie: jumping doiwnward hammer blow
[2024/05/19 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha: miss
[2024/05/19 15:38] D20: Jassie rolls 7
[2024/05/19 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jassie: miss :P
[2024/05/19 15:39] D20: Diane rolls 7
[2024/05/19 15:39] D20: Kylie rolls 11
[2024/05/19 15:39] Jassie: wow thats some terrible rolls
[2024/05/19 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: good lord... miss. miss....
[2024/05/19 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/05/19 15:39] Diane: (The Die hates us all now)
[2024/05/19 15:41] D20: Dina rolls 3
[2024/05/19 15:41] Jassie: (right)
[2024/05/19 15:41] Dina: just assume misses
[2024/05/19 15:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: >.<
[2024/05/19 15:41] Mecha: Gonna try to grapple , and if successful Choke slam him to the ground.
[2024/05/19 15:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hobgoblin takes a swipe at Mecha
[2024/05/19 15:41] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 6
[2024/05/19 15:41] Diane: just keep at it, it'll bleed out eventually
[2024/05/19 15:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: *le sigh*
[2024/05/19 15:41] D20: Mecha rolls 16
[2024/05/19 15:41] Jassie: (lol even the hobs roll is bad)
[2024/05/19 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... that's a grapple...
[2024/05/19 15:42] D20: Mecha rolls 8
[2024/05/19 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: and you'll .... well, you won't, not with that!
[2024/05/19 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: bonus +2 to hit the monster now, BUT beware hitting Mecha
[2024/05/19 15:42] Mecha: *+3 for Strength plus the hob is grappled giving a bonus*
[2024/05/19 15:43] Diane: i'll aim like surgery!
[2024/05/19 15:43] Diane: ~grins~ Trust me?!
[2024/05/19 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: No.
[2024/05/19 15:43] Jassie: ~well I'm gonna go right in, seeing that its grappled and say~ take it down! ~before going in for another overhead strike~
[2024/05/19 15:44] Diane: back stab, it's easy
[2024/05/19 15:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: let's see the d20s!
[2024/05/19 15:44] D20: Diane rolls 14
[2024/05/19 15:44] Jassie: have faith in mme too,
[2024/05/19 15:44] D20: Jassie rolls 11
[2024/05/19 15:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane: d8
[2024/05/19 15:44] Kylie: I'm gonna take the side of ax and hit its head
[2024/05/19 15:44] D8: Diane rolls 8
[2024/05/19 15:44] D20: Kylie rolls 11
[2024/05/19 15:44] Jassie: woo max damage!
[2024/05/19 15:44] Jassie: (nice one)
[2024/05/19 15:45] Diane: surgery!
[2024/05/19 15:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: well... technically whatever woulda slain it... but grats on the 8
[2024/05/19 15:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now you're in a cave with two dead hobgoblins, a large rock clearly blocking the cave from further explorations
[2024/05/19 15:46] Diane: trust me! knock it off with them negative waves! If you think the bridge will be there, it'll be there baby!
[2024/05/19 15:46] Mecha: Searching the bodies this time
[2024/05/19 15:46] Diane: ~looting bodeis~
[2024/05/19 15:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: 20sp for Mecha, and an old biscuit, slightly mouldy
[2024/05/19 15:47] Diane: ~looks over gesturing with her fingure~ You can ah, just brush that bit of mold off
[2024/05/19 15:47] Mecha: break off the moldy parts and om nom nom
[2024/05/19 15:47] Jassie: is there anything left to loot after they did?
[2024/05/19 15:48] Sonja Bikergrrl:'re going to eat that? You know p... eh, whatevers
[2024/05/19 15:48] Diane: it was only slightly!
[2024/05/19 15:48] Jassie: you do know I could purify food...
[2024/05/19 15:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sadly no, just the big stone that looks like it can move
[2024/05/19 15:48] Mecha: Mold is gone. Kinda dry... It's food.
[2024/05/19 15:49] Jassie: ~gonna use my shield to brace against the rock and try to push it aside
[2024/05/19 15:49] Diane: yeah..~looks around for the moldy bits discarded~
[2024/05/19 15:49] Kylie: bustuit is better than rat
[2024/05/19 15:49] Diane: Ummm, might want me to look at it for traps first...just say'in
[2024/05/19 15:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: It looks like it'll move easily...ish... but it -might- fall on you. d20 to try to move it
[2024/05/19 15:50] Mecha: Gonna go help with the pushing of the boulder. Muscle mommy muscles flexing as she does
[2024/05/19 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: d% if a thief wants to check for traps
[2024/05/19 15:50] Jassie: that might be a good idea to check it for traps
[2024/05/19 15:50] D10: Diane rolls 3
[2024/05/19 15:50] D10: Diane rolls 8
[2024/05/19 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: As far as you can tell, no traps
[2024/05/19 15:50] Diane: it's me
[2024/05/19 15:50] Jassie: well be careful Mecha
[2024/05/19 15:50] D20: Kylie rolls 6
[2024/05/19 15:51] D20: Mecha rolls 18
[2024/05/19 15:51] D20: Jassie rolls 9
[2024/05/19 15:51] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/05/19 15:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: You heave at the rock. It rolls aside... there is a passageway leading into the darkness beyond.
[2024/05/19 15:52] Jassie: with the lantern, can we see anything?
[2024/05/19 15:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: And that is where I better call it tonight... like I say, work tomorrow :)
[2024/05/19 15:52] Mecha: I'm gonna balance it so it doesn't fall over on anyone
[2024/05/19 15:52] Jassie: all good dear
[2024/05/19 15:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: You can see a passage leading it ;)
[2024/05/19 15:52] Diane: good idea! ~stands back watching everyone else work~
[2024/05/19 15:52] Jassie: haha thats all we gonna get
[2024/05/19 15:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: Next time... maybe more ;)
[2024/05/19 15:53] Diane: you guys missed a spot ~points the lower edge of the boulder~
[2024/05/19 15:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: thanks for coming, this goes on the site tomorrow... and next week... perhaps one of YOU might be the one downed... mwah hah ha!
[2024/05/19 15:54] Jassie: I'm too holey for that hehe
[2024/05/19 15:54] Diane: did she say Drowned?
[2024/05/19 15:54] Diane: careful what you wish for Jass!
[2024/05/19 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: indeed caves have lakes
[2024/05/19 15:55] Jassie: haha
[2024/05/19 15:55] Mecha: /me chuckles."Good game everyone."
[2024/05/19 15:55] Kylie: good game
[2024/05/19 15:55] Jassie: thanks everyone
[2024/05/19 15:55] Diane: dispite the die hating me
[2024/05/19 15:55] Jassie: yea that was some terrible rolls tonight
[2024/05/19 15:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: see you tomorrow, I better run :)