The Tobacco Hunt

[2024/04/21 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: Recap from last time: you found and retrieved the sign for the innkeeper
[2024/04/21 14:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Next on your to-do list: go get that pouch of tobacco for the wizard Wyatt
[2024/04/21 14:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha is lightly wounded... Kylie, Diane are unwounded
[2024/04/21 14:14] Diane: if i might call a group huddle for a moment?
[2024/04/21 14:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: Yes?
[2024/04/21 14:15] Mecha: in character huddle?
[2024/04/21 14:16] Diane: (far be it from me to exploit weakness or stupidity, but! is there anything we might do to keep this snivling goblin king in our service for furlture use?)
[2024/04/21 14:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: the one you killed, or the one in his place?
[2024/04/21 14:16] Diane: the new replacement king
[2024/04/21 14:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: Over to you to propose something!
[2024/04/21 14:17] Mecha: The only issue is if we do that and we don't do it right the other goblins might see it as weakness and try to take the throne
[2024/04/21 14:17] Diane: well whats keeping him from gathering up some boys and starting shit again?
[2024/04/21 14:18] Diane: he seems to think the sign has power! maybe if we cast a hokey spell with it?
[2024/04/21 14:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me metaphorically puts her boots up on the gaming table and stretches back to listen in
[2024/04/21 14:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: No one present is a spell caster.
[2024/04/21 14:19] Kylie: why dont we let the inn keeper deal with the goblin king and just get the tobacco and bring it to the watt
[2024/04/21 14:19] Diane: you know that, i know that...but ~gestures to the snivling goblin king~ does he know that?
[2024/04/21 14:20] Mecha: He also knows that if he takes the sign we come back and we are madder than before. As it stands he is good with hiding and not messing around
[2024/04/21 14:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: they're stupid, but just -how- stupid?
[2024/04/21 14:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: and Mecha makes a good point
[2024/04/21 14:20] Diane: that is the question! but I'm ok with just getting the sign back...just an idea
[2024/04/21 14:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: it's a great idea and there may indeed be occasions where that's a good outcome to things
[2024/04/21 14:21] Diane: could be risky, but could be rewardy too
[2024/04/21 14:22] Mecha: We can also come back if we need to but if we do it diplomatically bring food or something to trade it will have a positive impact
[2024/04/21 14:22] Diane: agreed mecha
[2024/04/21 14:25] Diane: good chance the other goblins will see him as weak and he won't last long as king anyway. lets just get the hell out of here
[2024/04/21 14:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: to the inn?
[2024/04/21 14:25] Mecha: All right so off we go to return the sign
[2024/04/21 14:26] Diane: to the inn! ~points a finger into the air~
[2024/04/21 14:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: The innkeeper is delighted to get his sign back. "Curious that they'd steal my sign! Perhaps as they are fell and dark creatures, they felt there was power in an image of the sun. You may stay and rest tonight, on the house."
[2024/04/21 14:27] Diane: i need a drink, anyone else? ~ headed for the bar~
[2024/04/21 14:28] Kylie: /me follows dianne to the bar and also orders a double
[2024/04/21 14:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me shakes her head. Lushes.
[2024/04/21 14:29] Mecha: /me follows to the bar and just orders food. preferably just meat and veg
[2024/04/21 14:29] Diane: ~chuckles to herself and looks to Kylie~ if that sign with pic of the sun on it looks powerful, remind me to have a sun necklace made!
[2024/04/21 14:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: well... the night passes, somewhat drunkenly, it seems... hit points are recovered, Mecha is merely slightly injured. Barely a scratch.
[2024/04/21 14:31] Diane: ~ looks around the bar, any others at the bar before bed?~
[2024/04/21 14:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: The usual crowd of farmers, peasants, travellers
[2024/04/21 14:31] Mecha: Mecha is going to the innkeeper."Before we call it a night. We are looking for a granny weatherwax about some tobacco. know anything about her?
[2024/04/21 14:32] Diane: (anyone look like i might pick pocket?)
[2024/04/21 14:32] Diane: (preferably an easily distracted single lonely man?)
[2024/04/21 14:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: Barkeeper: "A bad business. Foul creatures came and raided her farm and drove her from her shop. You'd do us a good turn driving them away."
[2024/04/21 14:34] Mecha: We will head over thre tomorrow, just gonna need directions to it.
[2024/04/21 14:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane: A few characters seem possible; if you're planning to pick a pocket... give us a description of who/how and roll d% to pick a pocket.
[2024/04/21 14:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: The bar keeper gives directions; it's about an hours' walk north.
[2024/04/21 14:35] Diane: the youngest nieve type, counting on inexperience of an older man, roll for me
[2024/04/21 14:35] Mecha: I thank him and head up to my room for some sleep and healing
[2024/04/21 14:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: BTW: it's a 25% chance. Are you sure?
[2024/04/21 14:36] Diane: whats the worst? I'm a thief it's in my nature, if i don't try I'll regret it the rest of my miserable life
[2024/04/21 14:36] D10: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/04/21 14:36] D10: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 6
[2024/04/21 14:37] Diane: blame it on the booze
[2024/04/21 14:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: 56. Oh well. The intended mark snaps his hand down on Dianes' wrist and holds tight, turning to her angrily. "What are you doing with your hand on my purse, harlot!?"
[2024/04/21 14:37] Diane: was that your purse?! i thought you were more endowed!
[2024/04/21 14:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha, Kylie?
[2024/04/21 14:38] Diane: guess you aren't as happy to see me as i thought!
[2024/04/21 14:38] Diane: ~ winks~
[2024/04/21 14:39] Mecha: Gonna watch for a moment. As long as this doesn't escalate she wont interfere
[2024/04/21 14:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie?
[2024/04/21 14:39] Kylie: I'm going to watch with Mecha
[2024/04/21 14:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: The young man colours and rises, and strides to the door, dragging Diane after him. "Maybe I'll show you in the barn about how happy to see you!" he snaps
[2024/04/21 14:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/04/21 14:42] Mecha: Coming down the stairs and stepping up next to Diane."I take it she's bothering you?"
[2024/04/21 14:43] Diane: Oh now you're talking! ~ she exclaimes acting far more drunk then her perfessional drunken self, dragging along with her feet, her other hand slips down to her silver dagger just getting ready but not drawing, waiting to get out in the darkness away from others eyes~
[2024/04/21 14:43] Kylie: his the guy in the head to try and save Dianne
[2024/04/21 14:43] Kylie: hits
[2024/04/21 14:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: well... this is esculating fast. Roll initiative!
[2024/04/21 14:44] D20: Alicia Frakture rolls 18
[2024/04/21 14:44] Diane: ~rolls her eyes at Kylie~
[2024/04/21 14:44] D20: ChuckyE Baker rolls 3
[2024/04/21 14:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: Rolling for Diane
[2024/04/21 14:45] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 16
[2024/04/21 14:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: Rolling for Mark
[2024/04/21 14:45] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 11
[2024/04/21 14:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha gets to ask if he's being bothered, which gets a moments' distraction
[2024/04/21 14:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane puts on her drunk harlot act.... surprisingly successfully ;)
[2024/04/21 14:47] Diane: (doesn't surprise me! laughs)
[2024/04/21 14:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: The guy just shakes his head at Mecha. "She'll earn her coin," he says and drags Diane to the door.
[2024/04/21 14:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie goes last - how are yo going to hit, what with? And roll d20 to see if you hit
[2024/04/21 14:48] Diane: ~ mouths to the other two "go away"~
[2024/04/21 14:48] D20: ChuckyE Baker rolls 14
[2024/04/21 14:48] Kylie: I'm hitting with mt fist
[2024/04/21 14:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... roll the d6
[2024/04/21 14:49] D6: ChuckyE Baker rolls 2
[2024/04/21 14:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: You thump the guy in the head, making him stumble. He turns to glare at you, at about the same time the barkeeper notices and reaches under the bar for his pickaxe handle. "Alright! What's going on, who's causing trouble?"
[2024/04/21 14:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: (wait... how's a -dwarf- punch a guy in the back of the head? Kylie!!!)
[2024/04/21 14:52] Diane: ~ hugs the man close~ oh baby! they are just jealous of you, tell them to go away! ~ hugging the man she tries to get her hands on the purse in the confusion~
[2024/04/21 14:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me facepalms
[2024/04/21 14:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha, Kylie?
[2024/04/21 14:53] Diane: ( eye on the prize i always say)
[2024/04/21 14:53] Mecha: I put my hands up and walk away."Not me. I'm going to bed." And she walks up the stairs to her room. She may get kicked out later but she is getting sleep before that.
[2024/04/21 14:54] Kylie: Curses and shouts at everyone to cause a sceen
[2024/04/21 14:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha exits stage left, up the stairs.
[2024/04/21 14:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane gets another pick pocket roll, -5% penalty now since all eyes are on her
[2024/04/21 14:55] D10: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 8
[2024/04/21 14:55] D10: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/04/21 14:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: 85%....
[2024/04/21 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: The man is now quite angry and tries to fling Diane aside. "Damnit! This crazy harlot keeps trying to grab my purse!"
[2024/04/21 14:56] Diane: ~shouts~ i saw him first! he's mine! come on baby, lets go to the barn, spank me it's the only way i learn!
[2024/04/21 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20 I think, to check strength for Diane, hope I roll under.... 7.
[2024/04/21 14:56] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 15
[2024/04/21 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane gets flung aside.
[2024/04/21 14:57] Diane: ~reaches for the purse as she flies!~ Fu@#!
[2024/04/21 14:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: And Kylie starts hollering. The innkeeper has had enough, and he raises his pickaxe handle up menacingly. "Okay, that's it! You two - out! Now!"
[2024/04/21 14:58] Diane: yeah and stay out! ~diane screams~
[2024/04/21 14:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie?
[2024/04/21 15:00] Kylie: Grumbles and resists the innkeeper
[2024/04/21 15:00] Kylie: in a drunken stuper of course
[2024/04/21 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay...
[2024/04/21 15:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Kylie, Diane, roll d20, minus two penalty, result must be under strength score to resist being thrown out
[2024/04/21 15:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me rolls for Diane
[2024/04/21 15:01] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 9
[2024/04/21 15:02] D20: ChuckyE Baker rolls 7
[2024/04/21 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane manages to resist being slung out... so does Kylie.
[2024/04/21 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now half the bar are coming to the innkeepers' aid. You could call this social justice? Now what?
[2024/04/21 15:04] Kylie: shoots an arrow at the mob
[2024/04/21 15:04] Mecha: I come back downstairs with our stuff. and look to these two. Obviously looking upset."You two against the wall!" She looks at the innkeeper and the man."Forgive my sisters. they get weird when they drink. Is there anything we can do to end this peacefully and not have them thrown out?
[2024/04/21 15:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh jesus
[2024/04/21 15:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: are you SURE?
[2024/04/21 15:04] Diane: ~ looks up from presumably the floor deing flung byvthe man and resisting being thown out and looks to the man~ does this mean no spanking? ~she fake pouts~
[2024/04/21 15:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: If you're going to drunkenly fire an arrow... roll d20, minus 2 penalty, and for once let's hope you DO roll low
[2024/04/21 15:05] D20: ChuckyE Baker rolls 9
[2024/04/21 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Right.... this is going quite chaotically.
[2024/04/21 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha is back with your gear, just in time to see the events unfold
[2024/04/21 15:06] Diane: ( yep, that would be my fault ~raises her hand~)
[2024/04/21 15:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dianes' words get missed in the general hub bub as Kylie takes a shot - mercifully hitting no one, but it's a narrow call. The patrons and the innkeeper surge fowards, fists flying. Looks like you got a bar room brawl.
[2024/04/21 15:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: Three attack Kylie.
[2024/04/21 15:08] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 16
[2024/04/21 15:08] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 14
[2024/04/21 15:08] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 16
[2024/04/21 15:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me actually flinches
[2024/04/21 15:08] Diane: (face palms)
[2024/04/21 15:08] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 1
[2024/04/21 15:08] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 3
[2024/04/21 15:08] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 4
[2024/04/21 15:09] Mecha: Can I move in between to take the hits?
[2024/04/21 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: A general thumping and pummelling -almost- knocks Kylie out.
[2024/04/21 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: It's a melee with everyone dogpiling on our two party troublemakers
[2024/04/21 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: Three attack Diane
[2024/04/21 15:09] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 2
[2024/04/21 15:09] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 17
[2024/04/21 15:09] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 11
[2024/04/21 15:10] Diane: (how close am i to the guy?)
[2024/04/21 15:10] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 1
[2024/04/21 15:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: Only one fist finds a mark. The gods smile... for now... and that's when the barkeeper takes a swipe at Kylie with the pickaxe handle
[2024/04/21 15:10] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 10
[2024/04/21 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'm not sure how that misses.
[2024/04/21 15:11] Diane: gods favor me ~bats her eyelashes~
[2024/04/21 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay.... we have a badly beaten Kylie and a slightly beaten Diane
[2024/04/21 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: and Mecha about to get involved
[2024/04/21 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/04/21 15:12] Kylie: Hides behind Mecha as a shield
[2024/04/21 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha, Diane?
[2024/04/21 15:12] Diane: ~ ive had one hand on my dagger since the start and if I'm on the floor and close to that guy I'm driving that dagger into his lower leg!
[2024/04/21 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/04/21 15:15] Mecha: I was going to again try to diffuse the situation but for now I am going to be a human shield for Kai li / JB003.
[2024/04/21 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: you know, I just remembered what I forgot at the start.
[2024/04/21 15:15] Diane: ?
[2024/04/21 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: GGGGGGGGGgrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeettttings, Adventurers! Some players get to face off against mighty dragons or skeletal hordes of the undead... you get to TPK in a bar room brawl.
[2024/04/21 15:16] Diane: TPK?
[2024/04/21 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane tries to stab the poor sucker who was trying to enjoy a quiet drink.
[2024/04/21 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: minus two penalty, minus two for prone... Mecha, you may explain a TPK :)
[2024/04/21 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: I got a LOT of dice rolls
[2024/04/21 15:17] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 14
[2024/04/21 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: Luckily that wild jab of the dagger misses.
[2024/04/21 15:18] Diane: luckily? for who? lol
[2024/04/21 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie takes cover (behind Mecha)
[2024/04/21 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'd say for you :P
[2024/04/21 15:18] Diane: but i wanna kill him
[2024/04/21 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Three guys punch at Kylie...
[2024/04/21 15:18] Diane: lol
[2024/04/21 15:18] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 15
[2024/04/21 15:18] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 5
[2024/04/21 15:18] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 7
[2024/04/21 15:18] D4: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 1
[2024/04/21 15:18] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 2
[2024/04/21 15:19] Mecha: I am stepping in between
[2024/04/21 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: A near KO for Kylie
[2024/04/21 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Three attack Diane
[2024/04/21 15:19] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 8
[2024/04/21 15:19] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 19
[2024/04/21 15:19] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 13
[2024/04/21 15:19] Diane: bring it bitches!
[2024/04/21 15:19] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 3
[2024/04/21 15:19] D6: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 1
[2024/04/21 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Diane gets thumped out of it.
[2024/04/21 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: Innkeeper takes another swipe at Kylie with the pick axe handle
[2024/04/21 15:20] Diane: i swear its tye alcohol talking
[2024/04/21 15:20] D20: Sonja Bikergrrl rolls 20
[2024/04/21 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh jesus!
[2024/04/21 15:20] Diane: lol oh shit
[2024/04/21 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie is smacked out of conciousness
[2024/04/21 15:20] Kylie: but i was behind mecha
[2024/04/21 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: "Now sling those damn trouble makers out!" shouts the innkeeper.
[2024/04/21 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Nat 20.
[2024/04/21 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sorry, the dice gods have decreed it so.
[2024/04/21 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/04/21 15:21] Diane: at 20 he hit you clean through her!
[2024/04/21 15:22] Kylie: lousy shield that was
[2024/04/21 15:22] Mecha: /me I sigh and pick up the dwarf."I will take them and then come back in for our stuff.Sorry about all of this." as she moves to carry them outside
[2024/04/21 15:22] Diane: (laughs)
[2024/04/21 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha removes the unconcious bodies from the bar, and the tavern door slams shut after you.
[2024/04/21 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: It's about -this- moment that Mecha realizes... it's a bit darker outside than expected.
[2024/04/21 15:24] Mecha: I'm looking up and around.
[2024/04/21 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: This is mostly due to the suspiciously dragon-shaped shadow blocking out most of the stars.
[2024/04/21 15:25] Mecha: Is there a barrel nearby?
[2024/04/21 15:26] Diane: watering troph?
[2024/04/21 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: A snort of laughter, and an accompanying spray of fire, illuminates none other than Sonja y Ddraig Goch. "My, my, my. And I thought you were going to be trouble. I think the best thing I can do is let you live, it's more amusing to watch you instead."
[2024/04/21 15:26] Mecha: Is the dragon circling?
[2024/04/21 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: It's on the ground, rather like a fire-breathing Sphinx
[2024/04/21 15:27] Mecha: I'm kind of grumbly."How old are you?"
[2024/04/21 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch: "You surely know better than to ask that of a lady, sword-swinger."
[2024/04/21 15:29] Mecha: Hammer swinger, but let's be fair and honest. We don't have your years of experience so yeah, we're gonna do some dumb stuff.
[2024/04/21 15:29] Diane: ?
[2024/04/21 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja y Ddraig Goch: "Hammer, sword, whatever. Try and survive until tomorrow... I hear there's evil creatures about at night time." With that, she raises her wings and beats them down, a great WOOMPH that launches her into the air. The loud flapping sounds of dragon flight fade into silence.
[2024/04/21 15:32] Mecha: I'm gonna check if these two are unconscious or dead / dying
[2024/04/21 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'm very sorry to tell you....
[2024/04/21 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: ...they're merely unconcious, and should awaken tomorrow, at least Kylie will have a headache when she wakes.
[2024/04/21 15:34] Diane: (so you get to deal with the insanity all over again, lol)
[2024/04/21 15:34] Mecha: okay, I am going to hide them behind the trough real fast and then go grab our stuff from the lobby of the inn and try to get a camp made
[2024/04/21 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Maybe just hole up in the stables.
[2024/04/21 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: Might smell of... well. You know... but it's better'n outside. Maybe.
[2024/04/21 15:35] Diane: (somebody dunk me in the wattering hole)
[2024/04/21 15:35] Mecha: That works too, still getting our stuff first.
[2024/04/21 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: That got slung out too.
[2024/04/21 15:35] Mecha: makes it easier."Carry them and the stuff to the stables to find a place to sleep and heal, but I will keep guard.
[2024/04/21 15:36] Diane: ( oh nice, not as far for you to carry it, how nice of them!)
[2024/04/21 15:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: The night passes.... and the sun finally rises. Diane recovers quickly, followed shortly after by Kyle, with a thumping headache, thanks to the pick axe handle
[2024/04/21 15:38] Kylie: Grumbles and cusses the sore head
[2024/04/21 15:38] Mecha: I am just sitting there quietly
[2024/04/21 15:40] Diane: ~ slowly gets up looking at eachnof her hands and her belt, not seeing the mans purse she curses! "Fuc%!" ~ looking to Kylie~ what the hell? did i ask for your help?! Never mess withva woman's perfession! i had everything where i wanted it until you interfered! i don't tell you how to ...~pauses~ Be Short! so don't try and tell me how to ...... Grrrrrr!
[2024/04/21 15:41] Diane: what the hell happened anyway?
[2024/04/21 15:42] Mecha: We got thrown out.
[2024/04/21 15:42] Diane: well who's fault was that? ~ looks to the dwarf~
[2024/04/21 15:43] Mecha: Both of yours, but we had a visitor after we got thrown out.
[2024/04/21 15:43] Kylie: Looks back at the pickpocket, I was trying to defend you
[2024/04/21 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: (With your skull.)
[2024/04/21 15:43] Diane: i didn't Need Any Defense! and who visited and did they leave us any money?
[2024/04/21 15:46] Mecha: No, she did laugh at us. It was Sonja She finds us amusing. Now then I am going to Granny Weatherwaxes farm. If you two are coming, let's go. " I pause."Also, DO NOT STEAL IN THE INN WE ARE STAYING AT! AND DO NOT JUMP TO PICK A FIGHT WHEN WE ARE OUTNUMBERED! You're lucky you're waking up today.
[2024/04/21 15:47] Diane: ~ gathers he stuff and mocks~ "Myah myah mayah ahhaa yadda yodda"
[2024/04/21 15:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: (Faint draconic laughter in the background?)
[2024/04/21 15:48] Mecha: I'm going to toss their stuff to them and step out of the stables. Hearing the laughter."Let's just get the tobacco."
[2024/04/21 15:48] Diane: and who the hell is sonja andyway?
[2024/04/21 15:48] Diane: anyway*
[2024/04/21 15:49] Mecha: Big red dragon.
[2024/04/21 15:49] Mecha: Who is at this moment laughing at us
[2024/04/21 15:49] Diane: oh so you know a big red dragon and no one thought to mention it?
[2024/04/21 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: That's the BBEG you're supposed to defeat.
[2024/04/21 15:50] Diane: ~ thinks a dragons usually got some loot!~
[2024/04/21 15:51] Diane: and some wanna explain TPK?
[2024/04/21 15:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: Total Party Kill - all party members downed
[2024/04/21 15:52] Diane: oh.....we affectionatly called that (in a gay mans lisp) "Deaaatthhh spellll"
[2024/04/21 15:53] Diane: long story...funny as shit, but long
[2024/04/21 15:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: so..... now what?
[2024/04/21 15:53] Diane: well good time to pause and head for grannies place I'm guessing
[2024/04/21 15:54] Mecha: I am standing by my words I am about to head to Granny Weatherwaxes."Let's just go and get the tobacco, I will fill you in as we go." Before shaking her head."I'm the violent one, how am I the voice of reason?"
[2024/04/21 15:54] Diane: i have to abandon ship (leave work rl) in 4 min
[2024/04/21 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, on that puzzler from Mecha.... which I literally cannot top, that'll be the cliffhanger. Well done Mech lol
[2024/04/21 15:55] Mecha: Thank you
[2024/04/21 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: well, thanks for coming... and providing such fantastic lulz...
[2024/04/21 15:55] Mecha: btw giving them a water skin each so they can rehydrate they might feel better.
[2024/04/21 15:56] Kylie: yay Mecha
[2024/04/21 15:56] Mecha: Thank you both for a fun game tonight
[2024/04/21 15:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: alright, hopefully same again next week
[2024/04/21 15:57] Diane: was fun
[2024/04/21 15:58] Diane: as always :)