The Tobacco Hunt

[2024/04/07 14:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha was invited to the conversation.
[2024/04/07 14:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie was invited to the conversation.
[2024/04/07 14:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me cracks her knuckles, opens NCs, logs, and changes the stream to something less comical and more thematic
[2024/04/07 14:12] Mecha: the weird polka is gone!
[2024/04/07 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... we got this far, I think... exploring the lower ledge of the cave...
[2024/04/07 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: and: "Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, back to the stairs, down to the entranceway... the ledge goes past the stairs and skirts round a huge empty space. It's like a natural balcony to a nonexistance stage. As you follow the ledge, you come to a door, set in the rock surface by the side, and the ledge continues further on. You can hear the crackling of fire, a thick bubbling, and a mumbling."
[2024/04/07 14:14] Jack: We still are together or have we seperated
[2024/04/07 14:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: and with that recap out the way... GGggrrreeeeeeeetings, Adventurers! Some players get stirring musical themes, you get comical off-beat polka parodies.
[2024/04/07 14:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: we have Mecha: injured. Jack: at the point of death. Kylie: unharmed.
[2024/04/07 14:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: you're stood at a turn in the ledge, where there's a door with mumbling...
[2024/04/07 14:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, who plans doing what?
[2024/04/07 14:17] Mecha: I think we should figure out if we can heal Jack at the very least
[2024/04/07 14:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: To my certain memory: you have no healing magic
[2024/04/07 14:18] Jack: As mentioned, I am at the point of death, but i will need care and nursing if we are to survive
[2024/04/07 14:18] Jack: orI, for that matter
[2024/04/07 14:18] Kylie: I might?
[2024/04/07 14:18] Jack: orI
[2024/04/07 14:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: you might? go on, Kylie
[2024/04/07 14:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina was invited to the conversation.
[2024/04/07 14:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: We have an Elf joining us :)
[2024/04/07 14:19] Kylie: Doesnt a dwarf have magic?
[2024/04/07 14:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: nope.
[2024/04/07 14:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: at least, not in a healing-others kind of way
[2024/04/07 14:20] Kylie: I guess there is no help for Jack so I think we should push him and go on and check out furth down the ledge
[2024/04/07 14:21] Kylie: (push on not push him off the ledge lol)
[2024/04/07 14:21] Jack: I do not know how long I can hold out. if it means all you ladies get to safety and accomplish th emission, leave me here
[2024/04/07 14:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: friends like that, who needs goblins
[2024/04/07 14:22] Mecha: We have another option
[2024/04/07 14:23] Jack: Your chances are better thay you go ahead of me
[2024/04/07 14:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina, what do you think? Jack is very badly injured indeed
[2024/04/07 14:24] Mecha: We find an alcove make a protective wall, and get rest. it will give us time to heal, and if we have a guard through out the rest time we should be okay. hell even a short rest might help
[2024/04/07 14:25] Dina: thinks we need to bring him with us , either helping him along upright or putting together something to let us safely drag or carry him.
[2024/04/07 14:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: you realize the goblins probably know the cave like the back of their hands
[2024/04/07 14:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: you are indeed better off with Jack
[2024/04/07 14:26] Jack: I won't make it. you all make a escape.
[2024/04/07 14:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: you don't know you won't
[2024/04/07 14:26] Kylie: Let's gag jack to stop him complaining and get on with the quest
[2024/04/07 14:27] Jack: mmmmmmmmmmm
[2024/04/07 14:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... what about the door?
[2024/04/07 14:28] Mecha: /me walks up behind Jack."Quit going the martyr route, just stay behind us as we go."
[2024/04/07 14:29] Jack: goblins you say know these caves..shall we believe they are right behind the doo?
[2024/04/07 14:29] Dina: /me examines the door before checking to see if it is locked
[2024/04/07 14:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: They could be, but you can hear one grumbling, cursing and bumping about
[2024/04/07 14:29] Jack: "hobbling along slowly"
[2024/04/07 14:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20, Dina
[2024/04/07 14:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: You don't see it as locked.
[2024/04/07 14:32] Kylie: Can I turn the nob and slowly push on the door
[2024/04/07 14:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: You can! The door creaks open slowly and loudly.
[2024/04/07 14:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Inside, you see a large fire, with a pot bubbling over the fire. An elderly goblin stamps about, stirring the pot with a big spoon. As you watch, he stamps on one of the many rats, picks up the body and wrings it like a dirty rag and tosses it into the pot.
[2024/04/07 14:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: He blows his nose on his fingers, and tosses in a few mouldy mushrooms, and a sole of an old boot, and stirs the pot. "You here for stew? Bring plate, if you want stew."
[2024/04/07 14:35] Jack: Rather unappetizing
[2024/04/07 14:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: What do you plan doing?
[2024/04/07 14:36] Mecha: We're good for right now, thanks.
[2024/04/07 14:37] Kylie: Asks if they seen the sign?
[2024/04/07 14:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblin frowns at you myopically. "You here for stew? Get plate. You no here for stew? Go away!"
[2024/04/07 14:37] Jack: No stew for me
[2024/04/07 14:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblin cook: "Sign? What sign? No sign in stew!"
[2024/04/07 14:38] Dina: /me "Not really interested in the stew"
[2024/04/07 14:38] Kylie: Do you think we can get some stew to go?
[2024/04/07 14:38] Mecha: You got big flat wood for fire? with writing on it?
[2024/04/07 14:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblin cook waves his wooden spoon. "Go away, if no want stew! If you want stew, get plate!"
[2024/04/07 14:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: Glancing at the fire, you hope it really was just old furniture the cook was burning.
[2024/04/07 14:39] Jack: I'll pass on thestew
[2024/04/07 14:39] Kylie: If we take some stew with us we can use it to force information out of someone.
[2024/04/07 14:40] Kylie: /me take plate and asks for some stew
[2024/04/07 14:40] Sonja Bikergrrl:'re going to carry a plate of stew through combat encounters a... *shakes head* ...okay
[2024/04/07 14:41] Mecha: Where are the plates
[2024/04/07 14:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblin cook ladles out a spoonful of stew on the plate. You see various things bubbling in the stew; a radish, unwashed, and various insects with rather too many legs for your liking.
[2024/04/07 14:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: There's plates stacked about all around.
[2024/04/07 14:42] Jack: I guess to get along, you go along...give me a plate
[2024/04/07 14:42] Mecha: I start looking for a plate but actually see if the sign might be lying around. Since the tavern owner can't paint a new one
[2024/04/07 14:42] Kylie: Thank you for the stew have you really not seen the big sign that was brought this way?
[2024/04/07 14:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: There's plates, but clearly no sign of any sign. A large ladleful of stew for Jack.
[2024/04/07 14:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblin cook: "No, no, no sign, only stew. Eat stew! Is good."
[2024/04/07 14:43] Kylie: Jack this might be a healing stew?
[2024/04/07 14:44] Jack: Putting a rat in the stew does not give me the confidence this will heal me
[2024/04/07 14:46] Mecha: I walk to the others."Did that tavern owner even describe the sign? I mean what are we looking for here?"
[2024/04/07 14:46] Dina: /me starts to search around ignoring the goblin and paying attention to the party only
[2024/04/07 14:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: You can hazard a guess the sign is pretty big...
[2024/04/07 14:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... now what? Anyone eating the stew, or... you moving on?
[2024/04/07 14:49] Jack: Rather tasty I say
[2024/04/07 14:49] Kylie: Let's go out the door and examine where we can go from here
[2024/04/07 14:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: roll d8
[2024/04/07 14:50] Kylie: who?
[2024/04/07 14:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack, he et the stew?
[2024/04/07 14:51] Jack: I seem to be feeling a little better, healing up
[2024/04/07 14:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: roll d8
[2024/04/07 14:51] Jack: me to roll?
[2024/04/07 14:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: yep
[2024/04/07 14:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: gain 3hp, back to full health
[2024/04/07 14:53] Mecha: Really? I'm in."I bring a plate to the lady
[2024/04/07 14:54] Jack: I thought I would never have healed
[2024/04/07 14:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: roll d8
[2024/04/07 14:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: that's Mecha to roll d8
[2024/04/07 14:54] Dina: /me "it's good to hear you are feeling better"
[2024/04/07 14:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: gain 3hp, barely injured
[2024/04/07 14:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: seems you are all healthy again
[2024/04/07 14:56] Kylie: Nice
[2024/04/07 14:56] Jack: Back in the saddle again
[2024/04/07 14:56] Mecha: Is there a door on the other side of the room?
[2024/04/07 14:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: Nope, it's just a stone chamber, one door that you can see, holes in the ceiling that must go out as the smoke goes somewhere
[2024/04/07 14:57] Jack: From what I can tell there is, but not sure
[2024/04/07 14:58] Jack: I do not want to to take the chance of getting hurt again, so what's the plan?
[2024/04/07 14:58] Mecha: So we can only go out the way we came in. I set my plate down with other dishes that look dirty and move from the room
[2024/04/07 14:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: Back the way you came and continue along the ledge seems to be a plan
[2024/04/07 14:59] Kylie: Lets go further on the ledge to see where else we can go
[2024/04/07 14:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: It's hard to tell which plates are clean and which are dirty, but you put the plates with the less dirty ones.
[2024/04/07 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: The cook goes back to stirring his pot as you leave. The ledge carries on into the darkness...
[2024/04/07 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: Plans?
[2024/04/07 15:02] Mecha: So off we go further.
[2024/04/07 15:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: all agreed?
[2024/04/07 15:03] Kylie: Coninue walking along the dark ledge taking the lead position
[2024/04/07 15:04] Jack: Gotta go as quiet as possible
[2024/04/07 15:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... the ledge is fairly wide so easy to walk along. After some time, it comes to a "dead end", where a rope is tied to one side, dangling down into the darkness below.
[2024/04/07 15:05] Jack: I am to take it we go down to the bottom using the rope
[2024/04/07 15:05] Mecha: Looks like it
[2024/04/07 15:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: there doesn't seem anywhere else to go
[2024/04/07 15:06] Jack: Who's to know there could be goblins below? Do we take that risk?
[2024/04/07 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Who's to know indeed? How will you find out
[2024/04/07 15:07] Jack: I'm healed thanks to the stew, shall I go down the rope/
[2024/04/07 15:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: your call... probably only one can go at a time
[2024/04/07 15:08] Kylie: Well It appears to be the only option, lets slide down it, too bad we dont have lube to help the friction
[2024/04/07 15:08] Mecha: How about I go down first to make sure it is safer for others
[2024/04/07 15:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: too bad indeed, Kylie ;)
[2024/04/07 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, what order are you going down?
[2024/04/07 15:09] Jack: No matter who goes down first, it is very risky
[2024/04/07 15:09] Kylie: I think Mecha should she is the lightest
[2024/04/07 15:09] Jack: and if it is dangerous, we must praprre to retreat and go back the other way we came
[2024/04/07 15:10] Mecha: Can I see the bottom?
[2024/04/07 15:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: you can see darkness
[2024/04/07 15:10] Jack: Can you hear anything? breathing, grumbling?
[2024/04/07 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: Not from where you are, no
[2024/04/07 15:11] Mecha: "I'm gonna climb down first. If there is trouble I yell for you to stay up here, or run."
[2024/04/07 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: who goes 2nd?
[2024/04/07 15:12] Jack: How do we get you back up here if there is trouble?
[2024/04/07 15:12] Kylie: I will wait for jack since I need this stew if things go bad but need to dump it to climb down the rope
[2024/04/07 15:12] Mecha: If I can't climb back up... run... and get some stew. I might need it
[2024/04/07 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... who's 2nd?
[2024/04/07 15:13] Mecha: If it is clear I'll lightly move the rope to let you know it's clear
[2024/04/07 15:13] Jack: I will go 2nd
[2024/04/07 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: and 3rd?
[2024/04/07 15:14] Jack: I gotta say, I sense trouble below
[2024/04/07 15:14] Mecha: Just wait here until i signal you okay?
[2024/04/07 15:14] Dina: ok will wait
[2024/04/07 15:15] Mecha: I'm gonna let them discuss and start climbing down.
[2024/04/07 15:15] Kylie: Since we are waiting I will go 3rd
[2024/04/07 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Dina last, then
[2024/04/07 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha gets to shin down the rope, and, as a special treat, roll d4
[2024/04/07 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: A 2... as Mecha reaches the bottom, she sees various piles of rags, with quiet snores coming from them.
[2024/04/07 15:17] Mecha: I wiggle the rope.. gently to let them know
[2024/04/07 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: All coming down?
[2024/04/07 15:18] Jack: It is safe?
[2024/04/07 15:19] Jack: Ladies go next, I will come down last
[2024/04/07 15:19] Dina: yes going down the rope to follow
[2024/04/07 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: hard to say... you only know Mecha signaled
[2024/04/07 15:19] Mecha: As each one comes down I motion for them to be quiet
[2024/04/07 15:19] Kylie: tosses stew down hole and clumbs down
[2024/04/07 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: And now you're in the lower level, a large dark cave with piles of rags, all issueing snores
[2024/04/07 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what?
[2024/04/07 15:21] Mecha: there a tunnel on the other side?
[2024/04/07 15:21] Kylie: Look around for the sign?
[2024/04/07 15:22] Jack: Let's figure out who or what is doing the snoring. We're all down at the bottom, no way to turn back and get back to the top
[2024/04/07 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: There does appear to be a passage going deeper into... where ever it goes. It's dark. The cave system goes further in, certainly
[2024/04/07 15:23] Mecha: So try to sneak past the sleepers and head for the passage
[2024/04/07 15:24] Jack: Who's wanting to go first this time?
[2024/04/07 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Leaving the snoring piles?
[2024/04/07 15:25] Mecha: Yeah unless there is a better idea, that doesn't involve them not waking up ever again
[2024/04/07 15:25] Kylie: Maybe they are sleeping on the sign we should check each one
[2024/04/07 15:25] Jack: I say step lively and make no sound, get to the passages
[2024/04/07 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: Dina?
[2024/04/07 15:26] Mecha: If we check each one we will have a big fight on our hands and we might not survive
[2024/04/07 15:26] Dina: thinks we should avoid the noisy sleepers for now
[2024/04/07 15:27] Jack: Is the sign so important to risk all our lives?
[2024/04/07 15:27] Kylie: Ok lets creep along then
[2024/04/07 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, consensus seems to head on down the passage
[2024/04/07 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: The passage turns, twists, and you see it opens out - the area beyond is clearly brightly lit. You can hear gruff voices in conversation.
[2024/04/07 15:28] Jack: How many voices are there?
[2024/04/07 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hard to say. A few.
[2024/04/07 15:29] Jack: I say we observe these cretins and see if they are frinedly or foe
[2024/04/07 15:30] Mecha: I pause hearing the voices, what are they saying?
[2024/04/07 15:30] Kylie: Looks for the light source to see if it is the sign
[2024/04/07 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hard to say. You're in a cave, round a corner, down a tunnel.
[2024/04/07 15:32] Jack: Where perhaps is this tunnel leading us to?
[2024/04/07 15:33] Jack: Is it a escape route or does it lead us back to where we first started
[2024/04/07 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: To a large brightly lit cave
[2024/04/07 15:33] Mecha: Move closer, quietly. Wanna hear them before doing anything.
[2024/04/07 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: It's clear the passage comes to a large cave; it's going to be very hard to not be spotted.
[2024/04/07 15:36] Mecha: I'm gonna whisper to the others."We don't have much choice to be sneaky. Gonna have to be up front."
[2024/04/07 15:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: That the plan?
[2024/04/07 15:37] Kylie: Yes
[2024/04/07 15:37] Dina: yes
[2024/04/07 15:39] Jack: yes
[2024/04/07 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... as you come out of the passage way, you see a large open cave with large fires either side. Three of the biggest and meanest goblins stand there, behind them, propped up against a wall is a large wooden post with a painted placard. There's a large curved horn nearby, and a wooden chest. It would seem you've entered the chamber of the goblin king.
[2024/04/07 15:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: And there is where we might leave it tonight, I know one or two need to dash off and I hate breaking combat up!
[2024/04/07 15:40] Jack: That answered the question of friend or foe...definitely mean looking goblins, perhaps thaty can be persuaded
[2024/04/07 15:40] Mecha: Nice cliffhanger
[2024/04/07 15:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, all enjoying so far?
[2024/04/07 15:41] Mecha: /me nods
[2024/04/07 15:41] Jack: Interesting chapter today
[2024/04/07 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: awesome! Well, we see what we see next week :) Hope the music helped set a stirring tone
[2024/04/07 15:42] Kylie: this was a good day
[2024/04/07 15:43] Jack: I felt I went with the flow easier this week than th eprevious weeks
[2024/04/07 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: yes, you're learning how to roleplay ;)
[2024/04/07 15:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: well.. see you all next week ;)
[2024/04/07 15:44] Jack: To be here consistent helps Sonja
[2024/04/07 15:44] Mecha: Good night everyone.
[2024/04/07 15:44] Kylie: nini
[2024/04/07 15:45] Dina: Good night :)
[2024/04/07 15:45] Jack: Good night folks, all of you rest well an dwe start another week again tomorrow, Friday cannot come fast enough
[2024/04/07 15:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: it does indeed