The Tobacco Hunt

[2024/03/24 14:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Prisylla was invited to the conversation.
[2024/03/24 14:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie was invited to the conversation.
[2024/03/24 14:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack was invited to the conversation.
[2024/03/24 14:10] Jack: here
[2024/03/24 14:11] Mecha: /me salutes
[2024/03/24 14:11] Prisylla: her
[2024/03/24 14:11] Prisylla: here even
[2024/03/24 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, quick recap, as per the log on the website, you have gone on a mission to get Wyatt some tobacco but you've diverted to find a sign for the Rising Sun Inn, last seen being carried away by goblins
[2024/03/24 14:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: and now you're in the goblin cave, in the entry way looking into a long dark passage.
[2024/03/24 14:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: And with that recap out of the way, GGGGGggggggggrrrrrrrrrrreeeetings Adventurers, some players get to fight mythical monsters in pretty palaces, you get to hunt goblins in some filthy dark dank cave.
[2024/03/24 14:15] Jack: we need to stay close together and not seperate ourselves in the dark
[2024/03/24 14:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: indeed, in pitch blackness you won't see a thing
[2024/03/24 14:16] Jack: stay within arm length's reach
[2024/03/24 14:16] Prisylla: Before we leave town, do I have a chance to stock up my bag with healing supplies? If so, I'll prepare Light instead of a healing spell. having one area-of-effect blinding spell might be useful if we are fighting goblins in a cave
[2024/03/24 14:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: at least.
[2024/03/24 14:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: you can swap for light if you want, yes.
[2024/03/24 14:17] Prisylla: Well, what I'm really asking is, did that wizard give us enough money to by some supplies?
[2024/03/24 14:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: Naa, just his gratitude and the expectation of more to do ;)
[2024/03/24 14:18] Kylie: Can we rob the wizard?
[2024/03/24 14:18] Prisylla: fantastic
[2024/03/24 14:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: only if you fancy being turned into newts
[2024/03/24 14:19] Prisylla: alternatively, did the dead orcs have any money?
[2024/03/24 14:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: sadly no... not sure anyone thought to check, though!
[2024/03/24 14:20] Prisylla: sorry, I know I'm one game behind
[2024/03/24 14:21] Prisylla: Okay, well, I've still got torches, so I guess I'm set, if everyone else is
[2024/03/24 14:21] Kylie: We can try an light a fire to make a torch
[2024/03/24 14:21] Jack: We've taken chances so far, let's do what it is we have to do
[2024/03/24 14:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: anyone brought a flint and steel...?
[2024/03/24 14:21] Mecha: Yes let's do that. if we get into a fight and can't see the enemy they get a better chance at killing us
[2024/03/24 14:22] Kylie: /me check pockets for flint or steel
[2024/03/24 14:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me starts whistling and flips open the website to "New Character Creation" in readiness
[2024/03/24 14:22] Prisylla: oh, we're gonna die
[2024/03/24 14:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: ONE of you must've brought the means of making fire
[2024/03/24 14:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: *cough*Mecha*cough*
[2024/03/24 14:23] Mecha: I have a tinderbox.
[2024/03/24 14:23] Jack: No chances of rubbing two sticks together?
[2024/03/24 14:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, who's going to be carrying a torch?
[2024/03/24 14:24] Mecha: I take out my tinderbox and begin setting fire to the torch
[2024/03/24 14:24] Prisylla: I'll carry the torch, since I can use the sling one handed
[2024/03/24 14:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Priscylla and Kylie? Are you both going to be torch bearers?
[2024/03/24 14:25] Kylie: No I'm just gonna watch the torch bearers back
[2024/03/24 14:26] Jack: Allow me to do so, and shall I lead? we all know th eperson at the front or in point gets it first, or killed first, so watch my back
[2024/03/24 14:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, Priscylla lights a torch and light surrounds the party, Flickering shadows dance on the walls; you can now see the passage way further in turns right after a short distance.
[2024/03/24 14:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Prysclla, Mecha and Kylie are armoured.
[2024/03/24 14:27] Prisylla: Just one torch bearer? Okay then. Can I make one suggestion before we go, though?
[2024/03/24 14:28] Jack: I think we need 2 torch bearers. We need to see who may snaeak up behind us, just making sure
[2024/03/24 14:28] Prisylla: Our one person without heavy armor should *not* be in front. If Kylie is watching our back, then Mecha should be up front
[2024/03/24 14:29] Mecha: Works for me.
[2024/03/24 14:29] Mecha: I grab the torch and move to the front
[2024/03/24 14:29] Prisylla: sounds fine
[2024/03/24 14:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: so the "marching order" is Mecha/Prysclla, Kylie/Jack
[2024/03/24 14:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: Moving on?
[2024/03/24 14:30] Prisylla: yes, moving on. Carefully
[2024/03/24 14:30] Mecha: yep
[2024/03/24 14:31] Kylie: yes
[2024/03/24 14:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: Moving to the turn, you see the passageway continues into darkness. So far, nothing out of the ordinary happens.
[2024/03/24 14:32] Mecha: Still going to keep eyes peeled for anything
[2024/03/24 14:33] Kylie: And litening for foot steps of movement that is not our echos
[2024/03/24 14:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: As you keep going, it's clear the passage leads into a big open area, it looks like a ledge of some sort then a great gaping empty space. Chittering sounds and vague suggestions of speech can be heard.
[2024/03/24 14:35] Prisylla: they're gonna see us coming a mile away ...
[2024/03/24 14:35] Jack: How do you want us to approach?
[2024/03/24 14:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: Very probably they've noticed already.
[2024/03/24 14:35] Jack: Gotta do our best o avoid confrontation but it does not seem that is gonna happen
[2024/03/24 14:36] Kylie: Lets make more faster foot steps then nessesary to freek them out that we are more than we are
[2024/03/24 14:36] Prisylla: They only stole a sign, right? Any chance we can negotiate for it back? Just how important is this sign anyway?
[2024/03/24 14:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: it's important to the innkeeper, certainly
[2024/03/24 14:36] Jack: is the sign worth losing all of our lives?
[2024/03/24 14:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: As for the rest.... you might want to find someone to ask
[2024/03/24 14:37] Kylie: Did he ever tell us what the sign said, so we know it is the right sign?
[2024/03/24 14:38] Mecha: We need the sign to give to the innkeeper in order to get the tobacco for the wizard
[2024/03/24 14:38] Prisylla: /me slaps her forehead
[2024/03/24 14:38] Jack: So we all agree to get the sign to the innkeeper/
[2024/03/24 14:38] Prisylla: goblins stole a sign for an in called Rising Sun? Is the sign a picture of a sun by any chance?
[2024/03/24 14:39] Kylie: Yes, why else would we enter a random cave?
[2024/03/24 14:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: That seems quite likely the case.
[2024/03/24 14:39] Prisylla: methinks the DM was playing D1 recently, but knowing that doesn't help solve the issue
[2024/03/24 14:41] Kylie: Why dont we just ask them where the rising sun in is? All innocent, and steel the sign back?
[2024/03/24 14:41] Mecha: okay. we can try to get the sign back peacefully but we should be ready to fight in worse case scenario
[2024/03/24 14:42] Prisylla: I see two options, but there may be more. One, we boldly ask to speak to whose in charge. We claim to be an advance force of a larger army, but we are only here for the sign. If they hand it over, we leave, and one has to fight. Second option, we go back out, gather all the firewood we can, and set a fire at the entrance to smoke them out of the cave.
[2024/03/24 14:42] Jack: I agree, avoid confrontation as best we can, but let's figure they are gonna ght
[2024/03/24 14:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me sighs... can we go ONE game without massive conflagrations being involved...
[2024/03/24 14:42] Prisylla: NO!
[2024/03/24 14:43] Prisylla: just wait until I'm rich enough to afford a cart and a horse, I will be bringing a barrel of oil everywhere
[2024/03/24 14:43] Mecha: I don't think the smoke them out will work. Especially how far we walked and if they may have a back door
[2024/03/24 14:44] Prisylla: but yes, we are on the goblins home turf, a fight is probably a bad idea
[2024/03/24 14:45] Prisylla: Do you really think they will invite us in if we ask to see their "inn"?
[2024/03/24 14:46] Prisylla: Heck, that might work, because I'm not really sure why they stole the sign anyway
[2024/03/24 14:46] Jack: Let's not give them any indication we want the sign
[2024/03/24 14:46] Prisylla: good idea
[2024/03/24 14:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... so... intentions?
[2024/03/24 14:47] Jack: ease into this situation easy like, and give the signal to go for it
[2024/03/24 14:47] Mecha: Too bad we can't distract the goblins while someone searches and possibly snatches teh sign
[2024/03/24 14:47] Jack: We need a keyword to put us in position to get the sign
[2024/03/24 14:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: reminder: this is what you see right now. The passage opening out into a dark (therefore big) empty space. The ledge appears to go to the right.
[2024/03/24 14:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: who's planning on what action, precisely?
[2024/03/24 14:49] Prisylla: We're just getting an idea of what to do, so everyone is on the same page later
[2024/03/24 14:49] Mecha: I can take the head on interaction"
[2024/03/24 14:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: this is important, yes
[2024/03/24 14:50] Prisylla: I will mention to everyone that I can magically cast a light spell that will temporarily blind the goblins, but it will only give us a small window and should probably be used as a plan B, not the main plan
[2024/03/24 14:51] Jack: Having a back up plan is important, being prepared
[2024/03/24 14:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie?
[2024/03/24 14:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/03/24 14:55] Jack: As I remember it, we still outnumber these dudes right?
[2024/03/24 14:55] Kylie: yes?
[2024/03/24 14:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: you can't see anyone right now
[2024/03/24 14:55] Jack: But the goblins could very well be in hiding, which will increase their odds
[2024/03/24 14:55] Mecha: I am waiting for the rest. I am intending to do the confrontation thing and talk to whoever is in charge
[2024/03/24 14:55] Mecha: Also watching to make sure no one is trying to sneak up on us while we discuss
[2024/03/24 14:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Kylie, what's your plan?
[2024/03/24 14:56] Kylie: I say the backup plan would be to take one hostage
[2024/03/24 14:56] Jack: You think they would sacrifice a hostage for the sign? I think it is great idea
[2024/03/24 14:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... no one has an actionable plan yet?
[2024/03/24 14:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: It's a possibility, I guess
[2024/03/24 14:58] Prisylla: I'm about to peek my head out and look down the ledge and say "Hello"
[2024/03/24 14:58] Prisylla: /me laughs
[2024/03/24 14:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Mecha, what you doing as this happens? Kylie and Jack, also?
[2024/03/24 14:58] Prisylla: at some point, we gotta stop planning and move forward
[2024/03/24 14:58] Prisylla: I didn't do that
[2024/03/24 14:59] Jack: I am covering our rear (no pun intended) and watching our flank
[2024/03/24 14:59] Prisylla: I said I'm thinking about it, to motivate everyone else to come up with a better idea
[2024/03/24 14:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: good plan. Maybe. Hopefully!
[2024/03/24 14:59] Kylie: I am pullin out the short bow to be prepaired for this to go bad
[2024/03/24 14:59] Mecha: I'm moving forward. too much discussion not enough action, but I am moving as quietly as possible.
[2024/03/24 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Kylie readies her bow.
[2024/03/24 15:00] Jack: we need to go in safe and not get caught before completing our mission/objective
[2024/03/24 15:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... Mecha is going to advance?
[2024/03/24 15:00] Prisylla: I'm moving up with her and listening for those voices. I wanna know if I can understand the individual words
[2024/03/24 15:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay.... as Prisylla and Mecha come out to the ledge, there's some chittering and half a dozen rocks come flying outta the darkness
[2024/03/24 15:01] Jack: Any idea what they might be saying?
[2024/03/24 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: One rock smacks Mecha in the face. Bad luck! That hurt.
[2024/03/24 15:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: With the pitch and the echo, it's hard to make out specific words.
[2024/03/24 15:03] Mecha: Oh good, the time for negotiation has passed
[2024/03/24 15:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what you planning? Kylie, you going to let loose an arrow?
[2024/03/24 15:03] Jack: Staying as one and together , we should surround them
[2024/03/24 15:04] Jack: should not
[2024/03/24 15:05] Prisylla: Since everyone is in "fight" mode, I'll cast Light in the direction the rocks came from, hoping to blind them and make things easy for us
[2024/03/24 15:05] Kylie: Yes I'm going to fire a warning arrow for mecha getting hit by rocks
[2024/03/24 15:05] Jack: Splendid idea Prisylla, I am glad I thought of that
[2024/03/24 15:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... d20, Kylie
[2024/03/24 15:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: The arrow whizzes into the darkness; there's a faint clatter.
[2024/03/24 15:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: Casting Light into the big dark void? Now you get to see that there's a big huge cave chamber, a ledge with six small furtive figures, hefting small rocks to sling your way.
[2024/03/24 15:09] Prisylla: I know firsthand how deadly rocks are
[2024/03/24 15:09] Mecha: I am going to start moving along the ledge . Having the torch in one hand and the hammer in the other. heading over to the six small ones
[2024/03/24 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: so does Mecha, she stopped one with her face.
[2024/03/24 15:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: You'll leave the party in darkness, Mecha.
[2024/03/24 15:10] Mecha: makes them less of a target
[2024/03/24 15:10] Jack: I am gonna follow Mecha
[2024/03/24 15:10] Kylie: me too
[2024/03/24 15:10] Mecha: You can see them now shoot an arrow at them
[2024/03/24 15:10] Prisylla: might as well follow her, my armor is fine and I'm unhurt
[2024/03/24 15:11] Kylie: Unloads 6 arrows to the figures in the distance
[2024/03/24 15:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... so... Prisylla stays at the entrance, in darkness, while Mecha, Jack, Kylie .... okay, ALL of you, run round the ledge - and up the slope of stairs that leads up to the ledge the goblins are on?
[2024/03/24 15:11] Prisylla: I'm using my sling when it is my turn again
[2024/03/24 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: you can move, or attack.
[2024/03/24 15:12] Jack: I say we move and get up those stairs
[2024/03/24 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Priscylla, Kylie? Follow or missile fire?
[2024/03/24 15:13] Kylie: Lets go up the stairs
[2024/03/24 15:13] Mecha: Sounds good
[2024/03/24 15:13] Jack: Can you fire a missile to distract hem while we move up
[2024/03/24 15:13] Kylie: but shoots an arrow at the top of the stairs to make it safer
[2024/03/24 15:13] Prisylla: ah. If I can see the goblins where I'm at, then I think I will use my sling from here. I don't need to be able to see myself, the sling ain't that hard to use. I'll shoot at them while the party moves forward
[2024/03/24 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, so, Kylie & Pysclla stay to fire missiles? d20 from you both!
[2024/03/24 15:14] Prisylla: aaaaand I missed big
[2024/03/24 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: the dice gods do not smile on you tonight.
[2024/03/24 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblins fling rocks at Mecha and Jack
[2024/03/24 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh vey.... the dice god is clearly Orca.
[2024/03/24 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: Both Mecha and Jack get rocks in the face; the wound is not serious for Mecha, but Jack really doesn't want to be hit again.
[2024/03/24 15:17] Jack: Am I gonna slow you ladies down?, Got hit pretty good, I will catch up or keep up
[2024/03/24 15:17] Prisylla: does that mean it is Mecha's turn to get on the same ledge as the goblins?
[2024/03/24 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... you seem a bit spread out now... are Kylie and Prysclla going to keep sending missiles while Mecha wades in?
[2024/03/24 15:17] Mecha: Keep moving pal. if it is possible, move close to me to be a harder target to hit
[2024/03/24 15:18] Prisylla: Yes, I will shoot at any goblin that isn't in melee
[2024/03/24 15:18] Kylie: I'm going to catch up with Mecha to get a better shot position
[2024/03/24 15:18] Jack: I'll stay close
[2024/03/24 15:18] Mecha: I am going to keep moving closer to the goblins and if close enough going to try to kick one off the ledge
[2024/03/24 15:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: sure, Kylie? You'll haver to move, then shoot.
[2024/03/24 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: And Jack - what exactly are you doing?
[2024/03/24 15:19] Kylie: yes
[2024/03/24 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Prysclla, d20
[2024/03/24 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: A hit... d4
[2024/03/24 15:20] Prisylla: 2
[2024/03/24 15:20] Prisylla: >.<
[2024/03/24 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: you catch a goblin 'tween the eyes. He's down.
[2024/03/24 15:20] Prisylla: whew
[2024/03/24 15:20] Prisylla: 5 to go
[2024/03/24 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha, I believe you're moving to melee the goblins? d20 to take a swing at one
[2024/03/24 15:21] Jack: I am a bit wonded and staying with mecha, gotta stay close or i will slow yo uall down
[2024/03/24 15:22] Jack: do you need me to fight or take cover
[2024/03/24 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha, warhammer, d6
[2024/03/24 15:23] Prisylla: If you don't feel confident to get in melee, throw a rock then fallflat to the ground
[2024/03/24 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: You smack a goblin in the side of the head. He's dead, before he even is liften off his feet and over the edge.
[2024/03/24 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: You're literally at deaths' door, Jack
[2024/03/24 15:23] Prisylla: just lay flat then
[2024/03/24 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie moves up... and Jack is going to....?
[2024/03/24 15:24] Mecha: I am going to keep between them and jack, as kind of a wall
[2024/03/24 15:24] Jack: Lost a lot of blood, your girls go get them
[2024/03/24 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, 2 incoming rocks for Mecha, 2 for Prysclla
[2024/03/24 15:25] Prisylla: whew
[2024/03/24 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: finally lousy rolls for the gobbos, all miss wide!
[2024/03/24 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, Priscylla?
[2024/03/24 15:25] Prisylla: same plan for me, I'm shooting at any goblin not in melee
[2024/03/24 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/03/24 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: it was all going so well :(
[2024/03/24 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie, in position to take a shot?
[2024/03/24 15:26] Prisylla: aaaaand I'm just decorating the floor with rocks now
[2024/03/24 15:27] Mecha: I'm gonna take a swing at another one.
[2024/03/24 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20, Mecha
[2024/03/24 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: with your strength bonus... that's a good hit... d6
[2024/03/24 15:28] Prisylla: ouch
[2024/03/24 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: good lord... you literally smack that guys' head off of his shoulders... the body stands there gushing blood, and there's a THUMP of a head hitting a wall far away.
[2024/03/24 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie, taking a shot?
[2024/03/24 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me assumes Jack still "taking cover"
[2024/03/24 15:31] Jack: I am badly hurt
[2024/03/24 15:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: you are
[2024/03/24 15:31] Jack: but leaving me behind, I am sure to die
[2024/03/24 15:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'm thinking Kylie is AFK
[2024/03/24 15:32] Prisylla: no one's dying yet, Jack.
[2024/03/24 15:32] Kylie: no im here
[2024/03/24 15:32] Kylie: yes I am shooting
[2024/03/24 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: Ah, firing bow? Roll d20
[2024/03/24 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: A good hit! d6 for the arrow
[2024/03/24 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: The arrow slams straight into a goblin and bowls him over. Two goblins remain
[2024/03/24 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Their morale fails and they turn tail and flee along the ledge, ducking into a passageway
[2024/03/24 15:34] Prisylla: crap
[2024/03/24 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: those with missile weapons get a free round of attacks before they're gone
[2024/03/24 15:34] Prisylla: any sign of the sign here?
[2024/03/24 15:34] Jack: Do we now know where the sign is, and who is gonna get it?
[2024/03/24 15:34] Mecha: They are going to go for help but we gotta get Jack healed
[2024/03/24 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: Pryslla literally drops a stone at her feet.
[2024/03/24 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie, going to let loose another arrow?
[2024/03/24 15:35] Kylie: yes
[2024/03/24 15:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20, get a +1
[2024/03/24 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: d'oh. They both escape.
[2024/03/24 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Jack! Going to take a shot?
[2024/03/24 15:37] Jack: want me to roll
[2024/03/24 15:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20
[2024/03/24 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: thats the purple cube
[2024/03/24 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: Eh. Good try :)
[2024/03/24 15:38] Prisylla: those goblins ran reeeeal fast
[2024/03/24 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... we got a wounded Mecha, and a nearly killed Jack... and two goblins who ran away up a passage.
[2024/03/24 15:39] Prisylla: okay, I'm bandaging Jack first
[2024/03/24 15:39] Kylie: Maybe we should follow them and get the sign back from where they went
[2024/03/24 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: Prysclla and Kylie get two of their respective missiles back
[2024/03/24 15:40] Mecha: Agreed but first we gotta fix him.
[2024/03/24 15:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20 Prscylla, must roll under 13
[2024/03/24 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me sighs, where was that when you were trying to hit...
[2024/03/24 15:42] Prisylla: great, NOW I roll high
[2024/03/24 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh well, Jack isn't bleeding any more, at least
[2024/03/24 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: sadly no recovered HP
[2024/03/24 15:42] Prisylla: Next, I'll move on to Mecha. Roll again?
[2024/03/24 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: yep
[2024/03/24 15:42] Jack: Thank you Prisylla, I think I am gonna live
[2024/03/24 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: o_o
[2024/03/24 15:42] Mecha: Sorry misread that
[2024/03/24 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Oh, wrong person
[2024/03/24 15:43] Mecha: I am gonna wave her off."Focus on him."
[2024/03/24 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Slightly less wounded.
[2024/03/24 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: 'k, now what?
[2024/03/24 15:45] Mecha: We follow the goblins, carefully so we don't get ambushed. keep Jack in the middle for safety
[2024/03/24 15:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: So you know: you can go back down the stairs, there's a lower ledge you passed, or, go to the passage way after the two goblins
[2024/03/24 15:46] Kylie: lets take the passageway the sign must be that way
[2024/03/24 15:46] Mecha: /me nods
[2024/03/24 15:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... making your way to the passageway, it turns right and slopes up... you can hear chittering and giggling, clearly they have a plan
[2024/03/24 15:49] Kylie: We must be getting close
[2024/03/24 15:49] Prisylla: should we retreat and try again tomorrow? You know, after I have a chance to magically heal Jack?
[2024/03/24 15:49] Mecha: keep moving forward unless there is another plan. I have a feeling whats coming
[2024/03/24 15:49] Prisylla: okay then, I'll trust her for now and move with her
[2024/03/24 15:49] Kylie: I'm all for moving forward
[2024/03/24 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... you see the passageway sloping upwards in the darkness
[2024/03/24 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: A goblin shouts out "Monsters, you leave! Go away!"
[2024/03/24 15:50] Jack: We have gone this far let's go forward, but I am not help to you ladies
[2024/03/24 15:50] Mecha: I hand the torch to Jack, making sure there is a good grip on the hammer
[2024/03/24 15:51] Mecha: "Now you're a help"
[2024/03/24 15:51] Jack: give it to me, we will make it
[2024/03/24 15:52] Kylie: /me shouts "We are jugt looking for a stupid sign then we will go"
[2024/03/24 15:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblins: "We no have stupid sign! Monster go away!"
[2024/03/24 15:53] Mecha: What signs do you have?
[2024/03/24 15:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblins: "We have no signs!"
[2024/03/24 15:53] Kylie: Do you have spare tobacco?
[2024/03/24 15:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblins: "Spare toe back oh? What?"
[2024/03/24 15:54] Mecha: Stuff to smoke in pipes
[2024/03/24 15:55] Kylie: I thought it wos worth a shot if we couldnt get a sign we might get what we really need
[2024/03/24 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblins: "We stuff monsters in pipe if you no go away!"
[2024/03/24 15:56] Mecha: I look at the others
[2024/03/24 15:56] Kylie: Let go towards the voce and make sure they are not lying about the sign
[2024/03/24 15:57] Jack: We gonna some goblins keep us from getting the sign? it appears getting tobacco from them isn't gonna work
[2024/03/24 15:57] Jack: Let's think here, if you were a goblin, just where would you keep or hide a sign?
[2024/03/24 15:58] Prisylla: a part of me is still thinking, "They're just goblins" but then I remember Goblin Slayer and it stops me from charging in there with my mace
[2024/03/24 15:58] Mecha: Hey! How about some kind of trade. proves we are not monsters!
[2024/03/24 15:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: good question, Jack
[2024/03/24 15:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: and Mecha, likewise
[2024/03/24 16:00] Jack: Somewhere perhaps along the ledges or a secret door perhaps?
[2024/03/24 16:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: Good idea.
[2024/03/24 16:01] Jack: If they did have the sign, they know where we might look first
[2024/03/24 16:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: especially as there's a ledge underneath that you didn't check
[2024/03/24 16:01] Jack: but the stairs or ledges? it is a chance, perhaps something else nearby
[2024/03/24 16:02] Prisylla: /me facepalms
[2024/03/24 16:02] Mecha: Still waiting for a response from the goblins
[2024/03/24 16:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: Goblins: "Trade what? For what?"
[2024/03/24 16:03] Mecha: Good question, what do you need and what have you got, and please don't say you need for us to leave.
[2024/03/24 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: "Want nothing! Only for monster go home!"
[2024/03/24 16:04] Prisylla: How difficult would it be to check that lower ledge that we apparently skipped?
[2024/03/24 16:04] Mecha: I facepalm hearing that
[2024/03/24 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: Not very. You just got to backtrack.
[2024/03/24 16:05] Jack: What do we have to lose? let's go check it out
[2024/03/24 16:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: Going back and down the stairs?
[2024/03/24 16:05] Mecha: Sounds good
[2024/03/24 16:06] Prisylla: If we do this, we should do it together, as a group
[2024/03/24 16:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: yep
[2024/03/24 16:06] Kylie: yes going down to see the ledge
[2024/03/24 16:06] Jack: We cannot seperate, unless the magical healing takes a few seconds
[2024/03/24 16:07] Jack: Ladies, if I may interrupt, I have to take a seizure disorder medication with food, I need to prepare some dinner for to tak eit
[2024/03/24 16:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, back to the stairs, down to the entranceway... the ledge goes past the stairs and skirts round a huge empty space. It's like a natural balcony to a nonexistance stage. As you follow the ledge, you come to a door, set in the rock surface by the side, and the ledge continues further on. You can hear the crackling of fire, a thick bubbling, and a mumbling.
[2024/03/24 16:08] Mecha: okay, go make food
[2024/03/24 16:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay Jack, we waiting or stopping?
[2024/03/24 16:09] Jack: It will take me about 30 minutes ot prepare it and eat
[2024/03/24 16:09] Prisylla: ah
[2024/03/24 16:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... we better stop there I think... I got work tomorrow after all
[2024/03/24 16:09] Jack: might be best to stop, I know it is late for the UK
[2024/03/24 16:09] Jack: I hope I did not spoil the party
[2024/03/24 16:10] Mecha: No not at all
[2024/03/24 16:10] Prisylla: nah, these things happen
[2024/03/24 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: No, it's a good stop point
[2024/03/24 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: next week, what's behind the door? ;)
[2024/03/24 16:11] Jack: shall it be tobacco and the sign, or...
[2024/03/24 16:11] Prisylla: see y'all next week!
[2024/03/24 16:11] Mecha: Good game everyone
[2024/03/24 16:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: indeed! Thanks for coming!
[2024/03/24 16:12] Jack: Thank you all for inviting me
[2024/03/24 16:12] Jack: I thought the flow this week went well
[2024/03/24 16:13] Mecha: Agreed
[2024/03/24 16:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: totally did
[2024/03/24 16:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'll hang on a few in case any questions?
[2024/03/24 16:15] Mecha: We could have tried to trade for health potions
[2024/03/24 16:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mmhmm, if they have any
[2024/03/24 16:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: and want to trade
[2024/03/24 16:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: and you have what they want
[2024/03/24 16:17] Mecha: good point, better to raid and search
[2024/03/24 16:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: depends on who's home you're invading
[2024/03/24 16:19] Mecha: true, very true
[2024/03/24 16:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack: playing a thief character, you really -don't- want to be a target
[2024/03/24 16:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: you have neither armour nor health to fight
[2024/03/24 16:21] Jack: absolutely not
[2024/03/24 16:21] Jack: sorry I was cooking
[2024/03/24 16:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: it's a far from useless character, you get to find traps, open locks... you get huge bonuses to attacks from the rear, you can hide in shadows...
[2024/03/24 16:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: view your character as a non-com asset :P
[2024/03/24 16:22] Mecha: however backstab can be a thiefs friend
[2024/03/24 16:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: ditto emily, a magic user
[2024/03/24 16:23] Jack: That will work
[2024/03/24 16:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: that's the partys' investment... while incredibly weak, especially at the start, they quickly outperform any other character fairly quickly
[2024/03/24 16:24] Mecha: /me nods
[2024/03/24 16:25] Kylie: ok
[2024/03/24 16:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: when Mecha counts her blessings at having a plus one war hammer that does eight points of damage and casts light.... emily will be mowing regiments of orcs down with fireballs
[2024/03/24 16:25] Mecha: be right back... cast what now?