The Adventure Begins

[2024/03/08 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: Prisylla was invited to the conversation.
[2024/03/08 15:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha was invited to the conversation.
[2024/03/08 15:12] Prisylla: hello y'all
[2024/03/08 15:12] Jack: hi ladies
[2024/03/08 15:12] Prisylla: so ... now that I lured us all to our doom, what're you gonna do?
[2024/03/08 15:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... looks like it's just us...
[2024/03/08 15:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... as I got it, you snuck into the city, to find the populace apparantly asleep, as small green skinned creatures ran amok. Other larger green skinned creatures were ransacking houses. These, you recognize as goblins, and orcs - quite evil and nasty creatures.
[2024/03/08 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: You're heading for Wyatts tower; you made it to a small plaza, and encountered some goblins, and gave them a story about being....
[2024/03/08 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: Orcs with skin disease.
[2024/03/08 15:15] Prisylla: orcs with a skin disease
[2024/03/08 15:15] Prisylla: mhm
[2024/03/08 15:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me glances at Mecha
[2024/03/08 15:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: You all decided to push past them, and... that's when.... [2024/03/01 17:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: "OI!" shouts a deep gruff voice from behind. "You dere! Halt!"
[2024/03/08 15:16] Prisylla: But so far, it was only me spinning that lie. I think Jack is still trying to remain hidden, and I don't remember what muscle mommy was doing exactly
[2024/03/08 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: And with that recap out of the way.... GGGGGGggggggggrrrrreeeeetings, Adventurers! Other players get real pizza and beer... you get pretend pizza and beer ;)
[2024/03/08 15:17] Prisylla: yay?
[2024/03/08 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... [2024/03/01 17:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: "OI!" shouts a deep gruff voice from behind. "You dere! Halt!"
[2024/03/08 15:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what you all planning on doing?
[2024/03/08 15:19] Jack: I shall in fact remain hidden as we are out numbered and therefore do not want to lose anyone taking risks
[2024/03/08 15:19] Prisylla: I'm planning on continuing the charade, while inching closer to the wizard's tower. "Don't come too close! We have a skin disease and you might catch it if you touch us!"
[2024/03/08 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: You're going to try and use your rogue Hide abilty?
[2024/03/08 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: and, Mecha?
[2024/03/08 15:21] Prisylla: Jack? If you are gonna Hide, you need to roll the D10 twice
[2024/03/08 15:21] Mecha: Tranzen is gonna stand there letting the others take the lead
[2024/03/08 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: That's correct; the greenish box with D10 above it. Must roll under 10.
[2024/03/08 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: and that roll was a 20
[2024/03/08 15:23] Prisylla: Yikes, starting hide score is that low?
[2024/03/08 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: The orcs fan out, raising their spears. "You 'aving a laugh?" one growls, as another steps to the side, close to Jack. He says: "ere, you! Where you sneakin' off ta?" The goblins meanwhile look from orcs to you and back, then step back, knowing trouble coming when they see it.
[2024/03/08 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: It's a brutal game at lower levels.
[2024/03/08 15:24] Prisylla: Darn, the orcs appear smarter than the goblins, I didn't expect that
[2024/03/08 15:25] Prisylla: How many orcs?
[2024/03/08 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: There's four. That's quite the challange.
[2024/03/08 15:26] Jack: As one steps closer to me, should I make a run for it? Or stay in poition hidden?
[2024/03/08 15:26] Prisylla: only three of us, and no spells. This ain't great
[2024/03/08 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: You're not hidden, Jack - and I'd highly advise role play over roll play right now.
[2024/03/08 15:26] Prisylla: At least one orc seems to have already seen you, Jack, because they said to stop hiding
[2024/03/08 15:26] Jack: I tappears i should hold me ground, you all outnumbered by plenty
[2024/03/08 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... Mecha?
[2024/03/08 15:29] Mecha: Tranzen steps forward "Oi we're not sneakin' off ta nowhere we were told there was work here who's in charge? we wants in."
[2024/03/08 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: Prisylla? Jack?
[2024/03/08 15:30] Jack: Since I am more or less dressed down, my appearance to the Orc seems or looks non threatening
[2024/03/08 15:31] Jack: Whether the orc buys into that I shall see
[2024/03/08 15:31] Prisylla: /me nods to the lead orc, "You are obviously an intelligent orc, not as dumb as these goblins. We were given a job by Sonja, to search that tower over there. Can you help us by keeping watch outside and keeping others from interrupting us?"
[2024/03/08 15:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack: You're in leather armour; that's hardwearing clothes, so... you don't look like a soldier, but, you do look more challanging than a mere villager.
[2024/03/08 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblins stay back, waiting as you talk with the orcs. "What?!" roars the apparant leader. "Humans, join orcs! We don't take no humans, who gave you that idea?"
[2024/03/08 15:33] Prisylla: /me shrugs, "hey, if you don't like it, take it up with her," and point upwards.
[2024/03/08 15:33] Jack: I must create some distraction to increase our odds of sucess
[2024/03/08 15:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha? And... are you sure, Jack...? And if so - doing what?
[2024/03/08 15:35] Prisylla: The orc leader can see you, I'm not sure what kind of distraction yo ucan create
[2024/03/08 15:35] Mecha: Tranzen marches up to the Orc leader."What did you call me?! HUMAN? I was brought up an orc to Quetock the breaker.Orc leader 30 days travel east of here
[2024/03/08 15:35] Jack: I am in hisding I am seperate from the group, either I fight this orc, possibly more...or I run for it, I am faster than they are, gotta create some havoc or just run for it
[2024/03/08 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack: you're not hidden, the orcs can see you quite clearly
[2024/03/08 15:36] Jack: That only leaves me to fight them head on
[2024/03/08 15:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: Are you sure?
[2024/03/08 15:37] Jack: I am gonna run for it, tak ethe chance they'll come after me
[2024/03/08 15:37] Prisylla: no, running is an option too. If we all run at the same time, we might get to the tower before the orcs. but I'm saving that as a last resort
[2024/03/08 15:37] Prisylla: oh, that's what you meant
[2024/03/08 15:37] Jack: My purpose was to avoid confrontation. gonna run for it
[2024/03/08 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: it's an option, I'll admit that... but I'll only ask "are you sure" once more!
[2024/03/08 15:38] Jack: When you are outnumbered, avoid confrontation, it is not a sign of weakness
[2024/03/08 15:38] Prisylla: Out of curiosity, what kind of armor are the orcs wearing?
[2024/03/08 15:39] Jack: We all will get our change to get them
[2024/03/08 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: (I'll point out that the majority of the party is on a course of action - Jack: you're essentially acting "on your own")
[2024/03/08 15:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: Orcs have thick hides and wear thick leather armour, quite dirty and unkempt.
[2024/03/08 15:40] Jack: have no choice but to act on my may lower the odds, but I say, avoid confrontation, make way and run for it
[2024/03/08 15:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh-kay... you're sure that's what you wanna do?
[2024/03/08 15:41] Jack: I'm doing it! and what about you all
[2024/03/08 15:41] Prisylla: Jack, do you remember that the orcs are taller than the goblins? They will run faster
[2024/03/08 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, roll initiative!
[2024/03/08 15:42] Jack: When you run scared, you can run faster than you think
[2024/03/08 15:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: That's the d20. Highest number goes first.
[2024/03/08 15:43] Jack: I rolled a 20 I believe, shall that be me?
[2024/03/08 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: the pinkish box with d20, left click it?
[2024/03/08 15:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: And that's everyone!
[2024/03/08 15:44] Prisylla: the dice gods hate us
[2024/03/08 15:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha? d20?
[2024/03/08 15:45] Mecha: Hold on, before that did Tranzens attempt work?
[2024/03/08 15:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: The round hasn't taken place yet; need to roll initiative to determine exact order of events.
[2024/03/08 15:45] Prisylla: oh yeah, she tried to bluff the orcs herself. and her charisma is probably higher than mine
[2024/03/08 15:46] Jack: BRB ladies, take just a minute or 2
[2024/03/08 15:46] Prisylla: Alicia first
[2024/03/08 15:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay...
[2024/03/08 15:48] Mecha: Tranzen marches up to the Orc leader."What did you call me?! HUMAN? I was brought up an orc to Quetock the breaker.Orc leader 30 days travel east of here
[2024/03/08 15:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: 1. Mecha: marches up to the Orc leader."What did you call me?! HUMAN? - the orcs flinch back a little, not only at this forthright action, but also at the mention of some intimidating name... there COULD be such an orc, or, there could NOT be... but do they wanna find out...? There's Doubt in their minds at this.
[2024/03/08 15:49] Mecha: Now I say again. We are looking to work. those two can fight and help, or they get my hammer!
[2024/03/08 15:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: At about that moment Jack makes a break for it, and the orc leader gathers his wits just enough to roar; "STOP THAT ONE!" One orc pauses in indecision, but the other closest two? They bring up their spears and swing them round, aiming to slam the butts against the back of Jacks' head.
[2024/03/08 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: One misses... and... DM flinches at the nat twenty.
[2024/03/08 15:50] Prisylla: our first nat twenty ... yay?
[2024/03/08 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: THUNK! The spearbutt slams into the back of Jacks' head, hard... down he goes. Thems' the breaks.
[2024/03/08 15:50] Jack: Without hesitation, knowing the risks, I keep running scared
[2024/03/08 15:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack is down, no action.
[2024/03/08 15:52] Jack: Breathing is difficult, trying to fight off the inevitable
[2024/03/08 15:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: And finally, Priscylla gets to say... "hey, if you don't like it, take it up with her," and the orcs flinch and look up, as if expecting the skies to fall on them. They look at each other and growl to each other, in orcish grumbling and mumbling, clearly undecided, and yet, no one wanting to say anything.
[2024/03/08 15:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... end round: Pryscilla, Mecha are up, Jack is down. Now what?
[2024/03/08 15:53] Prisylla: Do the rest of the orcs appear hostile? Or are they standing down a little after Jack got knocked out?
[2024/03/08 15:54] Jack: Knowing the inevitable is happening, I make attempts to crawl for safety
[2024/03/08 15:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: Orcs are rather primitive and warlike. The fact that he tried to run... well, that's keyed them up for a fight. On the other hand... you've intimidated the orcs somewhat, so, indecision is staying their hands.
[2024/03/08 15:55] Jack: bit the end is near
[2024/03/08 15:55] Mecha: Tranzen looks at Prisylla."Grab that He's gonna learn not to run." before looking at the Orcs now...about the work
[2024/03/08 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack: You are unable to act.
[2024/03/08 15:55] Jack: I succumb to te blows tot he head
[2024/03/08 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: "Eh..." grumbles the orc, in apparant charge. "Work? Wot work?"
[2024/03/08 15:56] Jack: the blows to the head
[2024/03/08 15:56] Mecha: We're here to help. You gots heads need bustin'? Extra hands can help
[2024/03/08 15:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: One of the orcs snickers. "Look like your friend, he head busted!"
[2024/03/08 15:57] Prisylla: Do we roll initiative again? Whenever it is my turn, I check Jack's head. Bandage it if it is bleeding, give him a little water if he needs it, basic first aid type of things. It isn't in the game rules I read, but I'm assuming my character knows a little about first aid and herbalism. If so, I'll give him something for the pain
[2024/03/08 15:58] Mecha: Good job there. teach him not to runs like a human.
[2024/03/08 15:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: currently not in combat, no initiative to roll. Being a healer, you have basic first aid knowledge; you find no major, obvious damage but there is a rather nasty lump, and, Jack is at least breathing. He -should- be fine... in a bit....
[2024/03/08 15:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: The orcs agree with Mecha. "Yeah.... that teach him."
[2024/03/08 15:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack was invited to the conversation.
[2024/03/08 15:59] Prisylla: Okay, whatever I can do with what I have, I'll do. Also making a mental note to stock up on herbs and bandages when I get a chance
[2024/03/08 16:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: And maybe a padded helmet.
[2024/03/08 16:00] Prisylla: yeah
[2024/03/08 16:00] Jack: As I am coming to my senses "did you ladies have any success at all as I was running and got bashed?"
[2024/03/08 16:01] Sonja Bikergrrl: The orcs watch as you work on Jack (who is still out for the count!)
[2024/03/08 16:01] Prisylla: once I'm satisfied his neck isn't broken, I'll fireman's carry him if he's still unconscious. but I'm very encumbered this way, I won't be able to outrun even a goblin like this
[2024/03/08 16:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: "you guys, you okay," the leader orc says, "We go loot more, we look for stone. No luck yet, but, we find magic stick!" He holds up a wooden rod, about two feet long, quite ornately carved and with gold bands around the "stick" at either end.
[2024/03/08 16:02] Mecha: Woah, nice stick can you hit hard with it?
[2024/03/08 16:03] Prisylla: that is indeed a cool stick
[2024/03/08 16:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: "We think it magic!"
[2024/03/08 16:03] Prisylla: Did the stick do something?
[2024/03/08 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: The orcs look at you, thoughtfully. "Just be sure... we give magic stick to gobbos... they... keep eye on you..." The orc leader passes the "stick" to the nearest goblin.
[2024/03/08 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: As far as you can tell, it's a well-made wooden rod, with ornate carvings on it.
[2024/03/08 16:05] Mecha: We help look for stone if okay.
[2024/03/08 16:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: "You stay with gobbos... they guard you, you guard stick."
[2024/03/08 16:06] Prisylla: /me looks impressed, "That's a good find!" and not make any threatening moves toward the stick yet. Not like I CAN be threatening at the moment, anyway
[2024/03/08 16:07] Mecha: I nod and salute "We stay with Gobbos. Have to wake up Dum dum anyway."
[2024/03/08 16:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: The orcs bare their fangs in feral smiles, and march away, to loot some more. The goblins cluster about the one with the ornate stick... "Oooh! Nice stick!" "It MAGIC stick!" "Maybe it wizard wand?" "Wizard wand? Sonja said get wand, is powerful. Maybe it stronger'n Sonja?"
[2024/03/08 16:08] Prisylla: I'm watching the goblins closely. Do any of them act like they know how to use the darn thing? Even a little bit?
[2024/03/08 16:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: Not even remotely. They continue... "Maybe if we have stick, we stronger than Sonja!" There's some laughter and agreement at this... and... that's when...
[2024/03/08 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: You get the feeling it's got rather darker, as if a thick cloud was in the way of the sun. And... you hear a roof tile clatter to the ground.
[2024/03/08 16:10] Prisylla: mother fucker
[2024/03/08 16:10] Prisylla: >.<
[2024/03/08 16:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: Was that an invite?
[2024/03/08 16:11] Prisylla: I'm not even looking up. Is there a public fountain nearby? I need to dunk his head in something so he wakes up faster
[2024/03/08 16:11] Mecha: Tranzen lightly bops Goblin on head."Nothing stronger than Sonja."She doesn't even look behind her.
[2024/03/08 16:11] Prisylla: then again, maybe I should let him sleep through this
[2024/03/08 16:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me checks the counter... nearly, but not quite concious...
[2024/03/08 16:13] Prisylla: I already know what I'm gonna see above and behind us, and I'm gonna play it as cool as I can, despite everything
[2024/03/08 16:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: You hear a rumbling from behind and above you. A deep, deep voice says - quietly, for the voice - "Have you found Wyatts' wand?" There, on the roof of a house on the edge of the plaza, is none other than Sonja y Ddraig Goch, looking down at the goblins.
[2024/03/08 16:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, who's doing what? (As Jack groans a little louder.)
[2024/03/08 16:15] Prisylla: /me staring at Tranzen, to see if she is about to run, or grab the wand, or do something else
[2024/03/08 16:16] Jack: Where are you?
[2024/03/08 16:16] Jack: we
[2024/03/08 16:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/03/08 16:17] Prisylla: I am seriously considering doing something insane
[2024/03/08 16:17] Mecha: Gonna hold my action for now
[2024/03/08 16:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay...
[2024/03/08 16:18] Prisylla: I am seriously considering dropping Jack, grabbing the wand, and shoving it in my sack next to the orb, on the wild hope that touching the two will break free the goddess
[2024/03/08 16:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblin with the ornate stick stands up straight, and waves the thing, pointing it at Sonja. "Naa, it time goblins rule! You go away, scaley!" He gives the stick a jiggle and...
[2024/03/08 16:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: sprouts leaves.
[2024/03/08 16:19] Prisylla: but I have nothing to back up the possibility that that will work
[2024/03/08 16:19] Prisylla: nevermind
[2024/03/08 16:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblins who aren't the ones holding a stick, they quickly back away, as, right at -that- moment...
[2024/03/08 16:19] Prisylla: this wand ain't that what I thought, I'll calm down
[2024/03/08 16:19] Mecha: Tranzen yanks it away. "You got a tree growin wand and thought you stronger than Sonja. Maybe you are Dum dums."
[2024/03/08 16:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja breathes fire on the defiant goblin, incinerating it. "Anyone else feeling rebellious? No? THEN FIND ME THE DREAMSTONE! YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRHHHHHH!" With a contemptuous snort of "Idiots! Why do I bother?" she FLAPS her wings and takes off into the air.
[2024/03/08 16:20] Jack: You gonna leave me alone? I am in pain (wincing from the lows tot he head still)
[2024/03/08 16:20] Prisylla: I'm still carrying you, I decided against dropping you, you're not abandoned
[2024/03/08 16:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: The goblins, some with their armour on fire, scatter... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's when Jacks' eyes open, back to the world of the living, with one massive headache
[2024/03/08 16:21] Mecha: Orcs are bound to come back for that so tranzen is gonna give tree groin' wand to them."Dum dum goblins"
[2024/03/08 16:21] Prisylla: /me gently set him down and whisper to him, "Dont make any sudden moves or noises"
[2024/03/08 16:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'm not sure the orcs are going to be very anxious to come back.
[2024/03/08 16:22] Jack: You can count on it! Not a word
[2024/03/08 16:22] Prisylla: So, I'm guessing that the wand survived the fire?
[2024/03/08 16:23] Prisylla: Did the goblin holding it survive?
[2024/03/08 16:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: A good guess! There's a small patch of bubbling rock where the goblin was standing. No sign of the goblin, not even ash... nasty, but, at least it was quick... and the staff is lying to one side, slightly singed.
[2024/03/08 16:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what are you going to do?
[2024/03/08 16:25] Prisylla: My hands are full, and Alicia already stated her desire to pick up the wand, so I'll let her touch it
[2024/03/08 16:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack is concious, and can (probably) stand (unaided)
[2024/03/08 16:25] Prisylla: good
[2024/03/08 16:26] Prisylla: I'll help him walk until he feels steady enough to do it on his own
[2024/03/08 16:26] Jack: I gotta headache from hell, how can I help? I am in no shape to anything stupid
[2024/03/08 16:26] Mecha: Gonna grab the wand and begin walking to the tower since we are probably under some smoke cover
[2024/03/08 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Your hand tingles as you take the staff, it's clearly magical in some way.
[2024/03/08 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: You can see the tower up the street! And... a few goblins and orcs, bashing the door down... and charging inside... time might be of the essence.
[2024/03/08 16:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: who's doing what?
[2024/03/08 16:29] Jack: I am staying out of the way, as to not intefere
[2024/03/08 16:29] Prisylla: oh dang
[2024/03/08 16:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha, Pryscilla?
[2024/03/08 16:29] Jack: and to not let the orcs know I am still alive
[2024/03/08 16:30] Prisylla: I think they know you survived. he orc hit you with the butt of a apear instead of the pointy end
[2024/03/08 16:30] Mecha: Tranzen looks at them."Let's go, they are not gonna buy the raised by orcs thing forever."
[2024/03/08 16:31] Prisylla: yup, we run
[2024/03/08 16:31] Prisylla: all pull Jack behind me, in case he disn't ready to run yet. We gotta get to the tower in time to help Wyatt fight off the orcs
[2024/03/08 16:31] Prisylla: *I'll pull
[2024/03/08 16:32] Prisylla: I hope this wizard ain't asleep
[2024/03/08 16:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: At least it's not far. Only a few hundred yards! By the time you're there, you hear the sounds of combat going on from the upper floor - the snarls and roars of orcs, the crash and clatter of furniture being thrown about, and the stern incantations of a wizard casting spells, and the -zip- and -zing- of magical missiles flying about
[2024/03/08 16:33] Prisylla: Great, maybe the noise will wake up a few other townsfolk
[2024/03/08 16:33] Prisylla: Can we get inside?
[2024/03/08 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hard to say, but, a bunch of monsters vs a wizard? Even a powerful one will need support.
[2024/03/08 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: The door has been smashed off the hinges, yes
[2024/03/08 16:34] Mecha: I have an idea and rush in
[2024/03/08 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: What are you planning on doing?
[2024/03/08 16:34] Prisylla: I'm right behind her, running as best I can
[2024/03/08 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Jack?
[2024/03/08 16:35] Jack: We gotta accomplish this mission. head is still killing me, but you ladies are in charge, let's do it
[2024/03/08 16:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: Guessing you all run in - the lower floor is quite disarrayed, with furniture and books scattered about. Stairs lead up, you can see flashing lights and dancing shadows, and here the crashing and snarling and sparkles of magical spells.
[2024/03/08 16:37] Prisylla: I'm putting a bulllet in my sling and ready to run up the stairs right behind muscle mommy
[2024/03/08 16:37] Mecha: Up the stairs I go. This is a weird plan but it can work
[2024/03/08 16:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: I gotta hear this plan...!
[2024/03/08 16:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: And, Jack?
[2024/03/08 16:38] Jack: I am bringing up th erear running, as to not slow any of you down, what shall I do?
[2024/03/08 16:39] Prisylla: probably get out your bow, but watch Alicia. She apparently has a plan, but hasn't said what it is yet
[2024/03/08 16:39] Jack: Bow and arrow ready
[2024/03/08 16:40] Prisylla: as soon as we see the orcs, find some cover and shoot them unless a better idea becomes obvious
[2024/03/08 16:40] Mecha: Gets to the top of the stairs and has her hammer out stopping to stand with the Orcs. Make it look like she is with them and pro wrestling swerve when teh time is right swing the hammer to the closest Orcs face
[2024/03/08 16:41] Jack: Have we got enough arsenal to take on those goofballs?
[2024/03/08 16:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: ...I was expecting something slightly more insane from Mecha... but okay.... let's roll with that
[2024/03/08 16:41] Prisylla: with a wizard's help? Maybe
[2024/03/08 16:42] Prisylla: Best odds we've had so far, Jack
[2024/03/08 16:42] Prisylla: Are we rolling initiative? Or do we get a surprise round?
[2024/03/08 16:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Up the stairs you charge, and straight into the literal warzone that is the upper floor. Half a dozen orcs are menacing a elderly bald man in robes; they seem to be kept at bay by a glowing ball of light about the man. He sees you coming up, and in between ducking a thrown spear and an orc flailing his arms in the way: "Adventurers! With my staff! Quickly, I need my staff!"
[2024/03/08 16:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Indeed, best odds - six of them, four of you, one a powerful wizard.
[2024/03/08 16:44] Mecha: Tranzen keeps up the bit."My staff dum dum!" AS she moves close to the Orcs.
[2024/03/08 16:44] Mecha: *Hopefully the orcs buy this*
[2024/03/08 16:44] Prisylla: Well, her plan is likely to confuse the wizard AND the orcs for a second, so maybe we'll get that surprise round after all
[2024/03/08 16:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: As always, it confuses the DM...
[2024/03/08 16:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, you get a round against the orcs before they notice... better make it count!
[2024/03/08 16:45] Prisylla: Whatever I roll for initiative, I'm holding my action to just after Alicia so I don't ruin whatever she does
[2024/03/08 16:45] Mecha: As she is close she goes for a backhand hammer swing on the nearest Orc.
[2024/03/08 16:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: seem to recall Mecha was going to hit one... Jack and Priscylla going to use missile weapons... d20s from all
[2024/03/08 16:46] Prisylla: I'm aiming for any orc with a ranged weapon. Failing that, whatever orc looks the most exposed
[2024/03/08 16:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: ....holy moly....
[2024/03/08 16:47] Prisylla: whew, we all rolled good
[2024/03/08 16:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: 18, 19, 17... where were those rolls earlier!
[2024/03/08 16:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Mecha, Jack: Warhammer and arrow: 1d6 for damage. Priscylla: sling bullet, 1d4
[2024/03/08 16:48] Jack: Luck is on our side, luck is by way of successful preparation
[2024/03/08 16:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha smacks an orc in the face, and it goes down spitting teeth and blood!
[2024/03/08 16:48] Prisylla: a whole 3 damage. That *might* drop an orc
[2024/03/08 16:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: Pryscilla smacks an orc squarely between the eyes... CRACK! Down he goes, like a falling tree!
[2024/03/08 16:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack: d6, we going to make it a hat trick?
[2024/03/08 16:50] Prisylla: Jack, roll a D6 for damage
[2024/03/08 16:50] Prisylla: your arrow hit
[2024/03/08 16:50] Jack: Since I was a recipient of a head wound, let's make mine a hit to the forehead
[2024/03/08 16:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: you sure? They say orc heads are kinda thick...
[2024/03/08 16:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: and roll the d6 - yellow cube
[2024/03/08 16:52] Jack: I would shoot them, but we do not have the capbility , do we?
[2024/03/08 16:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: You shot your bow at them, successfully
[2024/03/08 16:53] Jack: Thick heads, hmmmmmmnext time I go for th eneck jugular
[2024/03/08 16:53] Mecha: Tranzen tosses the staff to the bald guy
[2024/03/08 16:53] Prisylla: We took them by surprise Jack, you got your chance to shoot them. That's what the dice rolls were for, and it worked (finally)
[2024/03/08 16:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: The arrow from your bow literally zips straight through an orc and out the (luckily open) window behind him, trailing blood as it goes. Its' quite sight, not one the orc appreciates, then again, he is dead, so, there is that.
[2024/03/08 16:54] Jack: Couldn't have happened better to a bunch of nice guys....hahahahaha
[2024/03/08 16:55] Prisylla: Great, now we outnumber them, but we gotta roll initiative now, right?
[2024/03/08 16:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: The man catches the staff and raises it aloft. "Time to put an end to this evil!" He bellows a few arcane words and the staff GLOWS blindingly bright... orcs are creatures of darkness and they scream and run away, one blundering down the stairs and the two others jumping out the windows. You can hear the roar of angry orcs as the bright light washes over the city.
[2024/03/08 16:56] Prisylla: Wow, that's a versatile staff. Any chance it can dispel sleep effects over a wide area?>
[2024/03/08 16:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: There's another, rather more subtle sound, the sound of people waking up and finding their city being pillaged. Most of course aren't fighters, but, there's guards and soldiers there somewhere... it's clear that the forces of Evil are getting their asses kicked back out of town.
[2024/03/08 16:57] Prisylla: aaaaand there it is
[2024/03/08 16:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja is not happy about this. You can hear her roar outside in fury. "You haven't defeated me, mageling, I WILL have the Dreamstone yet, and you can't stop me! RRRRRAAAAAWWWRRRR!" When you look out... she's flying away.
[2024/03/08 16:58] Prisylla: I'm trying so hard to not meta game, but a part of me is trying to figure out if that is a staff of the magi or a staff of power
[2024/03/08 16:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: well, congrats on surviving :)
[2024/03/08 16:58] Sonja Bikergrrl: (Neither :P)
[2024/03/08 16:59] Mecha: I look at the bald guy. "Dragon big villain is overhead. can't say her name or she will come in for a landing."
[2024/03/08 16:59] Jack: Closer than I wanted it to be...
[2024/03/08 16:59] Prisylla: good, that means I don't have to keep thinking about it
[2024/03/08 16:59] Mecha: Or never mind
[2024/03/08 16:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: Wyatt: "Naa, she's totally gone. But where is Astrid?"
[2024/03/08 16:59] Prisylla: /me freezes for a moment
[2024/03/08 17:00] Prisylla: /me meeking reaches into her sack, and displays the orb
[2024/03/08 17:00] Prisylla: the dragon did this to her
[2024/03/08 17:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: Wyatt takes the orb, and pokes it. "Oh dear... oh dear. Seems to be a divine ball of force... oh dear."
[2024/03/08 17:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: And I think we might leave it there... you survived the first part, well done y'all :)
[2024/03/08 17:02] Prisylla: Dont' forget to give us experience for avoiding a fight with the goblins!
[2024/03/08 17:02] Sonja Bikergrrl: we'll tie up loose ends next week, deal with XP and... I'll write the next part ;)
[2024/03/08 17:03] Prisylla: Or, are you using milestone XP? I forgot to ask
[2024/03/08 17:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: I think you all definitely earned your XP :)
[2024/03/08 17:03] Jack: what is a XP?
[2024/03/08 17:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: Bit of both... not going to go heavily into XP accounting, but, you should have tangible advancement
[2024/03/08 17:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: XP = Experience Points
[2024/03/08 17:03] Prisylla: experience points. It is how you get from 1st to 2nd level
[2024/03/08 17:03] Mecha: Would say she flew by the seat of her pants but in this outfit it might be the back of her skirt
[2024/03/08 17:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: as you progress, you gain XP
[2024/03/08 17:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: more XP gives better hit points, attack, skills, abilities, spells....
[2024/03/08 17:04] Jack: Before anything else, I would like to say thank you to you ladies for inviting to your D&D, it appears I am getting used to things here,
[2024/03/08 17:04] Prisylla: You thief skills will improve, I'll get my first spell at second level, Alicia will just get a lot tougher, but that's still pretty useful
[2024/03/08 17:05] Jack: Maybe catching on a bit slow, but getting a better hang of it
[2024/03/08 17:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: As a rough guide: Every adventure "story" completed should give about 1/2 the XP you need to progress, I think... don't want to be too fast, don't want to be too slow
[2024/03/08 17:06] Jack: I have to improv off each of you speaking withing the story, It is easier for me
[2024/03/08 17:06] Prisylla: Yes, about one level every 2-3 sessions is a good enough pace, usually. Gotta have time to enjoy each level
[2024/03/08 17:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: also: yes, the first one is somewhat of a rail road. As we go on - it opens up more and it's more where -you- decide to go. (That'll be clearer in a bit, no spoilers!)
[2024/03/08 17:07] Prisylla: Our sessions are kind short, but that's because we all have to type everything. We might progress slower
[2024/03/08 17:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha and I have D&D'd for... we're in the second year, I think?
[2024/03/08 17:07] Mecha: /me nods
[2024/03/08 17:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: it's a more intense storyline... and we -just- made level three
[2024/03/08 17:08] Prisylla: and yeah, one we have money for horses and aren't lacking in basic supplies, we can go pretty much wherever we want. Surviving this first level is like a rite of passage
[2024/03/08 17:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: but, shorter sessions
[2024/03/08 17:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: it is! A rite of passage!
[2024/03/08 17:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: and you reminded me of something
[2024/03/08 17:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: Got tee shirts... girls' only, I couldn't find full perm male shirts, sorry
[2024/03/08 17:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: Bit cheesy, but, hope you like 'em :D
[2024/03/08 17:10] Prisylla: thank you!
[2024/03/08 17:10] Jack: it is OK, you were thinking of me and the others, if it happens, it happens
[2024/03/08 17:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me does like making little things
[2024/03/08 17:11] Prisylla: Now, I've got another plan today, so I'll see you all later. Sorry to bounce out so quickly
[2024/03/08 17:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... all had fun?
[2024/03/08 17:11] Prisylla: yes, very
[2024/03/08 17:11] Prisylla: it was nice to roll good for once
[2024/03/08 17:11] Sonja Bikergrrl: No worries Priscylla, see you all next week!
[2024/03/08 17:11] Mecha: Have a good one Prisylla
[2024/03/08 17:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: alright, way WAY past my bedtime, so I'm going to slip off home
[2024/03/08 17:12] Jack: I gotta run to decompress a bit and grab some dinner
[2024/03/08 17:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: see you all tomorrow!
[2024/03/08 17:12] Jack: Thank you again ladies