The Adventure Begins

[2024/03/01 15:19] Jack: Good Evening to one and all
[2024/03/01 15:19] Prisylla: /me waves
[2024/03/01 15:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, we all ready to get this train wreck rolling? :)
[2024/03/01 15:20] Prisylla: we left off while we were running to the wizard's house, right?
[2024/03/01 15:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha?
[2024/03/01 15:21] Mecha: I believe so
[2024/03/01 15:21] Jack: I was the guy at the end of th ebar who joined forces with you ladies if i remember my role
[2024/03/01 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: awesome
[2024/03/01 15:21] Prisylla: yes Jack, you are also the one who apparently knows exactly where this guy's house is
[2024/03/01 15:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: so... the party left the tavern, got mocked by Sonja y Ddraig Goch, and Astrid the Cat Goddess got trapped in a blue sphere
[2024/03/01 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: and apparantly emily and Kylie got eaten by a grue
[2024/03/01 15:22] Prisylla: wow, what if they show up next week?
[2024/03/01 15:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, with the recap out of the way... Grrrrreeeeeeeeeetttings Adventurers, some players get well thought out dungeons, you get... whatever the frick this is!
[2024/03/01 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: If they show up next week alive and well? Then I guess the grue coughed them back up?
[2024/03/01 15:23] Jack: I remember the name was it Wyatt or Walsh
[2024/03/01 15:23] Prisylla: gotcha
[2024/03/01 15:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: Yes, you are heading to Wyatts' place, in the big city (the capital)
[2024/03/01 15:24] Mecha: Do we know exactly where we are going?
[2024/03/01 15:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: so. Over to you....
[2024/03/01 15:25] Jack: Where is house is according to today's script, might wanna nudge me on where I a going
[2024/03/01 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: You know you have to go to Wyatts' place in Caerdydd.
[2024/03/01 15:25] Prisylla: Jack knows, and I am running behind him, trying to hold on to that blue sphere
[2024/03/01 15:25] Prisylla: We were told it is an hour away
[2024/03/01 15:25] Prisylla: we can't just run all the way there, but we can walk very fast
[2024/03/01 15:26] Jack: We originally were to believe it was a gouse a hour away in the country if I remember but we bactracked and it is a hour in to the city
[2024/03/01 15:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: It'd be quite a run. Running probably isn't a good idea.
[2024/03/01 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: The inn you met in is in the country; it was always an hour from Caerdydd and Wyatts' place is always there.
[2024/03/01 15:28] Prisylla: good, then there is probably a super-obvious road to follow and we dont' have to worry about getting lost, right?
[2024/03/01 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: There is a super obvious road, yes :) The inn is a natural waypoint on the way to/from Caerdydd to other places out west.
[2024/03/01 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: (The road is not yellow, nor is it brick.)
[2024/03/01 15:29] Prisylla: okay, I'll follow the non-yellow-brick road
[2024/03/01 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: Everyone else along with that?
[2024/03/01 15:30] Jack: Don't you think it be best to avoid being seen by splitting up and take different outlets and meet up there
[2024/03/01 15:30] Mecha: road seems like the logical option
[2024/03/01 15:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: Rule #2, Jack: Thou Shalt Not Split Thy Party.
[2024/03/01 15:31] Jack: If we are gonna mke it on time it is best to take the shortest path to least ressitance
[2024/03/01 15:31] Prisylla: If we split up, we create a chance to get lost and surrounded by enemies while alone. Plus, we'll move slower. If we stay together and follow the road we might just stay ahead of our pursuers through speed
[2024/03/01 15:31] Jack: The road is what it shall be
[2024/03/01 15:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: The road is easy to follow and the best route over all. After about an hour hiking, you get to see the city Caerdydd before you. Big stone walls go round the city, there's a bridge leading over a moat, and a gatehouse... but there's absolute silence.
[2024/03/01 15:32] Prisylla: /me leans over to Jack and whispers, "Is the city always this quiet?"
[2024/03/01 15:33] Jack: "not always, but quiet can be something we must respect and keep alert
[2024/03/01 15:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: (You hear the sounds of the wind, and birds, and creatures in the underbrush. You don't hear the hustle and bustle of city life, though.)
[2024/03/01 15:34] Jack: Sometimes quiet can be something quite unexpected
[2024/03/01 15:34] Prisylla: My little hometown is less than half this size, and still noisier.
[2024/03/01 15:34] Mecha: Yeahhhh this does not sound right
[2024/03/01 15:34] Prisylla: /me nervously watches everywhere for something moving
[2024/03/01 15:35] Mecha: Tranzen draws her hammer and has it ready.
[2024/03/01 15:35] Prisylla: lets keep walking. If something happened here, a wizard is the most likely one to survive.
[2024/03/01 15:36] Prisylla: Any signs of recent fires in the city, or is everything intact?
[2024/03/01 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: You see what looks like a bat... then you realize, it's over the city. It can only be Sonja, flying above and watching! Now you look closely, you see a few guards sprawled on the ground, and small green-skinned creatures in a group by the city gates.
[2024/03/01 15:36] Sonja Bikergrrl: The city looks... "normal"? if completely silent and lifeless.
[2024/03/01 15:37] Jack: What looks normal and harmless is exactly what they want us to think
[2024/03/01 15:38] Prisylla: Now it makes sense, people are afraid of the flying dragon and whatever the green creatures are
[2024/03/01 15:38] Prisylla: Do we have to pass by the creatures to enter the city?
[2024/03/01 15:38] Sonja Bikergrrl: You'll have to get past them, yes.
[2024/03/01 15:39] Jack: Not a easy task but is it possible to get past them?
[2024/03/01 15:40] Mecha: What are teh green beings doing?
[2024/03/01 15:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hard to say.
[2024/03/01 15:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: They're standing in a group, chatting amongst themselves, in the middle of the entrance.
[2024/03/01 15:41] Mecha: Are they standing over the fallen guards?
[2024/03/01 15:41] Prisylla: Alright, sooo, do we sweet talk our way past, sneak past, fight past, or abandon the town altogether
[2024/03/01 15:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: they're standing near them, paying them no attention
[2024/03/01 15:42] Jack: Let's sneak past them and make every attempt to avoid confrontation
[2024/03/01 15:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: How are you going to do that?
[2024/03/01 15:43] Prisylla: Okay, but how? Is there any abandoned carts near the road?
[2024/03/01 15:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: the road seems quite empty.
[2024/03/01 15:44] Prisylla: okay, no sneaking in in the back of a cart ...
[2024/03/01 15:44] Mecha: How about we just walk in. If they stop us we wreck them, but with scales up above we avoid our location goal
[2024/03/01 15:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: that would admittedly probably work under more normal circumstances (the cart idea)
[2024/03/01 15:45] Prisylla: Anyone got booze still on them? We could offer beer as a "tribute" so they let us past, then they'll be drunk next time we deal with them
[2024/03/01 15:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: If only you brought beer...
[2024/03/01 15:45] Jack: Drinks are on me, I concentrate better woth bee
[2024/03/01 15:45] Prisylla: or yes, we can just bash them, how many are there?
[2024/03/01 15:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: There's 4.
[2024/03/01 15:46] Sonja Bikergrrl: Bear in mind there's 3 of you... you are outnumbered, it'll be a tough fight.
[2024/03/01 15:46] Mecha: Good point, we should give them a chance to shore up the numbers
[2024/03/01 15:47] Prisylla: aaand can we see any other details at this distance? How tall are they, how well armored and armed, etc.?
[2024/03/01 15:47] Jack: We need ot figure out a way to avoid confrontation, we are out numbered, we can cause some kind of distraction and you girls head inside
[2024/03/01 15:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: By the looks of it: wearing dirty leather, look rather ugly and mean, armed with clubs, they stand about four or so feet tall
[2024/03/01 15:48] Jack: Any locals nearby or we still quiet throughout the city?
[2024/03/01 15:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: the city looks lifeless - only a few bodies sprawled out here and there
[2024/03/01 15:49] Prisylla: If they don't have ranged weapons, *WE* might have the advantage. But we can't see how many are inside
[2024/03/01 15:50] Prisylla: How many city gates are there?
[2024/03/01 15:50] Prisylla: can we find a better way in, or are they all the same?
[2024/03/01 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: Admittedly you might well be able to get a round of missile fire off.
[2024/03/01 15:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: The city has three gates, north, west, east, the south opens to a harbour and the sea.
[2024/03/01 15:51] Sonja Bikergrrl: chances are... this is as good a place as any
[2024/03/01 15:52] Prisylla: Are these things a common pest around here that the dragon recently recruited, or are they something we haven't seen or heard of before?
[2024/03/01 15:52] Jack: go though the gate where it has the least amount of sunlight so we cannot be seen easily
[2024/03/01 15:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: Hard to say. There's all manner of creatures that plague the land, but they don't usually stand in the gates of the capital city.
[2024/03/01 15:53] Prisylla: yeah, I don't think usual trickery is gonna work here. they seem to be in 'kill everything' kinda mode
[2024/03/01 15:53] Mecha: Do I see any blood on these green guys?
[2024/03/01 15:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: Bit far away to see such fine details.
[2024/03/01 15:54] Prisylla: wait Jack, lets NOT use the shadows
[2024/03/01 15:54] Prisylla: they still don't see us
[2024/03/01 15:55] Prisylla: They might not be adapted to seeing in the daylight. Hiding in the shadows might give them an advantage over us
[2024/03/01 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: Clever girl :)
[2024/03/01 15:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: But are you right... ^ ^
[2024/03/01 15:56] Prisylla: We're hiding in daylight right now, this gives us a bigger advantage at range than I thought. That also explains why they aren't manning the walls with bows. they can't see that far to make it work
[2024/03/01 15:57] Prisylla: Unfortunately, that means they *aren't* stupid, so they probably are aware of their own weaknesses
[2024/03/01 15:58] Prisylla: if we attack at range, they will probably call for reinforcements before we can take them all out. Any animals near by? I'm trying to think of ideas for a distraction, like he said earlier
[2024/03/01 15:59] Sonja Bikergrrl: A neat idea, but unless you mean rabbits and badgers, no
[2024/03/01 16:00] Prisylla: I was hoping for a horse or a cow, not sure what I could do with a rabbit
[2024/03/01 16:00] Prisylla: ah well
[2024/03/01 16:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha! What do you suggest
[2024/03/01 16:01] Prisylla: The next best distraction is for one of us to get close, pretend to be scared and run towards us. Maybe the four will give chase without calling for backup if they think it is a fight they can win. Then, the runner leads them into an ambush from the rest of us
[2024/03/01 16:02] Mecha: I made my suggestion. there is no way we are sneaking. We approach. if they move to fight we fight if we get overwhelmed we run
[2024/03/01 16:02] Prisylla: Okay, but can we use my idea to try and lure them away from the city a little bit before attacking?
[2024/03/01 16:03] Mecha: Sure, but who is gonna be the bait?
[2024/03/01 16:03] Jack: We should decide quickly on what we are gonna do
[2024/03/01 16:04] Prisylla: Jack, he's probably the tallest, therefore the fastest runner. Plus, he is the most lightly armored. he looks like he isn't really ready for a war. The dwarf and the armored nun might put their guard up
[2024/03/01 16:04] Prisylla: Sorry, Jack
[2024/03/01 16:05] Jack: Running I do very well
[2024/03/01 16:06] Prisylla: If we lay down in the grass and wait until Jack runs past, I can probably get a free sling stone shot and Alicia can throw whatever ranged weapon she has. or, if she doesn't have one, she can probably throw a rock with more force than my sling anyway
[2024/03/01 16:07] Prisylla: Plus, once we attack Jack can turn around and get a shot off from his bow, since he will just be pretending to be panicked. That way, we might start at a big advantage *and* they won't be in shouting distance of their friends inside
[2024/03/01 16:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, going with that plan?
[2024/03/01 16:08] Prisylla: We'll still have to finish the fight quickly, but hey, there is only four. and they're four feet tall, I bet a sling stone will drop one
[2024/03/01 16:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Jack?
[2024/03/01 16:09] Prisylla: ((come on, we knew we were gonna hafta fight eventually, might as well do it now))
[2024/03/01 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: ((Just try not to have the eventual TPK now))
[2024/03/01 16:10] Jack: Let's do it
[2024/03/01 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay, Jack, what do you plan doing?
[2024/03/01 16:12] Mecha: I'm gonna get down on the ground and be ready
[2024/03/01 16:12] Jack: To get them off guard and perhaps chase me which i think they will do, I want them to spot me as I am running away, we don't need a little distraction. They won't catch me
[2024/03/01 16:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: so, you're just going to run away?
[2024/03/01 16:13] Prisylla: Alright then, first you gotta get close enough for them to see you. Their eyesight isn't as good as ours, it seems
[2024/03/01 16:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: so Jack is going to get close?
[2024/03/01 16:14] Jack: If I am able to get a shot off i will but I have got to be ensured all you others are not in the way once you make your entrance
[2024/03/01 16:14] Prisylla: If Jack goes, I'm dropping to the ground with a sling and a bullet in my hand, ready
[2024/03/01 16:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... clarity: Jack is approaching the four creatures, to start with?
[2024/03/01 16:15] Prisylla: if there is alow hill we can hide behind, all the better, otherwise we are just laying flat in the grass
[2024/03/01 16:15] Jack: Running away will be to not only distract them to come for me, the odds going on even out numbered become greater
[2024/03/01 16:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... clarity: Jack is approaching the four creatures, to start with?
[2024/03/01 16:16] Mecha: /me nods
[2024/03/01 16:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... Jack approaches the creatures. He gets very close before they notice, and one thumps the other to get their attention. They form a rough line, and one calls out "'Ere, 'oo are you?"
[2024/03/01 16:18] Jack: I know I a gonna be out numbered , but I am willing to take the chance if we can get the job done
[2024/03/01 16:18] Prisylla: ((uh oh, I assumed they'd be ready to kill on sight. No plan survives contact with the enemy))
[2024/03/01 16:19] Prisylla: /me giggles
[2024/03/01 16:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack?
[2024/03/01 16:19] Prisylla: ball's in your court, Jack, do you change the plan?
[2024/03/01 16:20] Jack: I'd say I am one of th erelatives of Wyatt and I wish to see him, I plat the conversation game until i know all of you are in place and on the ready
[2024/03/01 16:22] Prisylla: I watch closely from the distance. Are the creatures just talking, or are they taking aggressive actions like trying to surround him?
[2024/03/01 16:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: "'Oos' Wyatt?" says one. "What?" says another. "Not what, 'oo!" says the third. "Who what?" says the fourth. "Shut it! I'm asking what!" snaps the first
[2024/03/01 16:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Jack?
[2024/03/01 16:25] Mecha: I am watching as well
[2024/03/01 16:26] Jack: I challenge those dreaded creaturees as they play the dumb game with me, I attempt to frsutrate them more to get them upset anough as I make th ebreak for it
[2024/03/01 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: how?
[2024/03/01 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: What exactly do you say?
[2024/03/01 16:28] Jack: "Are you three (the creatures) gonna stand there and keep me fro m seeing Wyatt? just move away and let me in"
[2024/03/01 16:28] Jack: "Enough of this nonsense
[2024/03/01 16:29] Jack: Since i am distracting morethan one, it prepares for the team to make it's move
[2024/03/01 16:29] Prisylla: I start moving forward since it looks like the plan is going sideways, but I stay low as Ido it
[2024/03/01 16:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: The creatures barely respond to Jack. "You said 'oo," says the fourth one sulkily. "What?" snaps the first. "No, 'oo." says the forth one. "No, he said what." says the second. "What? He said 'oo?" says the third. They start shouting at each other, getting louder and more aggressive.
[2024/03/01 16:31] Mecha: Do we hear them?
[2024/03/01 16:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: You do now they're shouting. Oh dear!
[2024/03/01 16:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now they're smacking each other with their clubs!
[2024/03/01 16:33] Jack: Still staying true with my purpose of stirring the pot, I continue to infuriate the creatures
[2024/03/01 16:33] Mecha: I am standing up. We are far enough away that they don't notice, so let them fight
[2024/03/01 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: How, Jack?
[2024/03/01 16:33] Prisylla: Yes, I also get up so I can move forward faster
[2024/03/01 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: although, I'm not sure they're paying you any attention.
[2024/03/01 16:34] Prisylla: ((I'm beginning to think we could have just walked past them))
[2024/03/01 16:34] Jack: I pull out my weapon and fire a warning shot over the heads of the creatures
[2024/03/01 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: One creature smacks another across the back of their head with a loud THUNK... that one stumbles a few paces and collapses, pushes himself up and sinks back down, making burbling noises. The other three keep fighting.
[2024/03/01 16:35] Sonja Bikergrrl: Are you sure, Jack?
[2024/03/01 16:35] Jack: "How';s that for stopping me from seeing Wyatt"
[2024/03/01 16:36] Jack: I I start to se the anger amonng the creatures and make a run for it
[2024/03/01 16:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: Better idea ;)
[2024/03/01 16:37] Jack: They saw me as harmless at first yet a unknown to the city, I dress down out of uniform just to cause th ediversion and and make a run for it
[2024/03/01 16:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: The creatures fight viciously amongst each other, paying you no heed as you slip past.
[2024/03/01 16:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: Looks like you made it past the city gates!
[2024/03/01 16:38] Mecha: I follow trying to get past the fighting as well
[2024/03/01 16:38] Prisylla: If he made it past that easily, then I start running forward and simply try and follow Jack
[2024/03/01 16:39] Sonja Bikergrrl: Another of the creatures takes a smack to the back of their head and falls flat on his face and lies soundless and motionless. The remaining two just fight harder.
[2024/03/01 16:39] Prisylla: I also glance at the guards laying on the ground as I run past. Are they obviously dead? Or just mysteriously sleeping or something?
[2024/03/01 16:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now you are up close - you don't see any blood or injuries. They do indeed appear to have fallen (literally) asleep.
[2024/03/01 16:40] Prisylla: keep running until I"m around a corner from the crazy green creatures
[2024/03/01 16:41] Prisylla: look behind me to make sure the dwarf is keeping up
[2024/03/01 16:41] Sonja Bikergrrl: Well, you don't have to go far for that. The sounds of fighting fade behind you, and the city stretches all around - clearly under some kind of spell, the only sounds and signs of life being the fight behind you.
[2024/03/01 16:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: Now what do you plan doing?
[2024/03/01 16:42] Prisylla: first, catch my breath
[2024/03/01 16:43] Mecha: Who is the dwarf?
[2024/03/01 16:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: (You, I think, but you're a human fighter?)
[2024/03/01 16:43] Prisylla: oop
[2024/03/01 16:43] Prisylla: no wonder there is confusion
[2024/03/01 16:43] Mecha: *Red head Muscle Mommy here*
[2024/03/01 16:44] Prisylla: I was thinking that the last person to sit in that chair was paying a dwarf
[2024/03/01 16:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: (Kylie is the dwarf, I'm sure. I'll ask the grue later.)
[2024/03/01 16:44] Prisylla: /me facepalms
[2024/03/01 16:45] Prisylla: for some reason I was just thinking of the chair position. Well, it dosn't really change our plan
[2024/03/01 16:45] Prisylla: Okay, did we all make it?
[2024/03/01 16:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: You all made it; you can see ahead of you a city square with a central fountain. There's another group of the small creatures there, six this time. From the streets around, you can see and hear bands of creatures - some small, some big and rather nastier looking! - going house to house, turning things upside down and clearly searching for something.
[2024/03/01 16:48] Prisylla: assuming we all made it, I'll remind them to *not* eat or drink anything we find in the city. Until we know why everyone is asleep, we need to be careful
[2024/03/01 16:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: A little further off - a tall building. Wyatts' tower, maybe?
[2024/03/01 16:48] Prisylla: Jack, you know any back-alley way to get to that tower? So we can avoid getting close to these creatures?
[2024/03/01 16:49] Prisylla: They seem pretty dumb, but I don't wanna test that too much yet
[2024/03/01 16:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: There's also bigger and nastier looking ones elsewhere. Just saying.
[2024/03/01 16:49] Jack: I do not, but allow me to do a recon (reconnisiance) by myself and see which is th ebest way
[2024/03/01 16:50] Jack: I can run faster so let it be me
[2024/03/01 16:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: Are you sure?
[2024/03/01 16:50] Mecha: If you run into trouble like that we can't help you
[2024/03/01 16:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: Rule #1: When Thy DM asks "Art Thou Sure?"... DON'T DO THE THING!
[2024/03/01 16:50] Prisylla: the old splitting-the-party problem
[2024/03/01 16:51] Prisylla: We will follow you, Jack, but at a short distance so our noise won't instantly give you away. We need to be close enough to help you iof things go wrong
[2024/03/01 16:52] Sonja Bikergrrl: you're going round the back streets?
[2024/03/01 16:52] Jack: I do not want to break away either, but someone has to check it out. We cannot assume it is there , the back alley way
[2024/03/01 16:52] Prisylla: if there are smaller roads leading to the tower, then yes. Avoid the areas the creatures are using
[2024/03/01 16:53] Sonja Bikergrrl: You're literally going to go into the areas the creatures are.
[2024/03/01 16:53] Prisylla: Obviously, if the creatures aren't using the main road for some reason ,then the main road is fine for us. but I was assuming any large road would be watched by the creatures
[2024/03/01 16:54] Prisylla: If they are *everywhere*, then we'll need a slightly different plan
[2024/03/01 16:54] Jack: We are already out numbered. Shall we just assume there is a path or alleyway to th etower
[2024/03/01 16:54] Sonja Bikergrrl: The city blocks are being searched, so... that might not be the best way if you want to avoid them. The city square is fairly clear, apart from the half dozen lurking by the fountain.
[2024/03/01 16:55] Prisylla: Are y'all ready to see a 7 charisma in action? I got a plan, and it is terrible
[2024/03/01 16:55] Sonja Bikergrrl: oh vey.
[2024/03/01 16:56] Mecha: Isn't there a dragon circling overhead as well?
[2024/03/01 16:56] Prisylla: if either of you have a good plan, speak up now, otherwise follow my lead. We've delayed too long as it is
[2024/03/01 16:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: I'm glad you remembered :) Yes. Way up high.
[2024/03/01 16:56] Prisylla: the dragon is part of my plan, sorta
[2024/03/01 16:58] Mecha: Following their lead
[2024/03/01 16:58] Jack: if my plan isn't the best option, I am willing to hear another option
[2024/03/01 16:58] Prisylla: /me plasters her sweetest smile on her face and approaches the creatures by the fountain, "Can you help us please? We were ordered by Sonja to search for tall houses. You wouldn't happen to know where any are, would you?"
[2024/03/01 16:59] Prisylla: /me keeps smiling like we are 100% on the same side
[2024/03/01 17:00] Sonja Bikergrrl: The creatures start nervously at the word "Sonja" and they all look around wildly. One glares at Prisylla. "'Ere... 'oo are you?"
[2024/03/01 17:01] Mecha: Since I am there I glare back."Oo are you? We gots work to do."
[2024/03/01 17:01] Prisylla: Beth. Surely you are expecting help, right? We're your reinforcements. Just leave that tall tower to us, and we'll let you get back to your job!"
[2024/03/01 17:03] Sonja Bikergrrl: "'Oo am I? 'Oo are you!?" snaps a creature, glaring at Mech. The other creatures look at Priscylla. "Yeah, but you ain't orks, is you? You look like humans!"
[2024/03/01 17:03] Prisylla: Hey! I have a skin disease! Don't be rude just because I'm not green!
[2024/03/01 17:04] Prisylla: /me pouts
[2024/03/01 17:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: The creatures back away. "Eww! Don't give us no skin dis ease! An' look owt... orks is coming!" One points.
[2024/03/01 17:05] Prisylla: If you don't wanna help, that's fine. My friends and I can find the tower on our own. Just don't get in our way, or the big boss might get mad
[2024/03/01 17:05] Prisylla: /me start walking boldly up to the tower like I am supposed to be there
[2024/03/01 17:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: (Careful... didn't they point and say "Orks is coming"?)
[2024/03/01 17:06] Prisylla: /me even if orcs approach, keep walking like I own the street and have no reason to hide
[2024/03/01 17:07] Prisylla: /me glance behind me to see if my friends are indeed backing me up on this
[2024/03/01 17:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: "OI!" shouts a deep gruff voice from behind. "You dere! Halt!"
[2024/03/01 17:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: I think you're in trouble.
[2024/03/01 17:08] Sonja Bikergrrl: But, that is all we got time for today... HOW much trouble you are in, well, that's this weeks' cliffhanger ;)
[2024/03/01 17:08] Prisylla: /me grumbles and turns around, "This better be good, you're slowing us down! Explain yourself!"
[2024/03/01 17:09] Prisylla: So guys ... how badly do you think I screwed us?
[2024/03/01 17:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: Good question... it started off well
[2024/03/01 17:09] Mecha: We will have to see wont we
[2024/03/01 17:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: but how badly? That's TBD :)
[2024/03/01 17:10] Prisylla: Just remember, we are orcs with skin disease. They won't want to get near us, then we can go into the tower withour being interrupted
[2024/03/01 17:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: alright, hope you had fun... same time next week, we find out ... what we find out ;)
[2024/03/01 17:11] Prisylla: If sonja asks them if the tower is being searched, they will say yes, and that might buy us more time
[2024/03/01 17:12] Prisylla: Besides, I have a god in a glass ball in my bag, I'm sure that's worth one miracle at some point. We got this
[2024/03/01 17:12] Prisylla: /me laughs
[2024/03/01 17:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: >.>
[2024/03/01 17:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: <.<
[2024/03/01 17:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: Prepare for the TPK.
[2024/03/01 17:12] Prisylla: or we all die horribly
[2024/03/01 17:13] Jack: I am glad I was able to remember where we left off at last week
[2024/03/01 17:14] Jack: Talk with you ladies tomorrow or next week
[2024/03/01 17:15] Prisylla: See you later
[2024/03/01 17:15] Sonja Bikergrrl: night y'all :)
[2024/03/01 17:15] Mecha: Have a good night everyone