The Adventure Begins

[2024/02/24 15:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie was invited to the conversation.
[2024/02/24 15:25] Jack: I is here
[2024/02/24 15:25] Prisylla: here
[2024/02/24 15:26] Kylie: here
[2024/02/24 15:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: right... we're all here, we can begin :)
[2024/02/24 15:27] Prisylla: We had four players before, so who did we add?
[2024/02/24 15:27] Kylie uses magic 8 ball to look like she knows what she is doing as well
[2024/02/24 15:28] Jack: Kai is new I believe, Prisylla
[2024/02/24 15:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: Quick recap: You all finally met in the stereotypical smokey tavern, and met Astrid the Cat Goddess, who has summoned you all on a mission of vital importance. You may recall she's sat quietly in a booth, drinking milk... I seem to recall Priscylla is drinking water.
[2024/02/24 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sapphire (Midnight) stands in for emily as she is away
[2024/02/24 15:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: and with that said... Gggggggggggrrrrreeeetings, Adventurers! Some players get awesome introductions to the game, you get the trope of meeting in the tavern.
[2024/02/24 15:30] Prisylla: start with the basics
[2024/02/24 15:30] Prisylla sips water and looks around
[2024/02/24 15:31] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: Looks around to see if you're all here. "Are you all here...?"
[2024/02/24 15:32] Prisylla: <--- wearing nun's robes, and clanks as she moves as if she's wearing metal armor underneath
[2024/02/24 15:32] Kylie: Stands around watching the taven thinking of ways to get the milk from the cat goddess
[2024/02/24 15:32] Prisylla: ((what is the basic description for the rest of you?))
[2024/02/24 15:33] Sapphire: Emily looks around the tavern, wearing a woolen cloak dyed with faded green. She double checks her pockets for the sealed letter she's been sent with. "Yes, honored Astrid. I bear a message from my teacher, addressed to you."
[2024/02/24 15:33] Jack: I am basically am a background observer
[2024/02/24 15:34] Kylie: Short dwarf wearing 2nd hand items that are humerously too big
[2024/02/24 15:34] Jack: figuring out what all you do , your tendencies
[2024/02/24 15:34] Mecha: Stands at the bar, having no idea what is going on
[2024/02/24 15:34] Jack: I fi recall during my last visit, I was at the end of th ebar
[2024/02/24 15:36] Jack: The first rond of drinks are on me, th estranger at the end of th ebar
[2024/02/24 15:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "There should be five of you, I think?"
[2024/02/24 15:38] Sapphire: Emily looks around the tavern, wearing a woolen cloak dyed with faded green. She double checks her pockets for the sealed letter she's been sent with. "Yes, honored Astrid. I bear a message from my teacher, addressed to you."
[2024/02/24 15:39] Sapphire: She nods. "I count five, yes."
[2024/02/24 15:39] Prisylla: I count 4, including the man who bought us a round
[2024/02/24 15:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "Excellent, come close, this is important and we must be careful, you don't know how close evil might be."
[2024/02/24 15:40] Kylie: /me jumps up and down trying to be noticed
[2024/02/24 15:40] Prisylla: /me points to herself, the archer-looking man, the green cloaked mage, and the dwarf
[2024/02/24 15:41] Jack: As I enjoy my beer, I still see these ladies parading through the tavern as interesting
[2024/02/24 15:42] Mecha: Looks at the crowd talking to Astrid."What did I walk into?"
[2024/02/24 15:42] Jack: and as such, I reserve any judgment
[2024/02/24 15:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "The situation is rather grave, I fear. A great evil being, Sonja y Ddraig Goch , has awoken and is threating our lands. I need you to go to the great wizard, Wyatt, to deal with this."
[2024/02/24 15:45] Prisylla: /me eyes go wide
[2024/02/24 15:45] Prisylla: I've never heard of this Sonja person before
[2024/02/24 15:46] Mecha: How evil are we talking, and is this even a person?
[2024/02/24 15:46] Prisylla: the gods are on my side, so I'm sure I can do this, but the rest of y'all might be screwed. No, I mean, I'll pray for us and protect you all as best I can!
[2024/02/24 15:46] Prisylla: /me smiles, trying to bring some levity
[2024/02/24 15:47] Sonja Bikergrrl: (Kylie, Jack, "emily"?)
[2024/02/24 15:48] Jack: I still am wondering what all these ladies are contamplatinf, they don't look evile, but are they?, I will keep a close eye on them
[2024/02/24 15:48] Kylie: (not sure what i am doing)
[2024/02/24 15:48] Sapphire: (( is Wyatt my master? ))
[2024/02/24 15:48] Sonja Bikergrrl: (No.)
[2024/02/24 15:49] Sapphire: "Us?" She looks around. "I yet remain a mere apprentice. How am I to stand against a great evil?"
[2024/02/24 15:49] Sonja Bikergrrl: (each of you is out "on your own" as you will)
[2024/02/24 15:49] Prisylla: ((Kai, a cat lady just declared that she wants you to help fight a great evil. You can react with zeal if you are the crusading type, or skepticism, or greed, or whatever else feels right to you))
[2024/02/24 15:50] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "It's always the way that a great evil is defeated by the humble and the good. But come, time is pressing, we must get to Wyatt. You're all ready and equipped to venture forth?"
[2024/02/24 15:51] Kylie: /me "This is making the hairs on my tail stand up" Looks for a place to hide from the evel Sonja.
[2024/02/24 15:52] Jack: This is getting a bit hairy, let me find a table in the back
[2024/02/24 15:55] Prisylla: I'm ready, but ... I sense that you were expecting more help. Why the secrecy? Why not just ask for help openly?
[2024/02/24 15:56] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "And alert Sonja and over evil forces?"
[2024/02/24 15:56] Mecha: /me comes closer. Not entirely sure she is part of this, and listens in
[2024/02/24 15:56] Sapphire: "You predict Wyatt will be able to keep us safe?"
[2024/02/24 15:57] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "Wyatt will know what to do. He keeps the Dreamstone, a powerful artifact, that prevents Sonja from taking over the world. But she has designs on getting the Dreamstone for her own ends, I fear, that may involve her becoming the Mistress of the Universe."
[2024/02/24 15:59] Prisylla: /me nods in understanding, "I see. Wyatt can't leave his home undefended. You need people who have never done anything noteworthy so that we won't be watched
[2024/02/24 16:00] Prisylla: In that case, I will refrain from preaching to this whole bar full of people to come with us
[2024/02/24 16:00] Prisylla: /me laughs
[2024/02/24 16:00] Prisylla: but ... maybe we should at least recruit the sneakiet looking guy in here?
[2024/02/24 16:01] Prisylla: /me points to the man with the bow
[2024/02/24 16:01] Jack: (Looking around for volunteers)
[2024/02/24 16:02] Mecha: A tall muscle Mommy with firey red hair and freckles steps up."You looking for volunteers for whatever this is?"
[2024/02/24 16:02] Kylie: Offers to volunteer
[2024/02/24 16:03] Prisylla: ((oh dear god, "muscle mommy" is the best short description I've seen yet))
[2024/02/24 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "Excellent, looks like you're ready. We should go now, we can talk on the way to Wyatt."
[2024/02/24 16:04] Jack: Before you ladies go running off, have another drink on me
[2024/02/24 16:06] Prisylla: /me puts on her most winning smile, "Why thank you! But ... how much have you overheard?"
[2024/02/24 16:06] Sonja Bikergrrl: ("emily"?)
[2024/02/24 16:06] Jack: If you are gonna go all out helping Wyatt, do it merrily
[2024/02/24 16:06] Sapphire: "Just a light ale, pleas.e"
[2024/02/24 16:07] Sapphire: She eyes this powerful redhead ad the sneaky man coming up, trying to take their measure.
[2024/02/24 16:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "We should keep clear heads and get moving!"
[2024/02/24 16:08] Mecha: Finishes her current drink and nods."Good call."
[2024/02/24 16:09] Prisylla: /me walks closer to him, still smiling as bright and innocent as only an 18 year old nun can. Right up until she is within arms reach, and tries to grab his ear, "I think you've heard too much, surely you aren't gonna let this group of ladies travel alone?" she asks quietly into his ear
[2024/02/24 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: d20 to grab his ear...
[2024/02/24 16:10] Prisylla: yay, 12
[2024/02/24 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: You grab his ear!
[2024/02/24 16:12] Prisylla: /me squeezes it hard, like the meanest of old nuns, but still keeps a smile plastered on her face, "This journey is supposed to be a secret! If you overheard, then it must mean you are fated to come with us. Riiight?"
[2024/02/24 16:13] Prisylla: /me her sweet innocent smile looks more forced by the minute
[2024/02/24 16:14] Sapphire: Any visible weapons on the guy or the redhead?
[2024/02/24 16:14] Prisylla: ((did I totally misread you, Jack? It sounded like you were gonna let us travel without you))
[2024/02/24 16:15] Jack: Sorry, I had a RL call
[2024/02/24 16:15] Prisylla: ((Jack had a shortsword and bow in his original description last week, Alicia hasn't mentioned weapons yet))
[2024/02/24 16:15] Mecha: Can only chuckle as she watches this. her warhammer at her side
[2024/02/24 16:15] Jack: Gotta have a firearm as a
[2024/02/24 16:17] Jack: I am on th etravle train with you ladies
[2024/02/24 16:17] Jack: I had a RL call to answer
[2024/02/24 16:17] Prisylla: Great, glad to hear it!
[2024/02/24 16:18] Kylie: I have a short bow and an axe
[2024/02/24 16:18] Sapphire: "I'd be glad to have strong folk ready to help protect me... us."
[2024/02/24 16:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: Rises and dusts herself off, vanishes her now empty glass of milk. "Are we all ready, then...?"
[2024/02/24 16:19] Prisylla: /me looks ready to travel as well, projecting complete faith despite barely knowing what's going on, "Ready! We'll be able to forage for food along the way, right?"
[2024/02/24 16:19] Mecha: /me nods.Then looks at the nun. "I like you."
[2024/02/24 16:20] Sapphire: Emily simply nods.
[2024/02/24 16:20] Prisylla: Thanks, I like you as well! One way or another, the divine will show us a way. We just have to be smart enough to see it when the time comes
[2024/02/24 16:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "Excellent, we better get going." She flips up her hood, draws her cloak about her and strides out of the tavern.
[2024/02/24 16:21] Jack: You ladies lead the way
[2024/02/24 16:22] Prisylla: /me follows her out, remembering at the last minute to look around the tavern and see if anyone reacts strangely to their sudden departure.
[2024/02/24 16:23] Prisylla: ((Do I see anyone staring at us and trying to hide it? Or anyone looking at us then writing something? Anything suspicious like that?))
[2024/02/24 16:24] Sonja Bikergrrl: No one reacts to your departure particularly, but, once you're outside, you realize you got much bigger problems...
[2024/02/24 16:24] Sapphire: Emily already has her hood up, and moves to follow.
[2024/02/24 16:24] Prisylla: /me focuses her attention outside
[2024/02/24 16:25] Jack: Since this is my first venture with you ladies and our mission is a tall order, how would you like for me to help?
[2024/02/24 16:26] Sonja Bikergrrl: Outside, waiting with an air of infinite patience, is a HUGE red dragon, smoke issuing from her jaws as she sits and waits, in a vaguely cat-like manner, drumming a huge claw on the ground. She's easily about a hundred feet in size. Astrid: "Oh no! It's Sonja y Ddraig Goch! Careful, now!"
[2024/02/24 16:26] Mecha: Steps outside."By the way the names Tranzen." She pauses and looks at what is in front of them
[2024/02/24 16:27] Prisylla: /me sweats profusely
[2024/02/24 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja: SNORTS with derision. In a deep, deep, loud voice: "What is this, Astrid? Summoning a party of adventurers to oppose me? Is this the best you can do? These are not worth my time!"
[2024/02/24 16:27] Sapphire: Is the dragon.... ah, they -are- looking at us.
[2024/02/24 16:27] Sapphire: Emily pales and shivers under the dragons powerful glare.
[2024/02/24 16:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: Astrid: "Sonja, do not gloat so soon... My Adventurers will defeat you."
[2024/02/24 16:28] Prisylla: /me takes a deep breath while making a silent prayer
[2024/02/24 16:29] Jack: "I see the odds are in our favor Sonja"
[2024/02/24 16:29] Mecha: Tranzen gives Astrid a side eye." In for a penny, in for a pounding." She mutters as she draws her hammer
[2024/02/24 16:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: Sonja: "I have you in my power now!" Sonja mutters some Words of Power and Astrid vanishes, replaced by a small glowing blue orb in her claws. "You are foolish to put your faith in these adventurers... I'll show you!" Then rather louder, to the party: "Adventurers! Pah! You are pathetic and truely not worth my time! I shall leave you to my minions. Tread lightly, adventurers... for my minions are legion. And soon I'll have the Dreamstone, and I'll be Mistress of the Universe!" She laughs uproariously. "BWAH HAH HA!!!"
[2024/02/24 16:30] Kylie: /me stands behind the nun
[2024/02/24 16:31] Sapphire: Emily is still quaking in her slippers, looking around for these 'minions'
[2024/02/24 16:31] Mecha: Um excuse me!
[2024/02/24 16:32] Sonja Bikergrrl: With a contemptuous and slightly amused snort, the great red dragon flaps her wings and takes off, nearly bowling you over with the wind caused by her flight as she rises up and flies away. The small blue orb? That lands in the dirt with a little -thud-, apparantly forgotten or overlooked. (It looks important, you may want to keep that.)
[2024/02/24 16:32] Jack: She's a rather confident confident gal is she? Over ocnfident is more like it
[2024/02/24 16:32] Mecha: She rides a dragon. I think she gets to be confident
[2024/02/24 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: well, being the most powerful creature about....
[2024/02/24 16:33] Sonja Bikergrrl: uhm... she IS the dragon :P
[2024/02/24 16:33] Prisylla: Sonja IS the dragon!
[2024/02/24 16:33] Prisylla: /me runs to snatch up the blue orb
[2024/02/24 16:34] Mecha: *Misread that sorry*
[2024/02/24 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: well... that escalated fast.
[2024/02/24 16:34] Prisylla: Hey, Astrid, are you in there? You left out some important information!
[2024/02/24 16:34] Sonja Bikergrrl: The orb swirls... but no answer is forthcoming.
[2024/02/24 16:37] Sonja Bikergrrl: (Getting a bit late - round of last posts from everyone?)
[2024/02/24 16:37] Prisylla: /me looks so mad and tramatized for a moment, "this is the kind of slapdash planning I'd expect of an idiot person, not a godlike being. Does anyone know where Wyatt lives? I'm already farther away from home than I've ever been"
[2024/02/24 16:38] Sapphire: Emily looks around, starting to sweat from their brow as they check behind and around for incoming minions.
[2024/02/24 16:38] Kylie: /me shakes her axe at the dragons wings from getting too close to her personal space
[2024/02/24 16:38] Prisylla: /me looks at Emily, belatedly realizing why she's so nervous
[2024/02/24 16:39] Jack: I hear it is the home on the hill miles down the road. Should we pay him a visit?
[2024/02/24 16:39] Prisylla: We gotta get moving fast. We haven't been found by the minions yet, but they will be here soon, no doubt
[2024/02/24 16:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: I got work tomorrow, so... don't want to run too late, and, this seems like a good place for a cliffhanger
[2024/02/24 16:40] Sonja Bikergrrl: Next... you get to find Wyatt and dodge minions. I'm sure you'll be fine ;)
[2024/02/24 16:41] Prisylla: Alright. Lacking a better plan, I'm following Jack to Wyatt's house while holding the orb in one hand and ready to draw my mace with the other if I need it
[2024/02/24 16:41] Jack: Is that home on the hill really Wyatt's? Or are we destined to fall into a tra
[2024/02/24 ?
[2024/02/24 16:42] Jack: trap/
[2024/02/24 16:42] Mecha: We will have to find out next week. Same D&D time, Same D&D channel :)
[2024/02/24 16:42] Sonja Bikergrrl: (you'll find Wyatt in the city Caerdydd, about an hours' walk east.)
[2024/02/24 16:42] Sapphire: Wizard manors might have all sorts of wild traps
[2024/02/24 16:42] Jack: the 3-5pm Sl timeslot, correct?
[2024/02/24 16:42] Prisylla: ((Only an hour away? That's better news than I thought))
[2024/02/24 16:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: Of course... you may find getting -in- to Caerdydd a bit .... difficult ;)
[2024/02/24 16:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: 3-5pm SLT Saturday, yes
[2024/02/24 16:43] Prisylla: I'm sure I can charm my way in
[2024/02/24 16:43] Sonja Bikergrrl: the start of the first adventure is always a little simple/railroady
[2024/02/24 16:43] Jack: Pencil me in, I hope I am catching on well for you all
[2024/02/24 16:43] Prisylla: /me smiles again in a not-at-all sinister way
[2024/02/24 16:44] Sonja Bikergrrl: but stick with it... get into it, and... it's all up to you where you go, what you do.
[2024/02/24 16:45] Prisylla: The quest to save the world is a fine way to start. Once you've played through that trope, you can start breaking the system
[2024/02/24 16:45] Prisylla: /me giggles
[2024/02/24 16:45] Sonja Bikergrrl: Mecha/Alicia does that enough...
[2024/02/24 16:46] Sapphire: /me smiles wide
[2024/02/24 16:46] Mecha: I try