The Adventure Begins

[2024/02/17 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: emily was invited to the conversation.
[2024/02/17 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie was invited to the conversation.
[2024/02/17 16:04] Sonja Bikergrrl: Prisylla was invited to the conversation.
[2024/02/17 16:05] Jack: all present
[2024/02/17 16:05] Sonja Bikergrrl: /me cracks her knuckles and gets ready to get to it.
[2024/02/17 16:07] Prisylla: please don't kill us all. I just got Goblin Slayer vibes from you
[2024/02/17 16:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: Grrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeettings, Adventurers! Welcome to the game, I hope you have fun. It's a tropy beginning, but you have all been summoned by none other than the great Cat Goddess, Astrid herself, on important business. The game begins with you outside an inn, a half hour distance from the capital city, called "Stagger Inn".
[2024/02/17 16:07] Sonja Bikergrrl: What do you do?
[2024/02/17 16:08] Prisylla: look around at who is near me
[2024/02/17 16:08] Jack: I will be out of sight and out of mind, as a thief would do
[2024/02/17 16:09] Sonja Bikergrrl: You're all together, outside the inn, the waggons of the caravan that brought you here disappearing along the trail.
[2024/02/17 16:09] Prisylla: What do your characters look like? Other than the hiding thief, I mean
[2024/02/17 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: emily, Kylie, what do you think you should do?
[2024/02/17 16:10] Sonja Bikergrrl: you got a dwarf in chain mail... someone in robes, and a shy guy in leather. And you, in plate mail.
[2024/02/17 16:11] Kylie: Hail transport to town
[2024/02/17 16:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: Nothing coming... might want to wait in the inn and see if Astrid shows
[2024/02/17 16:12] Prisylla: Did Astrid summon us to this very inn?
[2024/02/17 16:12] Prisylla: or did she summon us to the capital city?
[2024/02/17 16:12] Sonja Bikergrrl: "Meet me at the Stagger Inn, there are grave matters to discuss". She probably could've gone into more detail, but, that's deities for you.
[2024/02/17 16:13] Prisylla: gotcha
[2024/02/17 16:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: emily?
[2024/02/17 16:13] emily: yes
[2024/02/17 16:13] Sonja Bikergrrl: what do you plan doing? :)
[2024/02/17 16:14] Prisylla: /me the woman in black and white robes clinks as she walks, touching her holy symbol fervently as she strides inside
[2024/02/17 16:14] Sonja Bikergrrl: Priscylla: roll d20, must roll over 10.
[2024/02/17 16:14] Prisylla: nope
[2024/02/17 16:15] Prisylla: if that was a spot check, I saw nothing
[2024/02/17 16:15] emily: ((still getting to grips with this so true apologies if i am not up to speed))
[2024/02/17 16:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: A 4. You stride in, but the floor is a little lower than expected, and you stumble and stagger. The patrons of the inn look round and laugh, the barkeeper cheerfully makes another tally mark on a board over the bar. "Ha Ha! Got another. Free beer for that woman, step right up, lady!"
[2024/02/17 16:16] Sonja Bikergrrl: (This is a learning experience!)
[2024/02/17 16:17] Prisylla: /me pouts at first, but smiles and tries to regather her wits upon seeing people aren't being too cruel about it, "Thank you sir, but I'll just have a water"
[2024/02/17 16:17] Sonja Bikergrrl: The barkeeper pauses. "Just a water? You sure, lady? It's on the 'ouse!"
[2024/02/17 16:18] Sonja Bikergrrl: Kylie, Jack, emily - intentions?
[2024/02/17 16:18] Prisylla: I'm supposed to be meeting someone, and I don't want to be drunk for my first immpresion
[2024/02/17 16:19] emily: I look around the room eyes slighty squinted taking it all in to ee who is lurking in corners before i walk in kowing there is no danger here
[2024/02/17 16:19] Jack: I have would have to say this ia learning experience
[2024/02/17 16:19] Prisylla: /me mutters, "I'd also rather not trip for my first impression, but I guess we're past that"
[2024/02/17 16:19] Sonja Bikergrrl: The barkeeper nods and slides a half pint glass of water over, and starts to quaff the ale he pulled for you. "Who you looking for, lady?"
[2024/02/17 16:19] emily: "I will have a drink...something spicy"
[2024/02/17 16:19] Jack: Sittingh at the end og the bar quite but deep in thought, not allowing myself to expose myself
[2024/02/17 16:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: emily: You see what looks like farmers and local peasants, enjoying tankards of ale. A figure in a cloak sits in an alcove.
[2024/02/17 16:20] Sonja Bikergrrl: "Something spicy... a mulled wine? Lady?" asks the barkeeper
[2024/02/17 16:21] Kylie: Since everyone is getting a drink looks for a lower bar stool
[2024/02/17 16:21] Prisylla: I try to politely ignore the bartender's question, since I don't know if "I'm meeting a god" would sound crazy or not. I look around. Do I see any sign of the goddess here already?
[2024/02/17 16:21] emily: a smile wiry smiles creeps across my face as i see the figure- " yes the mulled wine will be fine".....i walk over to the figure and look down...."Still not keeping those shoes clean" i say
[2024/02/17 16:21] Sonja Bikergrrl: You see a figure in a hooded robe in one quiet alcove.
[2024/02/17 16:21] Jack: Keeping a distance but overseeing what is in view
[2024/02/17 16:22] Sonja Bikergrrl: The barkeeper nods, pours out a rich coloured red wine into a glass, and places it before emily
[2024/02/17 16:22] emily: my hand reaches out and i take the drink without looking
[2024/02/17 16:23] Sonja Bikergrrl: As you watch, it becomes clear the figure in robes is drinking from a glass of milk.
[2024/02/17 16:23] emily: i sip my drink look again - at the figure...."not speaking go your tongue?" as my smile widens
[2024/02/17 16:24] Prisylla: Any sign that the person in the hooded robe is who we're here to meet? Anything I learned at church help me identify a holy omen or something?
[2024/02/17 16:24] Prisylla: wait, she's drinking milk? That's even weirder than me drinking water
[2024/02/17 16:24] Prisylla: ha
[2024/02/17 16:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: The figure in the robes tosses back her hood. Given the feline ears and whiskers, this is clearly Astrid the Cat Goddess. "Ah, adventurers! You've made it, come, sit with me, there is an urgent matter at hand that I need your help with."
[2024/02/17 16:25] Sonja Bikergrrl: And... since I love stopping on a cliff-hanger... exactly what the problem is, will keep to next week :)
[2024/02/17 16:25] Jack: Finding things rather odd at the end of the bar, but processing what he sees in front of him
[2024/02/17 16:25] emily: I look around and check to see if anyone is watching and take a seat
[2024/02/17 16:25] Prisylla: Oh! I apologize for staring, it is good to meet you!
[2024/02/17 16:26] Prisylla: /me awkwardly sit with her, feeling silly for not recognizing her faster
[2024/02/17 16:26] Prisylla: Okay, so we met the cat goddess
[2024/02/17 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Next time, we'll be jumping straight into it. I'll put the log on the site, so you can have a reminder.
[2024/02/17 16:27] emily: thank you
[2024/02/17 16:27] Prisylla: Out of curiosity, is the cat goddess MY goddess? Or is she just the 'quest giver' in all this?
[2024/02/17 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: welcome, I do hope you have fun with this
[2024/02/17 16:27] emily: ((it took me a moment to realize what i had to do))
[2024/02/17 16:27] Sonja Bikergrrl: Not necessarily, Priscylla; there's lots of god(dess)es
[2024/02/17 16:28] Sonja Bikergrrl: she's merely the "quest giver" and... well, you'll see :)
[2024/02/17 16:29] Sonja Bikergrrl: (As for exact gods, up to you to pick one, if you need to)
[2024/02/17 16:29] Kylie: thanks
[2024/02/17 16:29] emily: thank you
[2024/02/17 16:30] Sonja Bikergrrl: okay... the long part is creating the characters, but we did that, next week... well. I like surprising others. See you next week! :D
[2024/02/17 16:30] Jack: My role is to be clever, low profile, not stand out like a sore thumb